Chapter Twelve ~ Forest of Death part 2

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"Sorry i forgot the password!"Naruto yelled grinning his stupid grin "Naruto get out of here! What are you thinking?! You don't know what you're up against! Hurry go now while you still can"Sasuke yelled at him "So Naruto you managed to escape from my friend, well done"the grass ninja said.

I finished wrapping up my leg and stood up but i stayed to the side watching what would happen "Okay okay, i don't get what's going on here but you've been picking on my friends and i don't like that, so slither on back home snake lady before i make a pair of shoes out of you!"Naruto said, ooh nice one.

Sasuke was still clearly scared of the snake lady though "You can have it"Sasuke suddenly said, "Umiko, hand over the scroll"he said turning to me "No way! I'm scared too but i'm not giving away the scroll"i said staring him down, then Naruto jumped over and punched him "Yeah! Like either of us would hand the scroll to an impostor like you!"he said.

"Naruto! What are you talking about? it's really me!"Sasuke yelled at him "Yeah right, the Sasuke i know isn't a coward, you keep saying i don't understand what's going on but i do! You chocked that's what this is!"Naruto yelled back, i jumped over and stood next to Naruto "Come on we can take her together"I said "Yeah!"Naruto nodded grinning and ran at the snake lady as she did a summoning jutsu.

The giant snake began attacking Naruto and i, we jumped back dodging it and landed on a tree branch, Naruto went down panting clearly exhausted from running all the way here if i had to guess, i remained standing analysing the giant snake and the creep that stood on its head, the snake attacked with its tail and i dodged but Naruto got hit and flew into a tree "Naruto!"i called.

Damn it, i knew i shouldn't have trusted that idiot to handle himself, Naruto came to and hit the snake making it back off, that's not right, something was definitely off about him, could it be? the nine tails? Naruto continued hitting the snake, i decided to stay back and not get in his way, the snake lady blew fire at him and Naruto went flying back again.

"Now then let's see how well you do Sasuke!"the snake lady said, i had no time to worry about Sasuke i rushed over to Sasuke and jumped tackling him out of the way but it turned out i didn't need to as Naruto had stopped the snake and held it back, his eyes, they were red, definitely the nine tails "Hey kid, you're not hurt are ya? You scardy cat"Naruto said to Sasuke repeating what Sasuke had told him during the land of waves mission.

I rolled my eyes a bit and looked at Naruto getting up, his eyes were red, definitely the nine tails but i decided to keep my mouth shut, the snake lady wrapped her freakishly long tongue around Naruto lifting him, she did something to him which made him pass out, i tossed a kunai stopping Naruto from falling.

I took out another kunai and glared at the snake lady "Right guess it's my turn"i looked back at Sasuke "Unless you're not too scared" he smirked getting in front of me, his sharingan active "Just watch me"he said and started fighting the snake lady, i stayed back and watched.

Sasuke threw some kunai and got in close, they fought with taijutsu though it seemed to me the snake lady wasn't putting any effort into it, the snake lady ran off disappearing from my sight but i knew Sasuke could track her with his sharingan, Sasuke did a couple of jutsu when snake lady came to a stop but it didn't seem to have any effect as the snake lady burrowed through the wood to Sasuke but he jumped back and took a stance waiting for her next move.

Man i'm a little jealous, even with my massive chakra there's a limit to what my body can do but something about Sasuke and Naruto that i can never catch up with, that's okay though but i don't plan to quit running after that something either, I watched as Sasuke and snake lady went for round two.

Snake lady made the first attack but Sasuke dodged, Attacking from above Sasuke grabbed the snake lady and slammed her to a branch bellow, i followed after them i wanted to see the whole fight, the snake lady turned to mud a substitution, a bunch of kunai were thrown at Sasuke but he dodged and swung around using wires, i followed and saw snake lady punch Sasuke seemingly taking him off guard as she continued attacking.

Sasuke went down and snake lady went towards him i threw a kunai at her, she jumped back "Not another step, Sasuke and Naruto maybe out but i have plenty of fight left in me"i said, though i don't know if i can defeat her, ignoring me the snake lady walked forward, i huffed a bit and glared at her, watching her, i didn't hear what she said to Sasuke but tiny bombs Sasuke had planted on her exploded.

Sasuke jumped back and threw shuriken with wire on them, tying snake lady against the tree, Sasuke then did a jutsu setting snake lady on fire, but i had a feeling it wasn't over yet, i jumped over and next to Sasuke and put up my guard, Sasuke was panting lightly clearly tired, the snake lady got out part of her face melted off, she did that paralyzing jutsu again but i was able to withstand it this time.

"Impossible"Sasuke muttered "Such mastery of the sharingan at such a young age, you're a true Uchiha after all, yes you'll do nicely"the creep said her voice turning deeper to a man's voice, one i didn't know, i put up my guard further "You are definitely his brother, if anything your eyes are even keener the Itachi's"the she man said "Who are you? What do you want?!"Sasuke asked, the creep held up the heaven scroll, when did he?! "My name is Orochimaru"he said, never mind when he got the scroll i know that name, this is not good.

Orochimaru burned the scroll "And as to what i want you'll just have to wait until we meet again"he said "You want his body right?" i asked "Oh so you know of me?"Orochimaru asked "In books they mention the three sages of the leaf, they even mention them by name but nothing else about you, so i did a little digging, you're a body snatching hoarder, even worse then a common thief, not to mention creepy"i said.

Orochimaru just chuckled "You are interesting but i doubt you can offer me anything new"he said and made a sign and his neck stretched to impossible lengths and he bit Sasuke moving too fast for me to stop him, Sasuke dropped down screaming in agony "What did you do?!"i asked glaring at Orochimaru who chuckled "Just a parting gift, very soon Sasuke will seek me out, looking for power, in the meantime i enjoyed seeing what he already possess"he said and disappeared.

I looked around sensing as much as i could and sighed a bit, seemed he was gone for now, Sasuke passed out possibly from the pain, i picked him up and went back for Naruto, picking him up too i found a place to hide while these two recovered, i set up a few traps around the area and sighed again "Right now to just stay up all night and watch for enemy attacks, how hard could that be?" i'm talking to myself, great.

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