Chapter 17

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The following morning, I was loaded into a wheel chair with an IV drip attached to the side. I felt like an old woman. The doctor said I could take it off tomorrow, he just didn't want to take any chances. It was weird not being able to move my leg. My cast was hard as a rock. I bet if anyone kicked it they would break their leg too. Pete was going to get his stitches taken out by the medical crew on the next stop on the tour. They wheeled me out to the bus, then Pete took over and carried me onto it. I would have to sit the whole entire car ride to Tampa. Kill me now.

Turns out it wasn't do bad. I passed out only twenty minutes later and woke up in Florida. Pete was asleep next to me, as always. I draped my arm over him, and instantly was radiated with warmth. That's one of the many things I love about him. He's always warm. He was my own personal Jacob Black, as I'd like to think of it. He didn't like the title as much as I did. He began to snore. Nothing's cuter than guys when they're asleep. Especially extremely hot guys. My breathing began to slow, and I fell back asleep, mid thought about how lucky I was to have him. When I woke up, he was gone. Everyone was. I tried to get up, startled, but I couldn't with my cast. Jillian popped out from the back of the bus. She had an anxious expression on her face.

"Where is everybody?!" I asked confused.

"Well...uh... They're at the concert... It started an hour ago."

"What?! They went to a concert without me?"

"I'm so sorry but you were sound asleep and weren't breathing too well so we called in the medic and she said you needed to sleep and not be disturbed. No one wanted to wake you up but I couldn't leave you here by yourself, you know? So I stayed behind."

I smiled at her. "At least someone is thinking about me."

She smiled back and grabbed bags and bags of crayons and colored pencils from her back pack and some paper. We drew each other pictures to the best of our abilities, which aren't very good. They turned out looking like a four year olds so we stopped and laughed at ourselves. Maybe missing the concert wasn't such a bad thing after all.


They came back less than an hour and a half later. Pete greeted me with an affectionate hug. They all apologized countless times for going without me, even though I told them I didn't like apologies. I've never liked apologies. I would always tell myself how sorry I was for doing terrible things to myself but I wouldn't listen. Not even to myself. Apologies were never sincere to me. That's why I don't accept most of them. I make exceptions for Pete, but for Pete and Pete only.

We were going to get a jump start on the Europe tour, and leave the next day for France. The first concerts began in a week, but we wanted to sight see first. Who wouldn't want to see Europe? I had been once before, to Paris when I was eleven. It was the most magical place I'd ever been to. I fell asleep in Pete's arms, clothes still on, and dreamed of kissing Pete on top of the Eiffel Tower. I was shaken awake by Pete, who didn't look to happy to be waking me up.

"Good morning beautiful, I'm so sorry but we have to go into the airport now." He said sincerely.

I sat up a little too fast and felt light headed. He handed me the daily pills I have to take for the next two weeks.

"Here, take these." He said, propping me up so I could swallow them. He then proceded to carry me to the bathroom where he brushed my teeth for me. He's so cute. He carried me back outside so I could get in my wheel chair. I was just glad I didn't have to wear my IV drip anymore. We all checked in our bags and went through security.

We waited less than a half hour, then proceded to board Fall Out Boy's jet. We took off on the eight hour flight to France. The only thing I could think of the whole time was how much I wanted my own jet.


We landed in France and took a limo to the hotel where we would be staying. I struggled to keep my eyes open. I hadn't slept at all on the plane. I finally couldn't control the exhaustion and fell asleep on Pete's shoulder. I swear he has the comfiest shoulder in the world. I opened my eyes what seemed like minutes later, and found myself in a big bed in a hotel room, with Pete snoozing beside me. I guess he had carried me all the way to the room while I was sleeping.

I took his hand and let and exhaustion take over once again, sending me into a deep, deep sleep. I woke up to Tonia shaking me awake. I growled at her and slapped her hand away.


Pete was still snoring. I shook him gently. "Uhhhhhh." He groaned.

I crawled over and propped myself on top of him. "Get up or I'll squish you."

He turned over so he was on his back. "You couldn't squash me if you tried." He pulled my head down into a kiss. I really loved kissing him. Like I really, really loved kissing him.

"Just a few more minutes?" I asked Tonia. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him some more until I was forced to get up by Tonia who picked me up and basically threw me into my wheel chair.

"Somebody's grumpy..." I complained. I brushed my teeth and slid some clothes on. I hated being crippled, even if it was only going to be for a few weeks. We all walked out of the hotel (except for me of course, I rolled) onto the crowded streets of Paris. Memories came back all at once, all the cafes and shops, the types of people. Nothing beats Paris.

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