Chapter Fourteen ~ The Preliminaries part 1

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Once inside the tower we opened the scroll and smoke started coming out, tossing them to the floor Iruka sensei popped out, he congratulated us on passing, told us about the words on the wall, oh yeah there were words on the wall, anyway after that we were free to join the others and wait for the second phase to finish up.

I smiled spotting Neji, he glanced at me and gave a quick smile back, i knew we could end up fighting but i wasn't gonna hold back in that case and i knew he wouldn't either, anyway one more team joined us, Kabuto and a couple of others, right before the second phase ended.

The proctor had us stand in lines as she did a head count and listed everyone who made it, then the hokage stepped up and went on and on about the meaning of the chunin exams and why we hold them, frankly i don't care let's just get this over with just as the hokage was getting to the point someone else showed up said his name was Hayate Gekko and to put a long story short said there were too many of us and we needed to hold preliminary matches.

Hayate also said those who want to quit can, only Kabuto lifted his hand therefor quitting, with that out of the way a screen popped out of the wall and a bunch of names flew by and landed on two, Sasuke Uchiha and Yoroi.

Kakashi walked over to us "Sasuke, don't use your sharingan"he said "So you know about it huh?"Sasuke asked "The mark on your neck is out of control your life could be in danger" Kakashi said "I know about that"Sasuke said "Well you should also know if it gets to that point i'll have to step in and stop the fight, good luck"Kakashi said walking off.

"I bet you won't even need to use your sharingan, you can toss that clown like yesterdays garbage without it"i told him, Sasuke smirked a bit "Yeah it'll be over before you know it"he said and we high fived as i walked past him to the second floor balcony thing.


"If you're ready let the match begin"Hayate called and so the match began with the two fighters first throwing kunai at each other, Sasuke went in close and managed to pin Yoroi but the older ninja wasn't done that easily and touched Sasuke draining his chakra with a jutsu of sorts.

Yoroi the jumped back and attacked again draining even more chakra, Sasuke seemed to be in a bad place "Come on Sasuke! Use Taijutsu and here I though you were smart!"Umiko called to him "Yeah! You can take that loser!"Naruto called, Sasuke smirked relaxing himself, of course, he was too busy thinking about the mark to realise you don't need chakra fro taijutsu.

Getting Yoroi off him Sasuke then disappeared kicking Yoroi up and drop kicking him down in a move he called lion's barrage, he had just copied the dancing leaf shadow jutsu from Lee but tweaked the ending a little bit, anyway Sasuke had won and exhausted collapsed against Kakashi's leg.


Kakashi took Sasuke elsewhere to seal the curse mark while Naruto and i stayed and watched the rest of the matches "Hey Umiko, did you see the mark on Sasuke's neck?"Naruto asked me "Oh that, Orochimaru put it there but i don't know that much else about it"i said "Oh okay"Naruto nodded.

The next match was spiky vs Shino, Shino won by blowing off spiky's arms, i wouldn't want to go against that, anyway the next match was Kankuro vs the other guy from Kabuto's team, Kankuro won by using a puppet, seems i had guessed right, Kakashi appeared after that "How's Sasuke?"i asked "He'll be fine"Kakashi simply said waving it off, i just nodded and watched as names flashed by on the screen again.

It stopped at Umiko Hatake and Ino Yamanaka, i should really get my last name changed i know who my real dad is now, maybe i'll keep it until i actually meet him, anyway i jumped down and stood there my arms crossed a bored look on my face as Ino walked down to join me.


"Are you two ready?"Hayate asked "Let's get this over with"Umiko said "I'm ready"Ino said "Then begin"Hayate called before jumping back, Ino charged forward with a battle cry and punched Umiko right in the face, Umiko stood firm though and grabbed her arm "Is that the best you've got?"Umiko asked and smirked forming a fist "Let me show you a real punch"she said and punched Ino sending her flying and forming a dent on the wall.

Ino gasped and coughed but still stood "Well you at least can take a hit even if you can't dish it out"Umiko said, Ino coughed catching her breath "You think you're so cool but i know what you are, you're a freak hiding those freak teeth of yours"Ino said "Oh you mean these teeth?"Umiko asked taking off her scarf revealing her sharp teeth grinning widely with them clearly on display.

"Yeah i admit they are weird but you know what i'm over petty name calling like that, i don't care if the whole world sees these, i just happen to like wearing this scarf, Kakashi gave it to me you know"Umiko said fixing her scarf loosely around her neck so her mouth was still clearly in display "Oh and you know what else? I don't think i'm cool, i know i'm cool"she smirked before disappearing from sight and easily pinning down Ino.

"Now be a good little fangirl and give up before i tear your arm off"Umiko said a sickly sweet smile on her face twisting Ino's arm behind her like she really would tear it off, though Ino managed to hang in there she screamed "I give up!"when Umiko dislocated her shoulder.


I hummed skipping up to the second floor balcony thing as i was declared the winner "Uhm Umiko?"Kakashi asked while Naruto was looking a little blue in the face, probably scared of me "Don't you think that was a bit far?"Kakashi asked.

"Probably but i'm not looking to make friends with hopeless fangirls, especially ones that would make fun of me"i said, Kakashi sighed "Alright" he said shrugging it off and ruffling my hair, i smiled and glanced over to Neji and caught him smiling at me, guess he was impressed by my awesome skills.

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