Chapter 26: The Conversation

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I stared at the black, shiny weapon on the table and slowly sat back down.

"Good choice," Carson said, grinning.

My eyes wandered to Yolanda who looked quite uncomfortable herself.

What did Carson have up his sleeve?

"Pretty much all of you are from my past, except for the select few," his eyes moved to the "guests" around the table.

"Now we're all going to have a nice, civil talk with one another. If anything gets out of hand," he paused and picked up the gun, pointing it at each of us, "then we all know what's going to happen."

Everyone remained silent, even the usually outspoken Yolanda. I guess even the bravest people have fears.

"How about we start with you, Jason? Since you seem to want to be be so bold all of a sudden," He said leaning back in his chair.

"You just love to pick on me, don't you?"

"Oh, don't worry. We will get to me later," he assured, tapping his fingers on the table.

"So what do you want me to say, Carson?" I said, irritated.

He wrinkled his nose at my irritation but spoke anyway, "Why do you think you're here?"

"What is this, some kind of counseling session?" Sean said, remembering the visit he, Alea, and I had with the psychiatrist.

Carson turned his head in Sean's direction. "Okay, how about you go first then. Why do you think you're here?"

"Because you're fucking insane," Sean stated.

Carson cackled maniacally. "Thanks. I love your compliment."

"That wasn't a damn compliment, you sick bastard."

He laughed once more. "I don't want to make you an example, Sean." He picked up the gun and spun it on the table.

"You're not gonna' do anything with that gun, Carson," Cindy said, shaking her head.

"And why is that?"

"Because you're a coward and cowards are all talk."

He chuckled to himself. "We'll see, Cindy."

"Yeah, we will," She snapped back.

"I'm here because I received a damn threat letter from him," Sean said angrily pointing at Carson.

"Oh, please. It was barely a threat," Carson added.

"Oh really? Then what would you consider telling someone to come to an unknown address and then telling them that if they don't come, that you're gonna' kill their whole family and have them processed in a meat factory? What kind of sick bastard says something like that?"

Carson smirked. "I'm so clever. I knew you'd come because you're just a scared, lonely man. You value your life more than you value your manhood," he scoffed. "Pathetic, if you ask me."

"Yeah? Well no one asked you!" Sean yelled, rising from his seat.

"Sean, man, sit down!" I yelled across the table.

"No! I'm sick of this fool treating us like a bunch of damn hostages! You guys should be ashamed of yourselves!"

We all tried to calm him down so Carson wouldn't have to use his "weapon".

Eventually, he agreed to sit down and shut his mouth for the rest of the time.

"Alright, now that we're done with the ignorant one, back to you Jason."

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