Chapter Two ~ Umiko the Ninja

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(pic is Umiko at 12)

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(pic is Umiko at 12)


"I'm off Tou-san see you after school!"Umiko yelled to Kakashi, sitting at the table enjoying the breakfast he made "Alright be safe"he said lazily waving her off, she ran to the academy not because she was going to be late but because she liked running.

She soon arrived at the academy, on her way she noticed the hokage mountain was painted and smirked knowing only one person would do something like that.

Umiko arrived at the class and took her usual seat next to Sasuke, his fangirls left her alone for some reason but she didn't bother asking about that she was grateful those insane fangirls left her alone, Sasuke was just as grateful that the fangirls left him alone when he was with Umiko.


Iruka-sensei was taking some time before he arrived with Naruto tied up, he had Naruto sit on the floor in front of everyone as he lectured him "I'm at the end of my rope Naruto, you've failed the graduation test three times already tomorrow you've got another chance and you're messing up again"he said.

Naruto just huffed turning his head away, Iruka-sensei was clearly angered by the blond prankster "Fine since you missed it everyone has to review the transformation jutsu" i groaned along with almost everyone in the class.

Everyone was called to the front and stand in a line, i was first in line but i didn't feel nervous at all, this was too easy, Iruka-sensei said to transform into one of the hokage which made this a little challenging but i was okay with that.

Since i was first in line i was called first "Umiko Hatake"see i was called first, i stepped forward and decided to transform into the second hokage, my favorite, i've always wanted to learn the Flying Raijin jutsu.

"Very good"Iruka commented writing down something in his note pad as i smiled under my scarf that hid my sharp shark like teeth, i have no idea why i have teeth like that i just figured it was thanks to my real dad, anyway Sakura went next transforming to the third hokage which in hind sight is the easiest one to turn into.

I went to my seat and watched as all the others went, Sasuke went after Sakura and transformed to the third hokage "Good"i heard Iruka-sensei comment and i rolled my eyes a little as Sasuke came to over to his seat next to mine.

Naruto went after him and he transformed into a naked chick, i had to cover up my snicker as Iruka-sensei flew back with a nose bleed as Naruto turned back and laughed at him, and ignoring the inappropriate nature of it, his transformation was actually pretty good, in my opinion at least.

"That's my sexy jutsu"Naruto laughed before Iruka bounced back surprisingly fast "Cut the stupid tricks this is your last warning!"he yelled at Naruto giving him detention after school to clean up the hokage mountain.


~Still Umiko~

Today was the big day, today was the graduation test, passing this test you become a ninja, i was so excited i could barely sleep, i didn't bother checking if Kakashi was even awake when i ran out of the house in pure excitement.

I ran to the academy arriving in no time at all, you see i live a fair distance from the academy and since i like to run i've set myself a goal of arriving to the academy faster each time, i've been doing this since i was five so you can imagine how much my speed has grown.

I took my usual seat and before long Iruka-sensei came in with a clipboard "We will now start the final exam"he said, i couldn't stop grinning i was so excited i was sure i would pass, "When your name is called proceed to the testing room, the final test will be on the clone jutsu"Iruka-sensei said.

I could see Naruto panic since he was next to me, i've never went out of my way to befriend the boy since he was a little annoying mostly because he was so loud not really any other reason, but for whatever reason i decided to cheer him up, i put my hand on his shoulder and smiled "Don't worry Naruto i'm sure you'll pass"i told him before i heard my name called.

That was quick but whatever, i waved to the stunned Naruto as i went to the testing room, inside the room was a table where Mizuki-sensei and Iruka-sensei were sitting at with headbands infront of them.

"Make three clones"Iruka-sensei said and that's what i did, a simple one hand sign and three clones appeared next to me, only they were solid, i figured out how to make them solid when i was training with Kakashi, i thought i had discovered a new technique only to find out there was already something like that, it was called the Shadow Clone technique.

I wasn't too devastated since it was a technique the first hokage came up with, i think, anyway, i was handed a headband and i tied it around my waist as a belt cause i couldn't really think of any other place to put it on.

I walked outside after done with my test and saw my dad leaning on a tree reading his orange pervert book, i walked over and kicked his side but he blocked me, damn it, "So you're done?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes "Yep, i passed,that test should really be changed it's way too easy" i said, my dad ruffled my hair and i could tell he was smiling under his mask "Well easy or not i'm proud of you, what do you say we go celebrate with sushi and some training?"he asked.

I smiled a little and nodded and walked off with him to the sushi shop, i love love love love sushi and my dad knows it, we arrived at the sushi place had some sushi celebrating my graduation and all that.

After that we went home, my dad told me he had a surprise for me so i went to wait in our backyard/training ground just zoning out looking at the sky until my dad came there while holding something.

"As a gift for your graduation" he said smiling under his mask, i gasped as he gave this absolutely beautiful katana, it was really light and a bit longer then your average katana and i loved it.

"Thanks dad" i smiled and hugged him "You're welcome"he said hugging me back "Now let's try this out right away shall we?"he asked smirking a bit under his mask "Not yet i gotta name it"i said, all great swords have a name "I'm calling you Yukimur...

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"Thanks dad" i smiled and hugged him "You're welcome"he said hugging me back "Now let's try this out right away shall we?"he asked smirking a bit under his mask "Not yet i gotta name it"i said, all great swords have a name "I'm calling you Yukimura" i told the sword before turning to my dad "Now we can train" i said and so we began training.

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