Chapter 11: A Visit

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Lets have the spotlight change from Jay to my murderous boy Krilly for a chapter :)

Once quiet took over the streets again a figure stepped out from their hiding spot in a thick brush of trees and shrubs. Alex managed to escape with his life having not planned for Brian to attack him. His original plan was to just set fire to Tim's house and get as far away as possible but Brian ruined it.

He lets out a frustrated sigh before looking for a place to sleep for the night but he knew the police will be after him now. It would be impossible now to sleep in a building. Then a plan came to his mind, its risk but will probably work with is 'friend' by his side.

The mentally unstable man then rushed to gather some needed supplies for this plan. He ran through Rosswood park before finding his old fort when this all started in college. The fort was just an abandoned shack he found one day while set hunting.

Thankfully he still had his stuff inside. He then rushed around grabbing seemingly random items but if you watch any crime shows you would know what they were. Rope, duck tape, a knife, and emergency zip ties.

Once he had all the items he calmly walked back to the hospital. As Alex walked street lights flickered off only to turn back on once he passed by but always kept him in the blanket of darkness. He soon reached the hospital and watched the lights flicker off along with the cameras. He took this as his cue to easily brake in and that he did.

Everyone inside where on the floor ether passed out or in the middle of seizures that would lead to them passing out. Alex though walked calmly checking every room for his pray. Soon he found the right room and entered soundlessly.

There was Jay passed out and covered in bandages that covered his healing burns. Alex smiled to himself and easily tied Jay's hand and feet together with the rope and got Jay out of the hospital and to his old fort.

Too bad only one person saw him do this act, on film as well.

It may be short but I tried making it as creepy as possible.

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