Chapter 8: Team 7's fifth member?

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Kakashi's POV (Woah!)

It was already 11 AM, and surprisingly, Naruto hasn't shown up yet. He's later then me..maybe something happened?  Then, Sakura repeated my same question. "What's taking them so long? Naruto's never late and Taiga usually comes with you Kakashi-Sensei." "I don't know. But if they keep us waiting any longer, i might kill both of them.", Sasuke says irritated. "How about we go to their apartment building and see whats keeping them?", I suggest with a close eyed smile. They both nod and we head off.

~Time skip to shitty apartments~

We knock on Naruto's door first and waited a while. There was no reply. I raised a brow and entered anyways. The place was... empty? "Kakashi-Sensei, I don't get it. Why is he not here?", I don't reply to Sakura's question and head over to Taiga's room next.

First, I knock, and again, no reply. I try to open her door, but it was locked. "What...?",I mumble a little irritated. I bang on the door loudly, but there was still nothing. Thats when I got really worried. "Sasuke, go try to open her window.", he nods and walk out of the building.

a little movement in the room, probably Sasuke trying to open the window. Then, glass shattering, two differant high pitched screams, and a "WHAT THE FUCKNUGGETS SASUKE!?", probably screamed by Taiga.  Then , the door clicked open. "Taiga's in here with a girl i've never seen before, but no sign of Naruto.", Sasuke notified us. "Good job Sasuke.", I praised him and turn my attention to the strange girl wearing a blue suit made to look like a blue donkey. "Alaysiaaa.... turn off the fucking light...", she groaned rubbing her eyes. Taiga slapped her in the arm, making her shoot up instantly. She looks at me and screams, jumping behind Taiga.

 ~Back to Taigas POV~

I was having a nice peaceful dream about dancing tacos in sombreiro's until I hear the sound of glass shattering, making both me and Aran screech. I look at my window to see it COMPLETELY FUCKING SHATERRED. "WHAT THE FUCKNUGGETS SASUKE!?", I shout as I see him crouching on the shattered glass pieces on the floor. He just walks past us and unlocks my door, letting Kakashi and Sakura into my home. "Alaysiaaa....turn off the fucking light...", Aran groaned. I slapped her arm because of her slip up. She comes back to reality and realizes people are in the room. Aran see's Kakashi and screams, jumping behind me.

"First off, have you seen Naruto?", Kakashi asked me. I let out a nervous laugh and rub the back of my neck, "He sorta,kinda, did see her when I brought her back from my little trip to get her , so...", I got up out of bed and headed to my closet, opening the door. I grab the stiff Naruto like picking up a heavy tree trunk, supporting him with my shoulder. "Here ya go.", I hand him to Kakashi.

"I was going to ask you about this girl second off, but I should tell you something before hand-", "Hold up!", I interrupt him. "whose paying for the damages of my damn window?" I ask as I lean over, inspecting the large square hole in my wall. I turn around to see a blushing Kakashi, and Sasuke had his hand covering his nostrils and mouth, looking away from me. "What?", I ask irritated. "Your clothes.", Sasuke answers. I look down to realize I was only in a Medium sized button up shirt and my underwear. Ths is how I sleep at night,but I completely forgot about it since Sasuke barged through my window. "Oh my~ I never realized.", me, having no shame in my life, walk over to my closet and grab clothes. I toss some of my ninja clothes to Aran who ran into the bathroom to get changed. Kakashi ,Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura were still in the room, but I didnt care. I turn around and unbutton my shirt, throwing it off my shoulders, exposing my black underwear. I lean over and grab the bandage and wrapped it around my stomach. Then my crop top, leggings, and sandals. I turned back to the group, "before we go on our mission, we need to see the Hokage about her.", I point my thumb towards the bathroom door, which she was just coming out of. "Should we have seen that?", Sasuke asked a bit flustered. "OF COURSE NOT!", Sakura scolded Sasuke. "Makes sense to go see the Hokage. Then.", we headed to the Hokages.

~Time skip to the Hokage cuz I be lazy~

I had explained to the Hokage and Kakashi-Sensei what had happened, but I didn't tell the rest of the group. I had them sit outside.
"So, what is it we do with Aran?", asked Kakashi.Cece tensed up, preparing for anything. The Hokage thought for a moment. "Well, we should first have her trained.Since you're the only one who knows her situation, Kakashi and Taiga, you both can work together in training her. Her team will be determined once she is qualified to be a genin. And Taiga,", I pirked up at my name being said."She will live with you until further notice. I'll lend you funds to cover both of you.Aran, tell me what type of clothing you prefer.You can't go around wearing her clothes all the time can you?",  The Hokage chuckled and Aran laughed. "I prefer something similar to Taiga', except I'd like to have baggy capris  and no sleeves, and the shirt covering only half, as well as a light red color.Thank you.", she responded kindly. Suck up. I telepathically tease her.Shut up you whore. I bite my lip, trying not to laugh at that insult.Can it short stalk. I throw back at her.she glares at me and punches me in my side."Oweeyyy",  I whine, which earned weird glances from the Hokage but not so much of Kakashi, since he understood I could speak telepathically, and he catches on fast of course.

"Well, I will leave Aran to you Kakashi and Taiga. Aran, welcome to the Hidden leaf Village. I hope you enjoy your stay here.", she just bows at him, Still such a suck up. I lightly giggle at my thoughts as we leave the Hokage's office.

~Lil bitty time skip~

Alright, I'm not even going to explain this boring shit. Basically, we have to do these stupid ass missions which both me and Naruto hated the same way I hate mashed potatoes. And they were irritating Aran as well. Than, Naruto had picked a fight with the Hokage still complaining about missions, so both the Hokage and Iruka-Sensei gave us a C-ranked mission.

~Before departure~

"I think we should leave Aran at the village Kakashi!", I argued with the persistent Sensei. "Taiga! I can take care of myself! Remember when I cracked your rib that one day at lunch?", Aran retaliated. "Aran! You CRACKED my rib! Not enough power to break someone's ribs, let alone kill them! You haven't even been through training yet!", I was getting irritated. She always did this. I'm only looking out for her. "I have an idea.", Kakashi claps his hands together. "Why not take her with us for observational teaching? She can see how a real mission works without getting herself involved." Ya know what? I fucking give up. I finally give in, "Fine. But Aran has to be as protected as the escort itself. Do you understand? If she is harmed in anyway, you're responsible for it Kakashi.", He nods. I pull Aran in a tight hug. "I hope you'll be okay..", I mutter. "I hope so too. "she says back.

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