Chapter 9: Mission time part 1

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I'm still extremely worried about Cece coming with us, but she has high hopes to come, and I haven't seen her like this in a long time. She is genuinely happy, so I am not going to take that happiness away from her.

I had finished packing, leaving my laptop at home. I kept my phone and tablet with me in case I got bored, as well as my headphones. "Ready- oh, noones here.", for some reason, me and Aran were the only ones who were here. After meeting the client, I noticed he was a lowly drunk. I should've known.

He really annoyed me, and Naruto. Since I was taller the the whole group, Sasuke was second, Sakura was third, and Aran was fourth, leaving Naruto as the shortests. I busted out laughing when the client came in asking if the little one with the stupid face was actually a ninja.

Basically, we're taking him back to his country so he can build a bridge or something. "Why is nobody here yet? Especially Naruto.", Aran asked. I shrug. "I hate waiting!", I complain, leaning against the large surrounding wall.

I heard foot steps coming from my left, which makes my head swing that way, but it wasn't the group. It was,"Kiba!!!", I shout towards the hooded boy. He turns to me, making Akamaru jump from his arms and into mine. "That's a good puppy!", I was petting Akamaru like my life depended on it.

"Oh, that's your man?", Aran whispered to me. Kiba began walking over with a sweet smile on his face. "Yiiiiip. But not yet.", I smirk at her. "Hows it going Taiga, and girl I don't know?", Aran began giggling. "I'm Aran Domaeru. Nice to finally meet you Kiba. Taiga talks about you almost all the time.", she winked at me and shoved me into his chest. "H-hey! Aran! I do not..", I mumbled the last part to myself.

I was about to get off of Kiba until Akamaru wanted to be a smart ass and jump on my back, shoving me more into Kiba's chest, causing us both to tumble to the ground. "Shit!", I whine as my head hits something painfully hard. I heard Kiba groan from underneath me.

I pick myself up slightly, only to be inches away from Kiba's face. Aran took my role and acted as the crazy fan girl, taking pictures with my phone. We were staring into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity until.. "Woah Taiga, I didn't know you were in that type of relationship with Kiba~", I heard someone taunt me from behind. Sakura?

I attempt to get up, only to find our legs entangled. "Aran help meeee", "Okay okay I'm coming.", she whined unsatisfied.

Finally off of the adorable man cub,  I looked to the ground. "Hey, youre going on a mission right? Can we talk when you get back?", he asked me, and I just nodded. "Okay. Meet me at Ichiraku's when you get back then! Lets go Akamaru.", the little pupper barked, following Kiba back to his team.

"What was that all about?", asked Sakura.  "I-it was nothing!", "Suurrreeeee~ nothing~", Aran teased, earning a glare from me. I felt someone staring holes into the back of my head. And the craziness continues. It was Sasuke. "Duck ass, the hell's your problem?", I ask irritatedly. He just rolls his eyes, "Whatever.", I sigh. "Kakashi and the client should be here any minute. Where's Naruto?" Sakura asked. Both Sasuke and Aran shrugged, and I tried to find his chakra.

"There,", I pointed up at a roof top. "Hes coming."I confirm. Just then, he jumps from a roof top. "You're late,", we all say in unison.

It was now bright in the morning, and Kakashi and Tazuna, the client, finally show up. "Shall we go?", stated Kakashi. "Yaaaahhh!! Alright!", Naruto yelled in glee. "What are you getting so excited about Naruto?", Sakura asked unamused. "This is my first time being out of the village, believe it!",he responded.

"Hey, am I really supposed to trust my life to this runt? He's a joke.",the client whined, earning a demons glare from me. He started to slightly shake in his boots. "Don't you ever insult someone before finding out for yourself what they could doyou jackas- I mean douche. He's here to protect YOU because you cant protect yourself.", I scoff, "Next time you think you can say something about someone, think of how they'd feel about it and if you could do any better you low life drunk.", Kakashi and Tazuna's mouths dropped to the center of the Earth and back. "Why you little..", Tazuna mumbled under his breathe.

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