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"No Mr. Cactus, don't run away fro-"

"We were born to "

"MAKE HISTORY!!", I interrupt my alarm as it sang the Yuri!!!on Ice opening song. It was set for 4AM as usual. I was already full of energy all because of this song , but a little upset because of its own interruption of my Mr. Cactus dream. I laid back in bed, realizing that I have to get up for school.  "ughhhhhGGHHH!", I groan to myself. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, stroking my shoulder length dark brown and purple hair; the tips and my bangs were purple. Grabbing my phone, underwear, bra, tank top, jeans, and a towel, I head to the bathroom and take a shower, playing my music and singing to the songs.

Once I got out, the clock read 4:47 AM. Heading back downstairs to my room, I can't help but to look at my still sleeping, unhygienic brother. Disgusting. I can't fucking stand him. I scowl in dissatisfaction at this idiotic little boy. ending up in my room, I start straightening my hair. A song popped up in my head and I started to sing it:(Song-Jellyfish song, Clear dmmd)

"Yura,Yura, Yurameku. Nami no Ma ni

Kirakira kagayaku koe wa tada yure Kanata e to"

My cat Jade walks in, and I pet her as I'm still singing and straightening my hair. The song made the atmosphere in my room quite peaceful.

"yume miru KURAGE wa uta utau yo

yasashii umibe de nemuru"

Singing through only a few verses, a tear leaves my eye, "My poor baby Clear."(If you get it, you are awesome). Just then, my alarm goes off for 5:00, meaning, "HEY DEMON RATS! TIME TO WAKE UP!!", I yell through the house to my brother and sister. "We get it stupid bitch. You're not in charge of us.", they yell back at me. A little piece of my heart broke off, but me being the oldest, I just bite my lip and hold back my tears. Even though I hate them, a tiny bit of me tells me that if they do something stupid, I'll be there. But that's only a tiny bit. They're still assholes.

My parents were never really home when it was time for us to leave for school, since they both work third shift. So I had the responsibility of getting them up. "Just get ready for school! ,Sean(my brothers name) make sure Nya(My little sisters name) is dressed, and walk her to her bus stop or she'll be late!",I yell upstairs to them. I'm lazy so I sure as hell don't do it.

I go back into my room and pull up Fairy Tail, my favorite anime. I was rewatching it for the fourth time.

~Lil bitty time skip to 7:18~

My alarm goes off, signaling I only have two minutes to make sure I have all my stuff together. I swing on my black skull covered jacket and grab my half  heart Fairy Tail necklace, my eevee necklace, and my black choker with a silver star hanging off. it went perfectly with my outfit considering I was wearing my black and red plaid shirt, my dark blue skinny jeans with rips in the front going down both legs, and my mid-shinned black leather boots. This really was my favorite outfit. I also grab both of my phones and three pairs of headphones. I keep a stash in case my sibling try to steal a pair or the headphones wanna be assholes and not work.

~Another time skip to where we get to school~

I meet up with my small circle of friends, Cece [Aran], Cece's boyfriend Justin[Yurio the second], Sasha[Sushi], Jessica [Lil J] , and Rachael [bitty Hibs]. We were the outcasts, but mostly me. I was a complete anime addict, If you haven't noticed from all the anime related stuff in here and referances. I've seen almost any anime you can think of, and remember every bit of it. I had a rather good memory when it comes to anime, but when I leave my room for something, I completely forget what it was. I was also the perv of the group, I shipped EVERYTHING with something else, and was way too hyper for my own good. Out of all of that, my main good asset would be that I stay strong for my friends and the people I love (that excludes my family). But I guess...I stay too strong. I keep too many emotions bottled up and I just cant handle it all, but I never break down in front of anyone. Especially the ones I stay strong for.

"Hey Alaysia! Read any good smut lately?", asks Cece. "Surprisingly, no.", I respond with a small laugh. I walk over to Sasha and throw my arm over her shoulders, "Hey Sushi, how you been?", I ask her as I lick my lips, making a weird slurp sound. "Oh, I've been wonderful. What you doin tonight?", she throws my perverted ways back at me. I respond with a simple "You." and the whole group laughs.

~Time skip to second period~

I sigh, putting the knife down after  finishing slicing the strawberries for the smoothie. We were in my Foods1 and making smoothies. A girl, around 14, and well known because she was pregnant, walks past me from behind with her friend. "That girl is so weird," I eavesdrop on their conversation. "I mean, all she wants is attention, always dying her hair. and plus, she thinks shes better then everyone else because her breasts are large yet she's not fat.", But I don't...These breasts are a burden..."Yeah. And shes always looking at you. Like damn, staring problems much?" It's only because life is a beautiful thing.. The knife was shaking, indicating I was enraged.  "True.", the pregnant girl, known as Amelia, said, "And have you seen the girl she hangs out with? What was her name?" "Cece." ,her friend answered They better fucking not. "Yeah her. everyone calls her a lonely ass bitch who only wants attention. I heard even her boyfriend calls her that." ,that was it. That was my breaking point.

I lowered my head, and my bangs covered my face to where my eyes were no longer visible. I clutched the knife in my left hand, my knuckles turning into a white color due to the pressure. This bitch is dying, TODAY. "Oh, I think her stupid ass heard us. Are you going to cry?", Amelia taunted. I clutched my teeth and walked towards them. Amelia's friend was shivering in the back due to my black aura, but Amelia herself just stood there with pride. Not for long. Her friend ran away, "She ain't gonna do shit." "You sure about that?", my voice changed dramatically, and I took another step towards her, and then,


I had swung the knife over her stomach, causing her to double over. I was huffing in anger, until I realized what I just did. I gasped at my self and covered my mouth with both hands. "I-I'm so sorry...", I grabbed my stuff and stormed out of the room. "ALAYSIA!", the teacher called back at me, but I didn't listen, and stormed out of the school grounds. I heard police and hospital sirens, the police sirens coming closer to me, as I ran down the large main street. I hid in the back patch of woods as the police cars revved by.

~Time skip to home~

I make it back to the house without being spotted. My phone goes off, indicating an amber alert, probably for me. I jet downstairs, ignoring my dads question. I lock my door behind me, and soon after my dad is screaming behind the door and pounding on it. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!", I ignored his questions again and pack as fast as I can. I packed my laptop, my phones, my speakers, all twenty-seven pairs of headphones, my tablet, three changes of clothes, my hair brush, pencils, and my drawing books and jump out my window fast.

Longest prologue EVER. well, most of this is based off of me and my real life (Except for the slicing of Amelia's stomach). But this is a start of a whole new adventure !

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