Chapter 15

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((AUTHOR'S NOTE)): please go back and read the previous chapter because wattpad messed everything up :/


Pete's POV- "Cricket?" I asked horrified. The truck had missed her, or I thought it had. It had swerved at the last second and missed her by nearly an inch. Her leg was bloody and clearly broken. I guessed the tire had hit it. I felt dizzy. I wanted to curl up and die. This was not supposed to happen. She wasn't supposed to save me, she wasn't supposed to be hit. I wobbled over to her. She was unconscious, with a bloody nose and a giant gash across her cheek. Tears streaked down my own as I looked at her hurt face. I had caused this. I moved a piece of her hair away from her face as I cried, hearing a siren coming our way. An ambulance pulled up next to the hotel and paramedics jumped out.

"Get out of the way sir!" A paramedic screamed at me. I still had her in my arms.


"Get out of the way!" Two paramedics pulled me away from her as they loaded her lifeless form onto a gurney.

"Sir, I think you should come with us too. You have a nasty gash on your elbow."

I looked down and noticed my arm bleeding like crazy from when Cricket pushed me out of the way. The pain of seeing her almost die was worse than the pain I felt on my arm.

Patrick burst out of the door. "Pete!" He ran to me and gave me a hug. "You alright man? Where's Cricket?"

My heart sank at the mention of her name.

"No time to explain, sir. You're welcome to ride to the hospital. This way, sir." The paramedic led me into the back of the ambulance.

I grabbed Cricket's bloody hand and held it. Why couldn't I have died?


Pete's POV- We arrived at the hospital just minutes later. Me and Cricket were separated as soon as we got in the door. They wheeled her away, no matter how much I screamed I wasn't allowed to go after her. I had to get 17 stitches in my elbow. I didn't feel a thing. All I felt was the hollow stab of pain in my heart. I had never felt this low, this painful, this hurt. I'm a pretty tough guy. I don't cry a lot. But this had worn me down to the last string. I wanted to cry. Not because I was in pain. I wanted to cry out to Cricket, tell her how much she means to me, how sorry I am. I got up off the bench I got stitches on and walked away. The security didn't bother to stop me. I got weird glances from nurses and patients.

"Is that Pete Wentz...?" I heard them whisper. I didn't care. I wouldnt even care if paparazzi popped out in front of me. Just as long as I got to Cricket I was fine. I slammed my fist down at the front desk.

"Where did they place the girl I came in with?" I demanded.

"She was taken into intensive care in room 4B but I don't think it's a good idea to..."

"Thank you." I spat out as walked away. I entered her room, expecting her to open her eyes and look at me when I walked into the room. She didn't.

"Is she..?" I asked one of the doctors.

"She's in pretty bad shape. Three broken ribs, a completely shattered leg, a concussion, and a small puncture in her lung. She's having a little trouble breathing."

My hand flew to my chest. I had to balance myself.

"You ok? Maybe the pain killers you took are starting to kick in?"

"I'm fine. Just a little...shocked to see her like this."

I felt my lip start to quiver a little. I bit down on it hard to make it stop. I heard a beeping noise. The doctors glanced at the heart monitor hooked up to her. It was starting to go down.

"Guys were going to need some back up in here her heart rate is going way down."

I froze. This only happens on soap operas. This wasn't actually happening was it? Three more doctors burst in.

"Hurry we need to get her heart rate up before she flatlines!" A doctor screamed urgently.

Beep, beep, beeeeeep. I heard the machine sound a final beep.

"NO!" I screamed, tears pouring out of my eyes. I grabbed her face in my hands as I cried, hoping to god it wasn't over just yet.


I couldn't move. I was awake. I couldn't open my eyes. I was so confused. Why wasn't I dead? Or was I and I was just transitioning out of my body? I wasn't dead. I felt my heart beating slowly but surely in my chest. I tried hard to open my eyes but I couldnt. My leg was in excruciating pain. What happened to it? My head was throbbing. I tried to move my hand to my head to massage it but I couldnt budge. I wondered where I was. I could hear a faint beeping noise, and the scuffling of feet on the floor. I was exhausted. All I wanted was to see Pete. Alive. If I saw him I could stay strong. I never felt so weak. So helpless. My life felt like it was slipping in and out of me. It was difficult to breathe. There was a burning sensation in my ribs. I guessed a few were broken. All I needed was too see Pete, just one more time, before my life slips out again and forgets to come back. Breathing became especially difficult. I found myself working to be able to breathe. I felt doctors adjusting wires attached to me, shouting orders to each other. I heard Pete. His voice is one of the most amazing things ive ever heard. I wanted to smile, to open my eyes and see my baby, my world, but I didn't have the energy. I decided to stop trying to breathe, I was too tired. I drifted back into unconsciousness, just in time to hear my favorite voice scream "no".

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