Chapter Thirteen ~ Forest of Death part 3

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I had stayed up all night waiting for an enemy attack and nothing, wusses, they were probably waiting for me to drop from exhaustion well bad news for you weenies, i have a little thing called caffeine pills patent pending, marvellous little things they are, i made them myself, it's just ground up coffee beans rolled into a food pill sized ball, glazed with sugar and a pinch of salt, just one of these things can keep me going for hours!

Sure i crash like a test dummy a day later but hey since it works i'm willing to put up with any consequences, ANYWAY i was humming just randomly to pass the time, i could tell there were three people somewhere around here watching me, a squirrel popped out of the bush and me not even paying attention tossed a kunai scaring it off.

I continued randomly humming but stopped once the three people finally showed themselves "Finally had enough peeping huh? You pervs" i smirked at them, the spiky haired one huffed clearly irritated by something "You're tougher then we though, you didn't sleep at all last night and still you stand"the one wrapped in bandages said.

"Wanna know why? Ha, as if i'd tell an enemy"i said getting into a stance, as it was three on one i wasn't sure if i could take them all on but it seemed they didn't have much teamwork, if at all, bandages seemed like the leader and was clearly smartest out of them since he saw through my traps, blasting them away with those things on his hand.

I gathered they are deviced to gather wind to attack with but they also make sound, a cleaver little thing, spiky hair was clearly the dumbest, not following bandages' orders and almost falling for my trap and the girl seemed to be there just to fill out ranks.

"Hey!"spiky hair called, i hummed focusing on them again "Wake up Sasuke, we want to fight him"he said "No way! Come back when you grow enough balls to challenge him when he's awake"i taunted "Why you little!"spiky hair growled "Oooh a short fuse i see, that not very ninja of you"i said "That's it!"spiky hair said and rushed in attacking me.

I smirked, if i can goat them to attack me one on one i might have a chance, anyway i focused on spiky hair easily dodging his attacks while focusing on my surroundings, bandages came up behind me but i dodged, spiky and bandages ran into each other, i snickered a bit when the girl grabbed my hair and held on tight.

"Maybe you should focus more on being a ninja then your hair"she said trying a lame insult "Please i'm more ninja then you can handle, i happen to have a boyfriend so at least i have a reason to clean my hair, unlike an ugly cow like you"i said not even hesitating as i cut my hair with a kunai and kicked her away then jumping away as bandages attacked.

Then Lee came in drop kicking spiky hair just as he was gonna attack me "Just in time Lee"i smiled, two on three were much better odds "Of course, the noble green beast of Konoha will always have his friends back"Lee said getting to a stance as we stood back to back "Don't get too close, they can use sound"i said "Understood"Lee nodded and we separated, i took on spiky while he handled bandages.

Bandages got the better of Lee though using the device on his arms to make sound and make Lee unable able to fight "Lee!"i called getting distracted and in that moment spiky kicked me back, i groaned hitting the tree and coughed holding my stomach, man for someone so stupid he kicks hard.

The girl had joined the group again too but then Ino, Choji and Shikamaru jumped in and held them off for a while but then Neji appeared, i almost called to him in delight, oh it's been so long since i last saw him, however he said he didn't need to help, i looked over and saw Sasuke covered in these dark marks, he easily defeated the girl and broke spiky's arms before i called for him to stop and he did, thank goodness.

The dark spots receded and bandages left us an earth scroll before leaving with his teammates, i sighed a bit letting myself collapse, i'm exhausted, i was about to fall when Neji caught me, i smiled up at him "Hi"i simply said "Hey"he simply said smiling back at me "Are you hurt?"he asked "Yeah, spiky kicked me but i think he just bruised me"i said, as much as it hurt at first it's hurting less and less now maybe i'm more durable then i though.

I yawned a bit "I'm sorry but i have to go, i'll see you at the end"Neji said rather quickly and kissed my forehead, i smiled "Kay"and waved him off, Naruto woke up in the meanwhile and Sasuke had told him what the others told him had happened, anyway Sasuke put me on his back and we continued walking to the tower, then i crashed.


When i next woke up i was laying near a campfire, i sat up and could hear Naruto and Sasuke arguing nearby, i decided to go check it out "What's the ruckus about?"i asked getting over to them by the river "Umiko!"Naruto grinned "Welcome back"Sasuke said smirking a bit or was it a smile? either way they seemed to be arguing about how many fish to get.

"I can deal with that, why don't you get a fire started"i said taking off my scarf, shirt and pants before diving in, the river was deep enough for it i smiled swimming around, it had been a while since i had a good swim, anyway i caught three fish for each of us and headed back with my catch and clothes.

Sasuke had gotten a fire started and we started roasting the fish with sticks and Sasuke went to get water "Hey, wanna look inside the scroll?"Naruto asked grabbing the scroll from me "No"i simply said "Oh come on aren't you even a little curious?"he asked "Of course but the rules says not to so i won't if you do go ahead and do it"i said putting my clothes back on after a bit of drying myself out.

Naruto started peeling the scroll open but then from a poof someone stopped him, before the smoke from the poof even lifted i had the person pinned down, it turned out to be some guy with glasses, Naruto called him Kabuto "Hey i was just trying to help"he said "And you will help"i smirked a bit and started searching, i looked in his back pouch first and there i found both scroll, Sasuke came running up just then, ignoring what he and Naruto were talking about i grabbed both of his scroll and put our heaven scroll inside.

"Thank you very much for your help, goodbye then"i smiled grabbing our things, the fishes, Sasuke and Naruto and poofing us out of there, once far away from Kabuto i held onto the scroll, Sasuke and Naruto sorted their stuff and we finished eating the fish as we headed to the tower and arrived just before night fall, second phase was finally over.

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