Chapter 7

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I was exhausted by the night came. Pete's room had a giant king bed that I could share with him. I was sleeping great until I had a nightmare that the papparazzi found out who I really was and had forced Pete to leave me behind. I shuddered and sat up. Pete rolled over.

"What? What happened?"

"It's nothing... Just a nightmare."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. "You're ok."

I curled up against his warm body and fell asleep again. No nightmares this time.


When I woke up Pete was gone and I was snuggling with Hemmingway. Nothing beats waking up next to a drooling bulldog in the morning.

I sang to Hemmingway while I scratched his ears. I was starting to miss home a little. I wondered how my mom would react to me dating Pete. She hated him.

"Hes creepy." She'd always tell me. "Don't bring anyone like that home, with tattoos and guyliner and skinny pants."

I didn't care. I'd always reply with the same thing. "Maybe I won't bring him home but he can take me with him."

I never thought it would actually happen though. She was probably taking advantage of my absence to clear the walls of posters. I hope she would at least leave up my P!ATD posters. She has nothing against Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, or Spencer Smith. I hope. I got up and took a shower. It felt weird doing something normal in a crazy life. I spent an hour on my hair, trying to get it to at least stay down. I walked out into the living area of the suite to find Jillian and Tonia talking about something.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Tonia said. I let out a groan. "Didn't sleep good?" "Not really." She stuck out her lower lip in a pout.

"So what are you guys talking about?"

"I'm asking her whether or not Patrick asked her to tour with us yet." Jillian replied.

Tonia looked a little down. "Not yet. Im afraid to ask."

"He'll ask you," I assured her. "Don't worry about it."

"Did Pete ask you?"

I nodded.

"What did you say?"

"Yes." I smiled.

"YES!" Jillian shouted. "I won't be the only girl on the tour!"

I smiled again and went to make some coffee.

"So where are the guys?"

"No idea. They were gone when we woke up."

"So they're MIA?"

"Looks like it."


Ten mintues later, all four of the guys plus Dirty and a mystery girl busted in.

"WE BOUGHT BREAKFAST!!!" Dirty screamed. They dumped a giant bag filled with bagels and donuts on the counter. My eyes widened. Everything looked amazing.

"Did you sleep ok last night after you woke up?" Pete asked.

"Yeah. I really enjoyed waking up next to a slobbery dog."

He laughed. "Wasn't me that put him in there. He does it on his own."

I got out a blueberry bagel and devoured it.

"Somebody's hungry." Andy muttered. I shot him an angry look and crinkled my nose at him. "Oh I'm so scared!" He joked with his hands in the air.

"And you wonder why you don't have a girlfriend!" I teased.

"What do you guys want to do on our last day in New York?" Patrick asked from the couch where he and Tonia were sitting.

"Sight seeing?" Jillian asked.

"Too risky."



"How about a chariot ride through the city?" I suggested. "We could wear glasses and stuff."

"Sounds good to me." Patrick said. "As long as I get to sit next to Tonia." He said looking at her. She blushed.

"Chariot ride it is." Pete said. He opened the door, his arm wrapped around me. Five papparazzi popped out and snapped a picture of us. This was not good.




Listen, I know I haven't updated in like a million years, and for that I'm so sorry! This fanfiction was my very first and I had originally posted the chapters on instagram. All the chapters are previously written and the fanfiction was completed like two years ago! I just have to remember to post them from now on.

Thank you all so much for continuing to read this fic and voting for me I truly appreciate it.

I will definetly update more frequently, I PROMISE!!

Love you all,


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