Chapter 20

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We were too busy making out to notice that the limo had stopped. Suddenly the door burst open and light flooded in on us.

"WHOA." Jillian said.

Pete quickly rolled off of me and sat up. Tonia came up behind Jillian.

"Why are you guys on the floor? And did a raccoon attack your hair or something?"

I looked at Pete and laughed. His hair was messed up too. There was lipstick stains all over him.

"We just really wanted to see you. We were worried." Jillian explained. "I probably should've knocked...."

I laughed again. "It's fine. We weren't doing anything right, Pete?"

He shook his head with a troublesome grin. He scooted himself out of the limo and put his shirt back on. He reached for my hand and helped me out onto the sidewalk. He reached back in and handed me my crutches.

"Where's Joe and Patrick?" I asked.

"They're up in the room, working on the music to some song."

Pete's eyes lit up.

"You girls go do something girly. I'm going to go help them." He turned to me. "I'll see you later." He kissed me and ran into the hotel.

I couldn't wait to hear the new song. I had a feeling it was going to be great. They all are. "Well," I said. "What girly things do us girls want to do?"

Jillian and Tonia looked at each other, than at me. I had figured what they were going to say. "SHOPPING."


We tore up every store on the Champs Elyesses. I found it ironic that there were Clandestine bats on the dressing rooms in a few stores. Folie á Deux was extremely popular in France. I was surprised there weren't any papparazzi struggling to take my picture. Maybe news hadn't reached Europe yet. We decided to go into a roxy store, a store way more affordable than the Prada and Gucci stores in Paris.

I was looking at a pair of headphones when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a girl around thirteen staring at me.

"I knew it." She said in a French accent.

"Uh, hi." I said as friendly as I could. "Do you need something?"

"Um, yes! I'm Chloe! Do you think maybe I could get a picture with you?"

I looked up and saw a women who I presumed was her mother smiling at me. "Uh sure? What do you want a picture with me for?"

"You're Pete Wentz's girlfriend! Who wouldn't want a picture with a celebrity?"

I set my crutches down and faced the camera and smiled as it flashed, although I was completely shocked. How could a little kid just recognize me like that? Just out of the blue? I was confused and my head began to hurt. I went and found Tonia and Jillian.

"Let's go."

We walked back to the hotel. I was exhausted by the time I got into the room. Patrick was strumming something on his guitar that made me even more tired. Pete was scratching something off on a notepad. I was too tired to even say hi to them. I trudged straight to bed, and nearly tossed my crutches across the room. When I closed my eyes I kept seeing a camera flash. It didn't bug me anymore. I fell asleep feeling a little worried that it didn't.


Pete's POV- I was surprised that Cricket didn't even say goodnight to me. I wondered if she was mad at me or something. I continued to work on the lyrics to a song we were working on, scratching off almost every other line. Writing good songs sure takes a hell of a lot of time. Patrick's voice sounds perfect with any song I write, so that makes things a little easier I guess. The guy is a musical genius. He plays like a million and one instruments and can hit almost any note you throw at him. He blows my mind sometimes.

Everyone was going to go out and grab a drink. I couldnt leave Cricket behind. I told the guys I was calling it a night, and went to bed. I walked into our room and saw Cricket, passed out right smack-dab in the middle of the bed. I bit my lip to hold back a laugh. I guessed she had thrown her crutches because there was a big dent in the wall. I'd get our manager to pay for the damages.

I took of my hoodie and crawled into bed next to her. I gently pulled her over to me so I could hold onto her. I needed her more than I needed anything else, except air of course. She was the other half of my heart, my missing puzzle piece, my rock. I wanted her there forever, to keep me strong and balanced. I don't want to lose her like I had lost so many others. They hadn't meant as much to me. I'm going to propose, and no one is going to stop me.

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