Chapter Nine ~ First kiss

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Another week and lot of lame chores i sent a shadow clone to do while i trained with Neji and his team, during which i noticed my feelings growing stronger for Neji, later Kakashi had us gather at a bridge, i decided to show up as myself this time instead of sending a shadow clone, if my hunch is correct Kakashi should hand us permissions to take part in the Chunin Exam.

Hours later Kakashi appeared late as always "Sorry i'm late, i got lost on the path of life"he said, i rolled my eyes, yeah right, just hand me the application form thing so i can leave, speaking of which Kakashi jumped down and showed the slips of paper i grabbed one and smiled at him "Thank you"i said and got out of there right away.

I put it in a safe place for the next five days, we didn't have any missions during that time since i figured Kakashi wanted us to train in advance, that's just what i did, i went to the regular training ground Neji and i meet up in for training and waited since he wasn't there just yet, which was fine not like we set a specific time to meet up at.

I sat on the grass and leaned back on my hands looking at the clouds and thinking, just as i was gonna start humming i sensed something and tossed a kunai where it came from, it wasn't Neji i could tell that from the chakra but it was familiar, they were close enough for me to sense them and they weren't hiding very well "There's no use in hiding!"i called only to be taken by surprise from behind, they used shadow clones to distract me.

"Give it up, i have you right where i want"they said, a male voice, an unfamiliar one, i swung my head back hitting them in the face i jumped back but then i felt something move from underground, i jumped again narrowly dodging the hand that came from the ground followed by another person.

I used the mist and hid, i sighed relaxing a bit when i was again taken by surprise from behind this time they muffled my mouth with a hand "Calm down, it's just me"i heard, Neji, i relaxed blushing a bit really feeling how close to me he was, he's warm, i shook my head out of it as he took his hand away.

"What's going on here?"he asked "I don't know, i think it might be a mist ninja, they might have heard about me taking the Kubikiribocho"i said, he nodded, i had told him everything from that mission, anyway he turned on his Byakugan using that to look through the mist while i watched his blind spot "How many?"i asked "Just one, i'd say chunin level"he said, i nodded "Right, together then?"i asked, he glanced at me and nodded.

I swear i saw the tiniest smile on his face, anyway, we came up with a plan, jumping out from hiding i drew in all the clones, which there was only two of but regardless i took care of them while Neji dealt with the real one, i walked over as the mist lifted Neji had tied up the real one "As i thought a mist ninja, a clever disguise whoever you are"i said.

They undid the transformation and turned out to be Iruka-sensei "Nicely done Umiko, though you were the one i was least worried about"he said "So what was this about?"i asked, he sighed a bit "I didn't think you would be ready, i was your teacher and i just feared it was too soon, i'm glad you proved me wrong"he said "Wait a sec, you just said i was the one you were least worried about though"i said "True but i was still worried"Iruka said then smirked "You know, you two would make a great couple"he said.

"Wha-?"i went to say but he disappeared, Neji cleared his throat clearly blushing which made me blush "So uhm ready to start training?"he asked, avoiding eye contact, i wonder, "Well yes but i actually want to talk for a bit"i said, he nodded, we usually talked anyways before training or even during training.


Umiko was a blushing mess which made me blush, or maybe i was blushing before her, either way she walked closer to me, my heart raced "So uhm for the last couple of weeks i had been really paying attention to how i feel around you and uhm, you make me feel happy, calm and all sorts of things but mostly happy"she said.

I too had been doing the same, Tenten had asked me once did i really like Umiko, i had said no but then i started to really pay attention to how she made me feel, apparently i make her feel the same she makes me feel, happy, like nothing else matters "Well uhm, you make me feel happy too"i told her daring to look her in the eyes.

Her look calmed me down, i knew this feeling was more then happiness looking into her eyes so closely "Really?"she asked clearly calming down as well and i could tell she had realized the same "Really"i nodded, she always had her scarf lowered or even off whenever she was around me so i could see she was biting her lip with her sharp teeth which i'll admit weirded me out at first but now i think it's the cutest thing.


Biting my lip i decided to take a leap of faith and kissed him, he didn't waste any time kissing me back and wrapping his arms around me, i wrapped my arms around his neck but the kiss was still rather innocent, it wasn't like we were making out, nah just cautiously feeling each other out and ending in a sweet kiss we both liked before pulling away.

I blushed looking at him as he looked back, we stayed like that for a little bit until he let go "Lets get to that training"he said, i nodded letting him go and saw him smile for reals for the first time and smiled too as we started training together.

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