Chapter Nineteen ~ Meep

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(A/N: ignore the stupid title, i couldn't think of any better)


It's been a few days, repairs are progressing well but i think people are a little uneasy, we don't have a new hokage yet though i might be thinking too much about it though, regardless i was training with Neji when he decided to call a brake, we went out for dango but i don't know something seemed off to me maybe i really am thinking too much about it.

"You seem distracted, want to tell me what's going on?"Neji asked "I am, something just feels off i don't know though, i might be thinking too much into it"i said and munched on a dango "It's probably nothing then"he said "Probably but i just don't know"i muttered, Neji reached over and held my hand "Don't worry about it"he simply said and smiled at me, i smiled back deciding to shrug it off.


Neji and i were walking around just enjoying each others company when Sasuke came running by "Wonder what got into him?"Neji wondered "I don't know but i think i'll follow him"i said and kissed Neji on the cheek before running after Sasuke catching up to him after a while "Sasuke what's going on?"i asked.

"Itachi is after Naruto"Sasuke simply said "It's more likely they are after the nine tails sealed inside Naruto but in any case we have to hurry, do you know where he is?"i asked "Yeah he's heading to a small village nearby"he nodded "Right then, pick up the pace slowpoke"i said pumping chakra to my feet and running at my top speed disappearing from sight.

Arriving at the village it was easy to locate Naruto's chakra even with my crappy sensory skills following that i used the recently acquired summoning tattoo on my wrist to summon the Kubikiribocho to my hand.

I would of used this earlier but damned Temari had to chicken out, anyway i blew a hole through the wall and saw two men, one a big blue shark looking guy, my father Kisame Hoshigaki, i knew him from the bingo book pictures, the other looked like Sasuke only more handsome, Itachi Uchiha.

I clashed with Kisame blocking him from attacking Naruto "Oh and who might you be?"he asked grinning, i didn't reply "Umiko!"Naruto called "So that's your name? How on earth did you get this sword?"Kisame asked "A gift from my uncle, Zabuza Momochi"i said, the pieces seemed to click as his hold loosed and i pushed him back.

Then Sasuke appeared at the other end of the hallway "It's been a long time, Sasuke"Itachi said not looking away from Naruto "Another interference but this one looks an awful lot like you and he has the sharingan, Itachi who is this kid?"Kisame asked "My little brother" Itachi simply said.

"That's strange cause the way i heard it the whole Uchiha clan was wiped out, by you"Kisame said, that's what i'm wondering too, "Itachi Uchiha i hope you're ready to die"Sasuke growled and attacked with a Chidori in his hand, Itachi easily grabbed his hand and redirected the attack though blowing a hole in the wall.

I glanced at Naruto feeling it as he build up the nine tails chakra, i quickly focused back on Kisame and repelled his attack but his sword the Samehada still siphoned off some of Naruto's chakra, tricky little thing, i then glared at Kisame.

"Don't even try it, touch my friends again and i will kill you"i said and i was serious, sure this man is biologically my father but he's done nothing for me, i've cleared my goal of meeting him but beyond that i actually have no idea, i just know i will protect my friends.

Anyway Itachi snapped Sasuke's wrist and Kisame went to attack Naruto again, i got ready to take him on but then from a poof of smoke a frog appeared protecting us "You two don't know me at all do ya? Should of done your homework, Jiraiya the toad sage falls to no woman's charm, rare beauties drop for me like raindrops in a storm, it's not in my nature to fall for the wilds of women, when you reach the stature i have, the ladies kneel and worship at your awesomeness"a big guy with white hair said as he appeared.

I know this man, Jiraiya one of the sannin but man this guy is so lame, anyway ignoring him we were forced to watch Itachi beat Sasuke cause the latter thought he could take on the former all by himself, Sasuke that idiot, that's why your unconscious now, Itachi and Kisame managed to escape despite Jiraiya using some sort of frog stomach jutsu thing.

There were black flames all around the hole the two had escaped from, Jiraiya sealed the flames and reversed the frog stomach jutsu thing, i went over to Sasuke and checked on him, he was unconscious and his wrist was definitely broken then "DYNAMIC ENTRY!!!" Guy yelled as he appeared and kicked Jiraiya in the face.

They talked about some woman but i didn't pay much attention to it, i was deep in thought, i know who my dad is and i've met him, i've said before i don't really think of Kakashi as a father more like an older brother but he did raise me, people might come after me regardless of what name i use, i hummed to myself, maybe i should ditch the last name all together, nah.

"Hey Umiko"Naruto said braking my train of thought, i hummed turning to him "That blue guy, you told him you got that sword as a gift from your uncle, but that sword was Zabuza's right?"he asked "Wow, you're more clever then i thought, i guess there's really no point in hiding it" i shrugged a bit "Yes my uncle was Zabuza Momochi, his sister was my mother and Kisame Hoshigaki, the blue shark guy is my father"i said.

"But i thought Kakashi-sensei was"Naruto went to say but i cut him off "He's not, he raised me yes but he's more like a big brother to me, anyway if you could keep this on the down low just for now kay?"i asked "Sure i guess"Naruto said, anyway with that Guy with Sasuke on his back and i having sealed the Kubikiribocho back to my summoning tattoo stood at the village gate ready to head back.

"You sure you don't want to come with us?"Naruto asked "I'm sure, you have fun on your little road trip"i smiled and hugged him, Guy gave him a green spandex suit like his and Lee's and with that we started heading back to the leaf, i was a little nervous since i had to deal with a very worried and probably very pissed Neji when i got back

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