Chapter Eleven ~ Forest of Death part 1

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The next day those who had passed met up at training ground 44, also known as the forest of death, I was with my team and listened as Anko our proctor explained the rules to this part of the exam, there were two scroll, a heaven scroll and an earth scroll, we were to get them both and get to the tower in five days or less with our whole team, if one of us was incapacitated we fail though.

Don't open the scroll and don't get killed , pretty much, we got liability forms that once signed pretty much meant that the proctors of this exam weren't responsible for any loss of life, Neji and i went further away from the group and filled our forms in silence.

We would be separated for a longer time then usual during this, i suppose it was something to get used to though, we are ninja and we won't have missions together until we're chunin, even then though it's not the smartest idea to have a mission together, you never know what might happen, i understood all of that but still as i looked at this piece of paper i felt my heart sink under all the what ifs.


"Umiko"i called to her, she turned to me worry clear in her dark eyes, i was worried too but about her, i knew she could handle herself but i couldn't help it, i put my hand to the back of her head and leaned her forehead against mine.

She moved closer and hugged me, i hugged back "Let's just promise never to die on each other"she said "I promise"i said pulling her closer.



The second test had begun, currently Sasuke Naruto and i were walking around the forest of death, i was carrying the scroll, we were kinda hoping we would just run into someone that had an earth scroll since we had a heaven scroll, i thought back to when this was starting out that grass ninja with the long tongue, something seemed off about her.

I decided to put it out of my mind and focused on the task at hand "Uhm sorry gotta go!"Naruto said running off into a bush, i groaned "Ugh! You better make this quick!"i called after him, after a while Naruto came running back but before he opened his mouth i threw a kunai at him.

He dodged it but Sasuke threw a second kunai, he also dodged that "You two are sharp, how'd you know it was a disguise?"they asked dropping the transformation jutsu "Please it was easy, first you didn't have the cut Naruto got from the proctor and second, he's right handed, so his holster is on his right leg"i said.

"So? I'm still gonna take your scroll, now which one of you has it?!"they said and attacked, Sasuke jumped back and did the phoenix flower jutsu forcing the ninja to jump back, we gave him chase and spotted Naruto tied up "You're hopeless Naruto!" i called tossing a kunai to him.

"Better keep your eyes on me!"the ninja said tossing a bunch of knifes and kunai at Sasuke, he dodged them but one of them had a paper bomb, i went on ahead while he was blow back, the ninja went back to where Sasuke was, i tisked a bit and used a branch to boost myself over and tackled the ninja and pinned him down like Kakashi had Sasuke on our first "mission"

"Hand over your scroll"i said, the ninja disappeared though, a replacement, damn it he gave us the slip, we met up with Naruto and Sasuke came up with a password, more like a pass sentence, i didn't bother memorizing it cause i could tell someone was nearby and the password was more for them.

Then a huge wind blew us a part, Naruto was sent flying who knows where but Sasuke and i managed to get out of the way just in time, i went over to Sasuke and he pointed a kunai at me "When does a ninja strike?"he asked "When the enemy sleeps and their weapons lay forgotten"i said "Nice try, the real Umiko wouldn't have bothered to memorize it knowing someone was nearby"he said.

"True but i also know that would be the perfect time to strike because of course it would be, unless it's a trap, regardless  if you really wanted to know for sure who i am you would of asked something only we would know, like we have the heaven scroll for example or that you and Naruto were each others first kiss"i smirked a bit.

"We are not! That was an accident!"Sasuke yelled blushing, i smirked more "You're blushing, could it be the mighty Uchiha heir is gay?"i asked "I AM NOT!!!"he yelled getting red, i laughed "Whatever you say"i managed to say and calmed down from my laughter.

Then Naruto came running over "Hey!"he called "Wait right there! When does a ninja strike?"i asked him and he said it perfectly, I glanced at Sasuke and we both smirked "Nice imitation but Naruto would of never remembered that"Sasuke said throwing a kunai but they dodged it, they smirked "Aren't we the clever ones?"they asked and dropped the jutsu revealing the grass ninja from the entrance.

Something still seemed off about her though, ignoring it though i got ready to fight as did Sasuke "Tell me, if your teammate is really that dimwitted, why would you make a password he'd never remember?"the woman asked "We could tell someone was listening, so the password was really for whoever was eavesdropping"I told her.

"It was a trap you stumbled right into"Sasuke added "I'm impressed, this promises to be very interesting"the woman said and licked the rim of her hat, ew, they pulled out a heaven scroll but neither of moved "Very nice but i bet you would just love getting your hands on our heaven scroll"she said and swallowed it, eww.

The grass ninja cast some sort of jutsu that paralized Sasuke and i, he hurled but i managed to stand even though i was clearly shaking "Well well, one of you is clearly stronger but i'm not interested in you"she said, i couldn't move but i had to, i had to get out of here, i stabbed myself and grabbed Sasuke getting out of there.

I stopped and hid behind a tree "That was too close for comfort, i've never been that scared in my life"I muttered but Sasuke shushed me and put his hand on my mouth, i glared at him a bit but then noticed a snake about to attack, i grabbed Sasuke getting us out of the way, the snake continued to chase us, rather Sasuke as my leg prevented me from jumping too far.

Sasuke tossed shuriken at the snake as i hastily wrapped my leg wound in bandage, the snake died but from the snake emerged another, mainly the creepy grass ninja, "I can sense your fear and desperation, it's only natural the pray must never let their guard down in the presence of a predator!"she said and went to attack Sasuke but was stopped by Naruto.

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