Chapter Seventeen ~ Sand Attack

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"You sure you will be fine by yourself?"i asked Neji once more "Yes i'm sure, now go on and watched the matches, you'll need to study your opponent right? Besides i want some time to be alone"he said, i sighed a bit "Alright but i better get a date after this"i said "It's a deal"he smiled i smiled back and kissed him before leaving.

I got back to the viewing area with the others and saw Shikamaru and Temari starting their fight "What i miss?"i asked "They decided to postpone Sasuke's match and Kankuro gave up without even fighting"Shino said clearly bitter about the last bit, i just hummed and focused on the match between Temari and Shikamaru.

 I was really impressed by Shikamaru's analytical skills, he might have fore fitted the match but that was only because he didn't want to hit a girl and he was running low on chakra, anyway he walked off the field and i jumped in "Alright let's get the next match started right away, Umiko Hatake vs Temari"needle announced.

"Actually i quit, i'm exhausted"Temari said, i was stunned "WHAT THE DAMN HELL?!?!?!?"i yelled and went on a rant i'm not going to repeat here, i sighed calming down "Fine whatever i'll just take out my frustrations on whoever pissed me off next"i huffed and walked up the wall to the waiting area grumbling every known insult under my breath.

Anyway Sasuke showed up but i was too upset to pay any attention, then i started feeling sleepy, genjutsu, "Release!"i called snapping out of it, i went to the edge of the waiting area and looked around, everyone had fallen asleep except for some jounin and such, the sand was attacking and the hokage was being held by Orochimaru.

I didn't know what should i do so i fought my way through the sound and sand ninja and over to Kakashi "Kakashi, what should i do?"i asked "Wake up Naruto and Shikamaru, go after Sasuke stop him and find a safe place for further orders"he told me "Right"i nodded.

"Hold on a second"Kakashi said before summoning one of his dogs "Pakkun here will help you track Sasuke"he said "Thank you"i smiled before going over to Naruto and easily waking him up, i explained what was going on before going over to Shikamaru, i sweatdropped a bit "Pakkun if would, please?"i asked the pug "Alright"he sighed and bit Shikamaru waking up the faker.

"Ouch! What the heck was that for?"Shikamaru asked shaking off Pakkun "To wake you up, nice try lay bones but your nap has to wait for now"i said, he sighed "What a drag, so what are we doing anyway?"he asked "We are going after Sasuke and Gaara"I said getting up and punching a sound ninja through the wall.

"Pakkun lead the way"i said "You got it"the pug nodded and we got on our way "Why exactly are we going after Sasuke?"Shikamaru asked "We are to stop him find a safe place and wait for further orders"i repeated what Kakashi had told me "Geez what a drag"Shikamaru muttered "Well yes but that's what the ninja life for you"i said.

It's been a while, we didn't talk much on the way, then Pakkun said "We're being followed" "How many?"i asked "At least nine, i'd bet their sound ninja"Pakkun said, we tried shaking them off by tracing our steps backwards making it seem like we disappeared though i doubted it would actually help though.

"This is not good, be prepared for an ambush their definitely back on our trail"Pakkun said "Great, their probably all chunin or higher, we'll get wiped out if they catch us"Shikamaru said "Listen guys we don't have much choice so we're gonna have to ambush them"Naruto said.

"Well normally i'd say that would be a great plan but since they are sound ninja it's smart to assume they know the layout of the forest thanks to Orochimaru, we might have the advantage if they were sand ninja but i have a feeling most of them are at the gates, what we need is a decoy that seems like an ambush" i said and we came to a stop "Except it's very likely whoever stays behind as the decoy will die, so who's gonna do it?"I asked looking back to Shikamaru and Naruto.

Honestly i wanted to do it, i had plenty of chakra left and i had been waiting to cut loose since the finals started "We need the dog to follow Sasuke, so that means"Shikamaru trailed off "Alright i guess that i'm gonna have to"Naruto was cut off by Shikamaru "I'm the only one who can do it"Shikamaru said.

"Shikamaru, why does it have to be you? I mean Umiko is such a badass, i bet she could take on nine ninja and she hasn't fought at all so she has the most chakra"Naruto said "True and i would like to cut loose but the shadow possession jutsu was created for delay tactics and besides me Shikamaru is the only one who can make a decoy seem like an ambush"i said.

Shikamaru nodded "It's a drag but i'll do what i have to, besides i'll catch up in no time so go on" he said turning his back to us, "Shikamaru, we're counting on you"Naruto said "Good luck Shikamaru"i said, he waved back to us and we parted ways.

Neither Naruto or i doubted Shikamaru, after a while Pakkun said "That lazy kid actually did it, they're no longer following us" Naruto grinned "Yeah, i never doubted him, now we can focus on the real task, finding Sasuke"he said, i nodded smiling a bit, well done Shikamaru we should play shogi some time.

Anyway then we heard an explosion from up ahead "What was that?"Naruto asked "Sounds like Sasuke's catching up and we should look out for traps too, come on, let's speed it up"i said picking up the pace hopping from tree to tree faster "Right"Naruto nodded following me as i followed Pakkun.

Pakkun sniffed the air "There's a fight going on ahead of us, we should avoid it"he said "What? But that'll take us way off course"Naruto said "Yeah but i rather not get stuck in the middle of a fight in a critical time like this"i said, Naruto pouted "Fine"he muttered "Lead the way Pakkun"i said "Right"the pug nodded and made us circle around the fight, losing time for sure but at least we didn't get caught up in anything.

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