Chapter Twenty Two ~ The Torn Team

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(A/N: Gotta love that alliteration)


So to put a long story short Sasuke got hurt on a mission and is back in the hospital, i don't know the full details since i had been with Neji and Tenten covering for Lee and doing more challenging missions with them i mean the mission Naruto and Sasuke seemed to be challenging since Sasuke got hurt.

Anyway today i was visiting Sasuke with Naruto "Hey do you think he'll be surprised?"Naruto asked "He won't be if you keep yelling like that"i said getting to the door of the room Sasuke was staying in opening the door we walked in "Hey i got you tomatoes, i know their your favorite so i got plenty"i said putting a bag full of tomatoes on Sasuke's lap, for a second his expression actually lightened up.

"Hey Sasuke"Naruto grinned and Sasuke's face soured as he glared at Naruto "Something wrong Sasuke?"i asked noticing he was deep in thought about something "You, Naruto"he said "Yeah i'm listening"Naruto said "Yeah i'm listening"Naruto said "I want you to fight me"Sasuke said, i sighed a bit "Geez i leave you two alone for one mission and already you have relationship troubles"i muttered.

"This isn't about that!"Sasuke yelled but not out of embarrassment like when i usually tease him "It's fine Umiko"Naruto said, i looked at him and he was glaring right back at Sasuke "This is perfect i was just thinking about how i wanted to kick your butt"Naruto said "Follow me"Sasuke said and they took the fight to the roof.

I stayed on the side line just watching not really sure what to do, i mean it's not like they are gonna kill each other, right? Anyway i watched as Sasuke and Naruto fought at first it was just a regular fight but then Naruto fired up a Rasengan and Sasuke made a Chidori, that isn't good i ran forward intent to stop them but Kakashi appeared and got to them first tossing them to the water towers.

"What do you think you're doing up here?That was a little intense for a sparring match wasn't it?What's wrong with you two? And you, why didn't you stop them before it got to this?"Kakashi asked turning to me "I honestly thought they wouldn't try kill each other, that chidori though"i trailed off and looked down.

Kakashi put his hand on my shoulder "It's fine, i'll talk to Sasuke, why don't you go find Neji? He came looking for you earlier"he said, i nodded and looked over as Sasuke ran off, i had a feeling this was only the beginning to what? I didn't know but something bad i could just feel it, i then left deciding to walk down the wall of the hospital and like Kakashi had asked tracked down Neji.

I found him in our usual training spot "Hey Neji did you have something you wanted to talk about?"i asked approaching him "What are you talking about?"he asked "Kakashi said you were looking for me"i said "No, i've been here the whole time"he said "That damn liar"I grumbled and sighed "Well, is there anything to talk about?"i asked "Actually there is something"he said, i got a little worried but waited for him to talk.

"I was thinking we made this official, i'd like for you to formally meat my uncle as my girlfriend" Neji said, i blushed "Sure"i said, then i got worried again what if his uncle doesn't like me and forbids Neji from seeing me? i'm pretty sure Neji would see me regardless but still it worried me, Neji then grabbed my hands and i looked at him "Don't worry about it, no matter what he says i-i love you"he said blushing his eyes flickering to the ground and back to me.

I blushed even more, did he really just say he loved me? i smiled tears pricking my eyes "I love you too"i said and kissed him, he smiled kissing me back, it was a quick one as i pulled away after that "Let's go see your uncle then"i smiled.


I sighed a bit as i was walking home, it was dark out, i hadn't expected the meeting with Neji's family to go this long, at least lord Hyuga approves of our relationship, like his opinion would have stopped us either way, anyway as i was walking back and looking around the wonderful night life of Konoha i spotted a figure heading to the gates.

I decided to take a closer look and saw Sasuke "What are you doing out so late?"i asked him "I should ask you that"he retorted "I was just walking home from meeting Neji's family, what about you?"i asked, he didn't reply, he couldn't be, "You're not going to Orochimaru are you?"i asked.

"He can give me power"Sasuke said "So can Kakashi if you actually asked him to train you you know"i said "I've already made my decision"he said "Orochimaru will only use you, he'll only making you stronger to eventually steal your body"i told him "You don't know anything! Revenge has always been my reason for living, Orochimaru can give me the power to kill Itachi i don't care if he's only using me, as long as i get my revenge"he said.

"Did you ever think for a second there was something more to the massacre? You honestly think Itachi killed everyone just to test himself? Tell me you're not actually that stupid to not have thought of that in all this time!"i yelled at him "SHUT UP!!!"he yelled back "Of course i thought of that but it doesn't matter, i will kill Itachi"Sasuke growled "Fine go and waste your life chasing a meaningless revenge!"i yelled turning away.

Sasuke continued walking but as he walked past me i grabbed and pinned him "Don't think i'll let you go that easily though"i said, he growled reverse grabbed me, we tumbled for a while until Sasuke jumped back and charged at me with Chidori in hand, i didn't move out of the way as his hand pierced through just below my rib cage.

I coughed blood and looked at his shocked face "Why? Why didn't you dodge?!"Sasuke yelled at me "Cause, this is what revenge gets you, hurt friends and only pain"i managed to say, i don't think Sasuke hit anything vital but damn did it hurt, i grabbed his hand and pulled it out and fell on my knees Sasuke caught me though "If you still want to chase revenge, i won't be able to stop you"i said.

I sighed a bit leaning on Sasuke "Enough lectures though, i'm starting to sound like Kakashi, whatever you decide i hope you remember your friends are the family you choose"i said and tapped his forehead with two fingers before passing out.


I was shocked, Umiko tapped my forehead like Itachi had used to but this changes nothing, i will get my revenge, i did my best to wrap up the wound i had cause Umiko and laid her on the bench, i didn't look back as i walked out of the village.

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