Chapter 14: A Visit to the Shrink

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I was sitting in my car outside of the therapy clinic, regretting even coming here. Alea's a good friend of mine but being apart of her and Sean's relationship was not going to happen.

My phone began to ring and I already knew it was Alea calling to ask if I was still coming, like she had earlier this morning.

I picked up the phone and said, "Yes, I am outside of the place right now."

"Yay!" She cheered.

I hung up and groaned. Even the exterior of the place was intimidating. A couple seconds later, Alea came bouncing out of the place towards my car.

I had a quick thought of quickly speeding away, but I was low on gas and didn't want to be on the side of the road with my thumb out.

She knocked on my window and I slowly turned towards her to see her with a mile wide smile. I opened the door and got out.

"I'm so glad you came!"

"Yeah. Let's just get this over with." I set the alarm on my car and followed her inside.

"Sean's inside. I promise, this will be good for you too" She said as we approached the door.

"If it's some crazy shrink, I promise you, I'm leaving."

"Shh." When we got inside, it was abnormally quiet, almost like a funeral home.

"It's this way," She said pulling me towards a long white hallway.

"Does Sean know I'm gonna' be here?" I whispered.

"Yes." She lead me to a small room where Sean was sitting. Across from him was a woman about my age with dark brown hair and light gray eyes. I tried not to stare, but with looks like hers, it was difficult not to.

Alea must have noticed me gazing at her when she pinched me.

"Ouch." I frowned and examined the injury. She shot me a stern look.

"I take it that you're Jason?" The woman said, rising from her chair. Her body was fit and she had the right sized muscles for a woman.

I nodded and shook her hand. Strong grip.

"I am Dr. Carlyle. I'll be helping you guys out today."

You guys? I thought this was Sean and Alea's thing. I looked over at Alea, waiting for her to correct her but she never did.

Sean hadn't said a word since I walked in and I figured he was still pissed at me.

"You can have a seat here if you'd like." Dr. Carlyle said, motioning towards a chair that was against the wall.

I sat down and prepared for the torturing questions.

"Alright, now Sean, tell me why you think you're here." She began.

He shrugged, uninterested in answering her question.

An annoyed look crossed over the doctor's face but she quickly forced a small smile. "Alright, we'll start with you then, Alea. Why do you think you're here?"

She looked over at Sean. "To fix my relationship with Sean."

"Good, good. Now Sean, back to you. Why do you think you're here?"

"Didn't I already tell you I don't know?" He snapped.

"Sean, chill out. All this negative energy from you is really killing the mood."

"What mood, Alea? We're in a shrink's office if you haven't noticed." He sat back in his chair and folded his arms.

The doctor moved her eyes from Alea to Sean and then over to me. "And why do you think you're here Jason?"

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