Chapter Four ~ The bell test

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"No last name?"the boy asked "I do have one but it's not my real one, nothing against the man who raised me but i just think of him as more of an older brother"i said shrugging a bit "Why are you here anyway?"he asked "Oh we're doing some training here tomorrow and i thought to get a little more training in ahead of time"i said.

The boy said nothing as i took out a scroll and some kunai, i tossed the kunai to random places and placed the scroll on the ground, reading through it one last time i nodded to myself and made a handsign trying to focus when the boy attacked me, i managed to dodge it though having sensed his intent to attack.

I glared lightly at him and he glared back activating his Byakugan with a small smirk on his face, i huffed a bit and smirked "I happened to be training too, you're in my way"he said "Is that so?"i asked taking a stance myself, "Doesn't matter who got here first you're in my way"i told him, his smirk widened to almost a smile before he attacked.

I managed to dodge the first strike and jumped back avoiding close combat with this guy but he jumped after me closing the gap, i made the handsign and prayed to got i wouldn't get torn to pieces, then i felt myself shift and found myself behind the boy, i didn't feel any pain and looking myself over i was still in one piece.

"Oh my god!!! I DID IT!!!"i grinned cheering and in my excitement hugged the boy who was clearly taken a back by my sudden attitude change "Sorry"i said and cleared my throat and took advantage of his confusion and pinned him to the ground holding a kunai to his neck.

He chuckled a bit deactivating his Byakugan "That jutsu what was it?"he asked, i got up and helped him up before collecting my scroll "The Flying Raijin Jutsu, the second hokage is my favorite and after begging for years, gramps finally agreed to let me borrow this scroll but he said i had to learn it on my own, that was a week ago"i said rolling up the scroll and putting it away.

The boy nodded "You're clearly stronger then your average fresh out of the academy genin"he said , i blushed a bit, was that a compliment?, i mentally shook it off "You could say that i guess, i just took my training more seriously, that and i have an insane amount of chakra, i've been told i used to have high fevers all the time cause of it"i said.

"So they placed a restriction on you?"he asked, i nodded "It was designed to weaken as my body, psychical strength and all that grew to match my chakra"i said, he nodded "Anyway you're pretty good, what do you to training together?"i asked.

The boy was clearly thinking about "Alright"he eventually said, i grinned "Awesome, oh never told me your name"i pointed out "Neji Hyuga"he simply said, i grinned again "Nice to meet you Neji"i said, with that we trained well into the evening.



Five am, a sleepy Naruto and Sasuke arrived at the training ground only to find Umiko passed out and sleeping on the ground covered by a blanket, no matter what they did she wouldn't wake up though.

Hours later Kakashi appeared "Morning everyone, ready for your first day?"he asked "YOU'RE LATE!!!"Naruto yelled, Sasuke just huffed and Umiko snored a bit, the sensei sighed a bit and walked over to the sleeping Umiko "No wonder she didn't come home, she must of spent all night training again"he muttered, before whispering something to Umiko.

"MY SUSHI!!!"Umiko yelled standing up like a spring board scaring Naruto, she then glared at Kakashi "Now now you know i'm only kidding"he said and with a sigh the girl calmed down "I know but i still hate it when you threaten my sushi like that"she said getting up.


Kakashi just sheepishly chuckled and set a clock to noon "Your assignment is very simple you just have to take these bells from me"he said holding two bells, i was wide awake now but still hungry, damn i should of just taken Neji's offer to walk me home and not stayed for more training, oh well.

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