Chapter 1: Guilt

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*Dedicated to Msteenagedreamer for the AMAZING banner --->**

"How are you doing, Ryan?"

"Fine." He muttered.

Shortly after Bridget's death, Carson spilled the beans to Ryan about who his real father was. Surprisingly, Ryan had no immediate reaction. He's been nonchalant towards the situation ever since he found out. Carson disappeared off the face of Earth afterwards. No one has seen or heard from him since.

"That's good, good." I nodded my head, trying to think of something to talk about.

I'd been visiting Ryan once a month for the past six months so he wouldn't feel so alone and abandoned. Ryan took his mother's death extremely hard and he still wasn't fully recovered. I've even had to lie to Cindy about where I've been. As much as I hated lieing to her, I couldn't find a way to tell her without her being too angry.

"Jason, when are you going to tell that girl?" Bridget's mother strolled into the dining room with a plate of fried chicken.

I met Bridget's family at the funeral. Bridget had left them a letter, along with the paternity test results shortly before she died. It was awkward being around them at first, but now it wasn't so bad.

Her mother, Heather, was a lively thing. Drawing from her Jamaican roots, she had long dark brown dreadlocks and a strong Jamaican accent. Her father, Kendrick, was part Cuban and African American. He was a lot more reserved than Bridget's mother.

"I don't know, Mrs. Thomas."

She smirked. "Better be soon. Especially with that little baby child you have now." She smoothed down her skirt and sat down.

Heather wasn't really affected by the loss of Bridget. And if she was, she did a fantastic job of hiding it. Sad, I know. The day they found out Bridget was pregnant was pretty much the last straw for Heather and Kendrick.

As far as I know, they hadn't talked to Bridget since then.

"How is that baby anyway?" She asked pulling out a cigarette.

I stared at her as she lit the cigarette. How could she smoke around her own grandchildren?

I stopped staring when she gave me a questioning look. "Oh, she is fine. She's so beautiful, like Cindy."

She grinned and put the cigarette to her mouth. I looked away uncomfortably.

The sound of running feet came down the stairs. "Gramma?"

"Yes, child?"

"I want more candy." Tamara and Tanya climbed on the couch next to Heather.

"Alright, I will get you some in a minute. Where is Chris?"

They both shrugged.

"Do you ever know anything?" Heather laughed.

They both ran back upstairs, giggling. It grew quiet.

"He's outside." Ryan broke his silence.

"What is he doing outside?" Heather put her cigarette in the small ash tray next to the couch.

He shrugged. "Probably playing basketball."

"Do you still play?" I asked.

He looked at me as if I just asked him to eat a horse's foot. "No."

"How come?"

"Is it any of your business?" He retorted.

"Ryan! Do not use that tone with an adult." Heather interjected..

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