Chapter Six ~ Zabuza of the Mist

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Currently we were walking through a forest leading Tazuna home when Naruto rushed on ahead and threw a kunai to a random direction, i sighed a bit and shook my head at him "You know it's not very cool just randomly tossing your kunai"I said "But i really thought someone was there"Naruto whined, i rolled my eyes and went over to find a terrified bunny.

But it wasn't your every day bunny, it was a completely white rabbit but it wasn't winter now so this had to be one raised indoors and that means "GET DOWN!!!"Kakashi called, i ducked down with the rest as a giant sword flew over head and hit a tree.


A shirtless man appeared standing on the blade looking over his shoulder at the team, "Well well if it isn't Zabuza Momochi, a rogue ninja from the hidden mist village"Kakashi said 'Rogue ninja? Whatever, nothing's gonna stop me, ready go' Naruto thought and went forward but Umiko stopped him "This guy is way out of our league just sit back and let Kakashi handle it"she said.

"Umiko's right, you'll just be in the way, if he's after us i'll need to use this"Kakashi said reaching for his head band "Kakashi of the Sharingan eye, is that right? It's too bad huh but you'll have to hand over the old man"Zabuza said "Now quick Manji formation protect the bridge builder" Kakashi said.

The three jumped to their places with Umiko at the front, Sasuke and Naruto at both sides, Kakashi lifted his head band revealing his Sharingan "Oh? I get to see the Sharingan in action what an honor"Zabuza said almost mockingly "Everybody keeps saying Sharingan Sharingan, will someone explain what that is?!"Naruto yelled.

"Did you ever pay attention in class?"Umiko asked "Hn, moron, the Sharingan is a rare power residing in the eyes, a visual jutsu called Dojutsu, it can understand and copy any taijutsu, genjutsu and ninjutsu"Sasuke told him 'So i wonder how Kakashi has one?' he though "That's correct kid, as for you jounin your head has pretty nice bounty Kakashi the copy ninja"Zabuza said as a mist started to roll in.


Zabuza appeared on the water and the mist started to thicken and he vanished, keeping alert i knew he would go for the old man standing behind me but from where, if it were it  would be from behind where our formation is weak, a chuckle echoed through the mist as Zabuza listed the eight kill points, Sasuke began trembling next to me and Kakashi calmed him down.

"Calm down Sasuke i'll never let a comrade die"Kakashi had said "Is that so?"Zabuza said from behind me, not even thinking about it i quickly turned and sliced him with my sword, it turned out to be a water clone though, the others jumped back

"Impressive but how about this one?"Zabuza asked appearing behind me but before i could act Kakashi came in and held a kunai to Zabuza "You leave her alone"he said, Zabuza chuckled "Oh, i don't think i will"the smirk clear in his voice, the real one appeared behind Kakashi the water clone disappeared.

I moved quickly getting between the two as Zabuza swung his sword and held it off, Zabuza put more weight to it and i responded, Zabuza put all his weight to it but i still managed to hold him off digging my heels to the ground and using chakra i only moved a little.

Zabuza huffed jumping back, Kakashi went after him but Zabuza kicked him back and Kakashi escaped into the water, Zabuza appeared behind him and put him in a water prison jutsu "Escaping to the water was a big mistake, now you'll have to sit there and watch as i kill your students, except that girl, no i want to test her"Zabuza said and made two water clones that appeared on the land.

One of them went over and kept Naruto and Sasuke busy while the other one came after me, i lured him to the woods where i would have more of an advantage, with that big sword of his even though he could slice through a tree it would slow him down and if it got stuck it would give me an opening.

So i ran through the trees with him slicing them up from behind me "Stop running and fight me!"Zabuza growled "As if i'd be stupid enough to fight you head on!" i called back, then Zabuza appeared in front of me, i managed to bend back and duck bellow his blade just in time as he swung it at me, the huge sword got stuck to the tree and i didn't waste any time and sliced the opening on his right side.

I thought this would deal with the clone but to my surprise what splashed onto my face was blood, letting go of the sword Zabuza jumped back and held his side blood dripping from inbetween his fingers "Not bad kid"he said, i wiped my face and looked at the blood on my hands.

It wasn't like i hadn't seen blood before, but this was somehow different, i wasn't scared by it, i didn't know what i was feeling, i do know i was fascinated by it, the blood was warm and sticky almost like water but thicker, i shook my head and held my sword which was dripping with blood and glared at Zabuza.

"You seemed surprised"he said "I was, i didn't think the real you would come after me"i said, he chuckled "You remind me of someone i knew a long time ago, now i see i was right"he said "What are you talking about?"i asked "You're exactly like Kisame Hoshigaki, do you know who that is?"he asked "I do actually, a rogue ninja from the mist like you"i said.

"Exactly"he simply said before coming at me with a kunai, i easily held him off this time and so our fight began (i'm gonna do a little skip cause i suck at action scenes, especially writing one of my own) I kicked Zabuza with all my strength and all my chakra sending him flying.


Zabuza came crashing through the trees before eventually stopping and coming to a halt at a thicker tree "It's over Zabuza"Kakashi said not realizing what he had been fighting was a water clone "How? Can you see into the future?"Zabuza asked having gotten his clones memories "Yes, this is your last battle ever"Kakashi said ready to finish him off when a couple of needles struck Zabuza in the neck making it seem like he had died.

The 'Mist hunter ninja' appeared and explained what he was doing and all that happened with Naruto getting angry that some kid was better then him anyway, the kid took Zabuza and disappeared, Kakashi looked around "Where's Umiko?"he asked "Here!"he heard a tired call from the other side of the woods where Umiko had reached the edge of.

She was looking worse for wear then any of the others with cuts and bruises and a gushing wound on her left side which she was putting pressure to, Umiko groaned as she gathered strength and walked over, Kakashi also went over to her but collapsed "Kakashi-sensei!"Naruto panicked.

"He's fine, he just over used his sharingan"Umiko said and went to pick him up but Sasuke stopped her "You don't look so good yourself"he said, Umiko huffed "Fine but i can manage to walk at least, i think"she said "Just quit it with the tough act, you're clearly exhausted and loosing blood"Sasuke said "Ugh fine"Umiko groaned allowing him to piggyback her while Tazuna picked up Kakashi and showed them to his house.

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