Chapter 13

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Pete's POV: Cricket was the very first girl I had ever said "I love you." to. I was glad I had waited to say it to her. A sense of relief washed over me when she said it back. Not a lot of people can love such a personality like mine. Thirteen year olds have posters of me on their walls, but what does that say about me? I was just as good as Justin Beiber. These are only some of the thoughts that float around in my twisted and busy mind. The damn thing never shuts off. I think back to when I tried to force it to. I could've taken one more pill, and not have to had dealed with all this shit. But then I wouldn't have met Cricket. I remember her scars and think about all the people our music has saved. If I had swallowed that pill, if I had made that one, small mistake, plenty of others would suffer from it. I no longer regretted not being dead. The incident was in the past, something I never want to look back on again. I tighten my grip on her and kiss her again. No one was going to die because of me, and I was glad.

"Babe?" Cricket's voice shot into my thoughts.


"You had a lost look on your face... You ok?"

I nodded my head. "Just thinking."

She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the kitchen where she immediately made a cup of coffee. Then she proceded to dump a full five packets of sugar and a whole ton of milk into it. Damn, I love this girl.


Cricket's POV: I followed my usual morning routine, making a nice cup of coffee, with alot of sugar of course. I could hear Pete laughing at me over the loud sound of the Tassimo.

"Don't judge me!" I said to him sipping my sweet coffee as he grinned at me.

"I'm not... Do you want some coffee with that sugar?"

I shoved him playfully. "What time's the concert again?"

"Starts at seven...I think."

"You don't even know what time your own concert is?"

"We've had so many fricken shows I'm incapable of even knowing anything about any of the concerts. It just doesn't happen for me."

I giggled and pulled him over to the couch. I snuggled up against him and turned the TV to Friends re-runs. He proceeded to laugh at me again.

"This show is so old." He complained.

"But it's so funny!"

I heard a door open. Joe's head popped out from it. "Are you watching Friends?!" He turned his head back into the room. "JILLIAN GET UP FRIENDS IS ON!!!" He ran over, jumped over the back of the couch and plopped down. He smiled at me. "I love this show."

"Really? I couldn't have possibly guessed that." I said sarcastically.

Pete stood up. "I'm gonna go get something at Starbucks. Anyone want anything?"

I shook my head and stood up and hugged him. "Be safe and don't get in any fights!"

"That might've been some good advice last time." I rolled my eyes and went back to the couch. Today was going to be a good day, whether god wants it to be or not.


Turns out god had other plans for my day. First, I spilled coffee everywhere when Joe made me laugh. Then, I broke my phone because of the coffee I spilled on my lap. The icing on the cake was that Pete didn't come back twenty minutes later, a half hour later, or even an hour later.

"Where's the closest Starbucks?" I asked Joe worriedly.

"Uh, like ten minutes away?"

My heart rate sped up a little bit. I felt like I was reading THROAM*. "He should be back by now. I'm going to look for him."

I went downstairs, dressed in a loose-fitting hoodie and sunglasses that hid my eyes. Our driver took me to the Starbucks. He wasn't there. I texted Pete. 'Where r u? U better not b doing anything you shouldn't... Luv u. TXT ME.' After ten minutes and no reply I began to worry.

"Take me back to the hotel I guess..." I said to the driver. He nodded. "You dont say much do you?" I asked him.

"I'm not paid to talk, m'am." He replied. I laughed.

I walked into the hotel without any paparazzi there to greet me. When I got back to the room Joe and Jillian were still on the couch watching tv. Jillian groaned. "I'm so laaaazzzzyyyy!" Joe laughed and pulled her into his arms.

"No sign of Pete?" I asked them.


Tonia and Patrick were in the kitchen, kissing. I guess Patrick wasn't protecting his good guy image any more.

"GET A ROOM." I yelled at them rolling my eyes.

They quickly pulled apart, shocked. They both blushed. I turned away and went to our room. I looked out the window and saw Pete, just sitting in the pool, alone. I grabbed my shoes and stormed out to get him.

"What the hell are you doing?" I snapped at him.

"Oh, hey." He said, not even bothering to turn around.

"You know how paranoid I am. Why didn't you text me back? I've been having a panic attack!"

"I don't know."

"Did you even go to Starbucks?"

"Yeah like two hours ago."

"Why are you out here?" I sat down next to him.

"I don't know. I just needed a break I guess. Some scary things have been going down in my head. I don't want you around when they get out."

I wrapped my arm around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. "Babe, you know I will always be right here for you. I know what you're going through and trust me, it gets better ok?"

He smiled a little. He pulled me up and we went back to the room. Joe and Jillian were laughing, Patrick and Tonia were kissing, Andy was reading, and me and Pete were together again. Things were finally normal.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: *THROAM stands for The Heart Rate of A Mouse which is a Panic! at the Disco fanfiction (more specifically Ryden) which is basically the fanfic of all fanfics. It's fantastic and it was even published into three books. If you haven't read it, I recommend you read it ASAP because it is the very reason why I like writing fanfiction! It is very R rated so be careful if you are a young one :) love you guys thanks for the comments and thanks for reading <3

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