Chapter 4: The ways of the fujoshi

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I started getting ready for the day. It was after our day off. I believe this is the day that Naruto kisses Sasuke, Naruto fakes being Sasuke and tries to kiss Sakura, and boy this is my favorite part of the story, and Cockashi(Kakashi) is supposed to be showing up today!

I head off to the classroom, and apparently, I was first one in the classroom. Then came Kiba. He's just so cute! I mean, Shikamaru isn't that bad either, but at least neither of them look like a duck's ass. And speak of the devil, Shikamaru and Sasuke walked in. "Hey Kiba! How's it goin?", a tint of red invades his face as he was surprised in me talking to him, and even knowing his name. "I'm good T-taiga. Why do you ask?", I got out of my seat and walked towards him, leaning on his desk only inches from his face. I swear to god I have always wondered this... "Kiba." "Y-yes?!", he asks flustered.

"What are these upside down triangles on your face supposed to be?" "O-oh, they're umm-", he was cut off by someone saying, "OOOOOO KIBA AND TAIGA ARE KISSING!" , my face flushed as I was still examining Kiba's face, he was really cute. I wish we were... "W-what?", Kiba asked. Then I realized, I said that out loud. "Fuck. I said that out loud didn't I?", Kiba nodded as I got off his desk quickly, as I heard the rushing footsteps of the two most annoying girls alive.

They both squeeze to get in the door, and scream "IM FIRST!"

"I win again Sakura!" , says Bitchy Blondey.

"Give it up! I had to look back to see you. My toe was atleast a tenth of an inch ahead."

"Have you always been this delusional?"

I muted their aruguing by plugging in my headphones and kicking my feet up on the desk, My boots tapping to the music's beat as I sung with it. (The song is up there ^)

"I could never find a right way to tell you,

Have you noticed ive been gone?

Cause I left behind the home that you made me,

But I will carry it along.", my head started to move with the rhythm and my pencil lightly taps the desk.

"Cause it's a long way forward, so trust in me,

ill give them shelter like you've done for me.

And I know, I'm not , alone

youll be watching over us

until youre gone, in me~"

I had my eyes closed as I sung, and I opened them to see all the girls of the class screaming and then they all look at me. I pull out a headphone,"What?", I say harshly. I mean, dude , they interrupted one of the best and saddest songs ive ever heard. "There better be a good reason for your interruption, or ill kick all your asses at once.", I glare at them, venom dripping from my words.

"I said that in all actuality, you were the first one to enter the room, Therefore you get to sit next to Sasuke.", Kiba informed me. "Are you really shitting me dude? Is that all?", since they pissed me off, I might as well piss them off too. Cant believe I'm going to sit next to the duck ass dude. I got up and moved to the seat next to Sasuke. "Ya happy?", just then, I remembered that the teachers should be discussing Sasuke as the most promising student in the class.

Then, another thing clicked. MY OC HAS POWERS! HOW DID I NOT REMEMBER THAT?! If I remember correctly, she can telepathically communicate, read minds, she can allow fox ears and tail to appear on her, which allows her to hear amazingly well and have good balance, she has a Kekkai genkai which allows her to steal chakra, and like the sharingan, it can allow her to imitate ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. Also, she can do alchemy kind of like in Fullmetal alchemist, except it doesn't have to have equal mass or elements, it just has to have the same physical properties.

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