Chapter 21

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I woke up feeling like crap, and looking like crap too. My hair was sticking up in every direction, my clothes wrinkled, bags under my eyes. Pete turned over to face me, looking as perfect as always. His black hair was messed up, but in a cute way. I was the luckiest girl in the world. I smiled at the thought that of all the people and celebrities Pete could have, he chose me.

"What are you smiling at?" Pete asked groggily.

"You." I said, reaching out to tap his nose. He smiled back. "Don't look at me!" I put my arms in front of my face. "You're going to be blinded by the ugliness!"

He reached over and pulled my arms down from my face. "You look perfect." He pulled me down into a kiss that I wished would last forever. "Can you believe that we only have one day left before we have to begin the tour?" He asked me.

I had completely forgotten. It had seemed like just yesterday we had arrived at the airport, and now we were about to get back into the craziness and crowds. "Wow. I forgot. We have to do something special tomorrow then." I said.

He grinned. "I have something planned."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Should I be scared?"

He rolled his eyes and pulled me into another kiss. I wonder what he had planned. Whatever it is, I bet it'll be great. As long as he and I are together, I'm happy.


I stayed home for the rest of the day. I was a bit disappointed to find that Pete, Patrick, Joe, and Andy were going out to meet up with some French guy in charge of the European Tour. Tonia tagged along with Patrick. The two were pretty much inseparable now. Not a second passed when the weren't in each others arms or holding each other hands. I decided not to go. Tour stuff didn't interest me. I'd rather watch movies and stuff my face with food with Jillian. We watched Live in Denver three times, screaming "JON THE BELLS!" and "JAZZ HANDS!" at the TV every time.

I managed to eat all the goldfish we had, and when we ran out I sent the manager out to get more. I hate being waited on, but when it comes to my goldfish, I'm pretty damn serious. That's how the rest of the day went, being lazy as hell and fangirling over Brendon Urie. The guys got home around eight that night. To apologize for being gone all day Pete took me out to get a McFlurry from McDonalds. Celebrities live the good life and only buy the best things the world has to offer, you know.

We sat in a booth in the corner of the restaurant and slowly ate our ice cream together. I got ice cream on the tip of my nose when I had too much on my spoon. I reached to get a napkin but Pete stopped my hand.

"I'll get it!" He said smiling. He leaned over and licked it off.

"Eww Pete that's gross!" I said crinkling my nose. He scooted closer to me.

"You've got some on your mouth too." He leaned in and kissed me. I lost track of the time. We pulled apart and the next thing I know its 11:30.

"Jesus Christ, it's almost twelve." I said. He wiped his lips on his sleeve.

"You need to warn me If you're wearing chapstick when we kiss. I hate that stuff." I wiped my hand all over my lips and put it on Pete's lips.

"Sorry I forgot to tell you I'm wearing Chapstick."

"So that's how it is!" He pulled me out from the booth and carried me out of the Mcdonalds. He set me down and took my hands. "I forgot to tell you I love you." He leaned in and kissed me again. Things were absolutely perfect, and I felt better than I ever had before.


We went back to the hotel, where I fell asleep in Pete's arms. I dreamed of Hemmingway in a little bowtie, dancing with a poodle in the rain. My mind is seriously on crack. I woke up to find Pete, dressed in a nice jacket, black skinnies, and a pair of boots, standing over me with a bouquet of roses in his hands.

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