Chapter 11: Fuck off Zabuza!

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"Well well, if it isnt Zabuza Momochi, rogue ninja of the Village Hidden in the Mist.", Kakashi calls out to the said ninja. Naruto tries to go ahead and attack, only to be stopped by Kakashi himself.

"Youre in the way, get back.", Kakashi demands. "But why!?" "He's not like those other ninja. He's in a whole other league. if he's our opponent than.... Kakashi, you already know dont you?", I join in their conversation. Kakashi just nods at me and begins to pull his headband up, revealing his Sharingan, a Kekkai Genkai that originated in the Uchiha clan, and only Uchiha's would have the Sharingan, but Kakashi here is special.

"Kakashi of the Sharingan eye, did I get that right?", I could see Sasuke get stiff at Zabuza's statement. "Its too bad huh? But youll have to hand over the old man.", we stood there in silence, too much silence. I was biting my lip so hard, i could taste the irony sensation of blood dripping from it. "Oh fuck off Zabuza!", I yelled his way. "Feisty are we?", he lightly chuckled.

"Now quick, manji formation. Protect Aran and the bridge builder, and stay out of this fight. I taught you team work and now its time to use it.", Kakashi commanded as he pulled his headband above his eye.

Taiga:Kakashi! What are you thinking!? You're going to need my help! ,I plead to Kakashi.

Kakashi:No. use the teamwork I taught you Taiga, and protect your friend.

Taiga:But Kakashi..

Kakashi:Taiga. Don't get involved.

I huff as my head had hung low.Kakashi, if only you knew.

After Sasuke explained sharingan to Naruto, the place had completely flooded in fog. Everyone, on high alert.

I suddenly yawned. Huh.. I'm really...really tired... I rub my eyes, trying to keep myself at bay. "Kakashi, why am I so damned sleepy...?", that caught his attention slightly. "Sasuke, dont let Taiga fight. She seems to be exhausted, meaning that she wont be able to have full on stamina. Use a sleep jutsu on her. She's stubborn and would try to get involved, dont let her.", he commanded Sasuke who nodded at him. "Wait wha..? Why..? Im perfectly fi...", I drifted off into darkness as Sasuke put his hand above my forehead, forwarding chakra through his hands.

~Time skip~

I woke up in a rather comfortable place.  A bed im guessing.  Streching my arms and body out widely, I didnt notice my body slowly sliding off the bed until,



I scream in pain as my ass and head hit the hard wooden floor. I sit up from the floor and rub the back of my aching head. I sat there for a minute, acknowledging the room I was in.

What happened again..? Oh yeah, Duck ass' baka ass put me to sleep. "Aww. It was just getting good too!", I whined. I notice my bag sitting next to me on the floor, so I open it, grabbing a change of clothes. "What the hell? Where is my bra?", I scramble thorugh my bag, trying to find my extra bra. "Dammit... ninja clothes....sandals....cup pickle jar....WHAT THE FUCK?! DID I NOT PACK IT?!", I was so frustrated. "Fuck it. Fuck it all. Lets go commando today baby!", I cheer to myself as I pull out my black tank top and grey short shorts.

I brush my hair slightly and head out the door. Lets see... they should be trying to train  out somewhere in a wooded area.

Kakashi-Sensei~! Where you be? , I ask him telepathically.

Oh, you're up? We're here in the small forest just west of the bridge builders home. Come join us in training.

Will do! I head to said place.

"Heyo! Talkin' about chakra right?", I asked the group. "Taiga!", Aran screams my name, jumping at me. "Hey.", I give her a cheeky smile. "Nice to have you with us.", Kakashi adds in. "Yip yip! Oh, tree climbing right? Pfft, so easy." "Right. Only one rule, no hands.", Kakashi informs the group. "What? You're kidding.", Says Sakura.

"Oh, but is he?", I focus chakra to my feet and climb up the tree with ease. Kakashi joins me. "Well, seems you know this.", he points out. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura deadpan, and I just throw a cheeky smile. "Ohhhh! I wanna try!", Aran copied the hand sign I used to focus chakra and climbed up as well. "Oh, this is pretty easy.", she shrugs. I don't think I've seen Naruto deadpan as much as he just did. I high-five Aran as we walk back down. "Well done Aran, Taiga. Now you three, try focusing chakra to your feet and climb one of these trees. Use the kunai knife to mark the part of the tree you reach. Try to pass those marks each time you climb."

Me and Aran watched as the other members of my squad did as told. Sakura got to the top on her first try. "Well, looks like the female members of the squad plus one have better chakra control skills. Well done Sakura.", she giggle at Kakashi's praise. "Chill billboard-brow. You still cant beat him or me.", She growls at my statement.

"Way to go Sakura!", Naruto praised her.

"Not only does Sakura understand chakra, but she can control and maintain it  well. We spoke about someone becoming Hokage one day? And, as for the great Uchiha clan, maybe they're not so great after all. ",Kakashi taunts the boys, which pissed them off, yet motivated.

"Kakashi-Sensei, learn some chill~", me and Aran say in sync, making him sweatdrop.

~Lil bitty time skip~

It's been about two hours since they started training. Naruto went and asked Sakura for advice, I would tell him myself, but I don't want to affect the story line too badly. "Kakashi-Sensei~! I'm boreddd. Can we put Aran through training?" ,I ask, considering I had nothing to do. "Yah. I need nin-nin skills." Aran added.

I furrowed my brow and Kakashi raised his. "'Nin-nin'?", he questions, but shrugs it off. Finally, he sighs, "Fine. Follow me."

~another lil bitty time skip (cuz I cann)~

We stopped at a small spot, not too far from where the others were training, still in view and earshot. "Alright. Lets start with the basics. First, lets do the clone jutsu. Taiga, if you would.", I nod and show her the hand signs to do the jutsu. It took her a few times but she managed. It went like this for a while until she was able to summon ten clones, which was accomplished.

In the end, she ended up learning all the beginner jutsu:

Clone Jutsu

Shadow Clone Jutsu

Transformation Jutsu

Replacement Jutsu

She was a fast learner despite her GPA back in the old world.  "Oh, it's already night fall?", Kakashi points out. I look around to see he's right, "Oh, Yah. I guess. Should we head back?", Aran asked. Me and Kakashi nod as I jump on his back. "NOW HEATH!" "Yes ma'am.", he sighs. Aran giggles at my actions and walks along side him. We grab Sakura. The boys didn't want to come though.

We make it back to the house and I hastily jet off Kakashi's back. "FOOOODDDDDDDDDD!!!!",I cheer. "Neeto.", Aran gives me a crooked smile and pints both fingers upward, making a circular motion with both of them. "Are you that hungry?", Sakura asks. "Of course! Using so much chakra while training Aran was exhausting!", I whine. Aran flicks me in the forehead making me yelp.

"Just like Naruto.", Sakura sighs. I give her a close eyed cheeky grin.

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