Chapter 8: The Big Secret

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**Read this chapter with the video playing on the side. It gives it a better effect!**

It was around 12 p.m. when I heard a knock on my door.

"This is starting to get ridiculous." I said getting off of the couch.

I opened the door to see Alea. "Hey."

"Hey Jason. Can I come in?" Her belly was still huge.

"Sure." I stepped back from the door to let her in.

She walked in. "I heard you saw Sean yesterday."

I closed the door. "Yeah, at Wal Mart."

"I had to tell him, Jason. It was eating me up inside." She looked down. "I just can't tell Cindy."

She looked around. "Where is she?"

I sighed and laughed to myself. "At her parents house."

"How come?"

"Let's just say..Ryan has been a big surprise."

"Is he here?"

"No, I took him back to his grandparents' house yesterday."  I thought about what Ryan had told me about Alea.

"Oh, OK."

"Why were you there?"


"Ryan told me you were at their house a few days ago."

Her face turned red. "I had to speak to Heather about something."

"About what?"

She looked inm my eyes, and then looked away. "I can't tell you, Jason. I can't tell anyone. Heather is the only one who knows."

"Oh, come on. It can't be that bad."

She walked past me and sat on the stool. "Oh, no. It is."

"Tell me. I can keep a secret." I smirked. "Trust me."

She sighed and shook her head.

"It's not good to bottle stuff up, Alea. You and I both should know."

"I can't Jason." A tear ran down her face.

"You're a secret Russian spy?" I questioned, hoping she would laugh.

She looked at me like I was stupid and then broke into a small laugh. "No, Jason."

"You're really a man and your name is Bob?"

She laughed again, more sincere. "No Jason!"

"Then what is it?"

She gulped. "I don't know if this baby is Sean's."

"What the hell!"

"Shhh!" She said putting her finger over her mouth. "You can't tell anyone."

"Alea, what the hell do you mean?" I said in a hushed tone, even though no one else was in the house.

"I just have a strong doubt that it's his. I mean yeah, we had sex around the time that the conception date was..but there's something else I didn't tell him."

My eyes grew huge. "You cheated on the man?"

"Technically..not..exactly...I tried In Vitro."

"In Vitro?"

"It's where they use one of the sperm samples at a sperm bank and take one of my eggs and combine them in a-"

"Nevermind..I think I get the jist.."

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