Chapter 22

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I cried with him in my arms for what seemed like an hour. I couldn't believe that he proposed. I was the happiest I ever remember myself being. The tears finally stopped and I pulled back from Pete.

"We're getting married." I said smiling.

He smiled back. "I know. Can you believe it?"

Tears built up in my eyes again. "Nope."

He took my hand and we walked back to the hotel. I couldmt stop smiling the whole way there. I opened the door to our hotel room and stepped in.

"Congratulations!!!" Jillian, Joe, Andy, Tonia, Patrick, and the rest of the tour crew screamed. I stumbled back a step.

"For me?" I asked. They all nodded.

"You guys knew?!" They nodded again. I scanned the room and was surprised to see my mom. "Mom?! What are you doing here?"

"You think I'd miss out on my daughters engagement party?" She lowered her voice. "Even if your fiancé is...interesting. You know the engagement isn't permanent and you can change your mind right?"


"Just kidding..." She winked at me.

I walked back to Pete. "How did you do all this?" I asked, my arms around him.

"Yesterday. There was no French guy we were meeting." I felt like an idiot. Of course there wasn't a French guy.

"That's why Tonia tagged along isn't it?" I asked.


"You liar!"

He looked confused. "I'm sorry babe I was..."

"Just kidding." I said winking at him.

"You're perfect you know that?"

"I guess so." I whispered kissing him.


As much as I wanted to keep kissing him, I pulled away and walked back into the dining area.

"There's the happy couple!" Joe exclaimed. "We have some news for you guys!"

Jillian was beaming. I raised an eyebrow at her. She bounced up and down excitedly.

"In all this proposing hype I decided to take things into my own hands," Joe looked at Jillian. "And proposed." He smiled.

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" Jillian screamed.

Everyone squeeled with delight. I ran over and hugged her while we bounced up and down excitedly.

"We're getting married!" We both squeeled.

I glanced over at Tonia. She looked a little sick.

"Alright everyone." Patrick said. "Settle down for a second." Everyone stopped squealing and bouncing up and down. "I have an announcement to make. Due to that happened here, Tonia is pregnant." I gasped along with everyone else in the room. "I know, I know shocker. It feels weird thinking I'm going to be a dad and I'm not even married. But two people in this room have proposed today, why not make it three?" He walked over to Tonia and got down on one knee. He pulled out a blue velvet box. "Marry me?" He asked Tonia. She shared the same reaction as me. You could barely make out the "yes" she choked out, tears streaming down her face. He jumped up and hugged her. He twirled her all around the room, making her tears turn into laughter. The room lit up. I guess we were going to have three weddings.


Pete's POV- The room was absolutely overwhelmed by all the things that were happening. Three proposals and an announcement of a baby? WHAT? I had no idea that Patrick was daring enough to actually fuck Tonia. Like seriously, when did he get the confidence for that? I was pissed that he didn't tell me. Who wouldn't be? I was the kid's best friend. I couldn't stay mad at him forever. I was happy for him. He'd make a great dad. I can imagine the little monster now, with that creepy orange color hair that Patrick has. I'd like to think I'd have kids with Cricket someday. I'm sure as hell not ready yet though. I want to stay young as long as I can. There's shows to do you know. Having a kid would make me want to stay home, to be there for him. I wanted to tour, to travel the world. Not have to stay home and change diapers. I wondered when the paparazzi would find out. They would eventually. Maybe I would tell them at the press conference tomorrow. Maybe we all would confess to having girlfriends. Fiancés. The word sounded weird, but it was right. I was pledged to Cricket and she was pledged to me. We had sold our souls to each other. I wasn't going to hide her anymore. She was a prize worth showing off. I know Joe isn't afraid of showing off Jillian. Patrick is a whole other story. I don't think he's ready to say he's having a baby yet.

"Pete...?" I heard Cricket's voice interupt my thoughts. I shook my head.


She looked at me caringly. "You haven't said anything in a ok?"

I nodded and kissed her. I was taking her to the press conference tomorrow and sharing the news with the world. The world better be ready for Mr. and Mrs. Wentz.



Yes, this story is EXTREMELY dramatic and entirely impossible. I wanted it this way, I think the over-exaggeration of everything is amusing. Also, I wrote this three years ago when I was 12, so I apologize for the poor writing and grammatical skills I possessed in 7th grade. Anyways, thanks for the comments I love it when you guys give me feedback so keep it up :) xoxo -Crix

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