Chapter 4

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The limo was amazing. Gorgeous leather seats lined the walls of the cars. A small table was in the middle, loaded with snacks and drinks. I grabbed a Dr. Pepper off the table. What a healthy breakfast. We pulled up to a go kart track in the middle of nowwhere.  

"How romantic." I joked with Tonia. She snorted. I saw Pete and Patrick walking towards us. My heart skipped a beat when I saw his face. He greeted me with a short kiss, but it still made me tingle. Patrick hugged Tonia, obviously taking it slow.  

"So," I said. "What are we doing today?"  

"You guys are gonna watch me kick some major ass." I laughed and teased "If you can reach the pedals." All of us cracked up, except for Pete.  

"That's it!" He yelled. He grabbed me and put me in a firemans hold. A let out a scream/laugh. I was having a blast. He broke into a run, making the ride even more bumpy. I held onto his shirt tighter. He finally dumped me onto a bench looking out to the track.  

"Stay. Good girl." I stuck my tongue out at him. Tonia came up a minute after and sat down next to me. "That was cute," she said. "Patrick would be too nice to ever do something like that." I laughed but it was interrupted by the roar of engines. Andy, Joe, Pete, and Patrick had all started there go-karts and headed to the starting line. Lights flashed red, yellow, then green. The four karts zoomed across the track faster than I imagined.  

"They're going so fast!" Tonia yelled over the running motors.  

"I know!" I screamed.  


"I KNOOOWWW!" I yelled again. We both laughed but it soon stopped when we heard a screeching noise. Joe had accidentally hit Pete. He had just crashed into a concrete wall.  


"NO!" I heard myself scream. I jumped off the bench and cleared the small fence in between us and the track. As I ran to him I felt a hot tear streak down my face. The front of the go-kart was totally destroyed.  

"Pete?!" I screamed at him. He didn't move. "PETE?!?!" I screamed again shaking him. He still didn't move. I felt more tears pouring down my face. I was turning around to call for help when something grabbed my arm. I screamed so loud it hurt. 

"Gotcha!" Pete yelled.  

"You dumb ass! Don't ever do that again I was scared to death!" I yelled punching him. He laughed the whole time. The guys ran over.  

"You ok man?" Joe asked. "Didn't mean to hit you."  

"Hes fine." I said. Pete was still laughing when he got out of the car. The man who ran the place looked extremely angry.  

"Sorry bout the kart man." Pete said. "Our manager will send a check to repair it." He looked a little less livid but it still showed that he wanted us to leave. "Let's go." Pete said taking my hand. We went back and got Tonia who was concerned about Pete.  

"Are you sure we shouldn't take you to a hospital?"  

"IM FINE." Pete said for the fifth time. Patrick put his arm around her shoulders.  

"Don't worry about him he's a tough dude." She seemed to relax a little.  

"So where to now?" A look of mischief crossed Pete's face. This should get interesting.

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