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SO THAT HERE IS REALLY IMPORTANT! The guys named 'Jimin' 'taehyung' and 'Hoseok' that I mentioned in the previous chapters of my book don't have anything to do with the new characters named 'Jimin' 'Taehyung' and 'Hoseok'. I just realized that and I'm sorry for the confusion!

Yoongi's POV

A year passed and all we did was practice freaking hard. I was always feeling so tired and exhausted. After the second month I started writing lyrics on a notebook I found one day inside my backpack (yeah it wasn't there before!), and trying to find a melody to fit. I didn't have anything to create it though, so in my mind was always filled with notes, and stuff. But I would always forget the one I liked the most and I was so frustrated when that happened that I wanted to kick anything standing in front of me.
I was in charge of the 'economy'. I would always save a small part of the money Jungkook's parents send us, in case of an emergency(don't worry Jungkook knew about that, I wasn't stealing from him). But I was always dreaming of some instruments, like a piano. I hadn't played the piano for almost four years and I missed it! I was quite good at it, nobody taught me how to play... I just taught myself. There was a piano at my... 'childhood house' and I decided to learn how to play. But a piano costed too much so I stoped thinking about it.
The bad thing was that our relationship, kind of stopped existing. We were always so tired that we didn't think about kissing. We just lie down on the bed hug each other and then fall asleep. And most of the times we didn't stay hugged all night and usually Jungkook is the one changing sides. But every day I was the one to hear the alarm clock and turned it off. I was the one to gently try and wake him up because he had to go to school. And I was the one who made breakfast for him to gain  strength for the rest of the day. And I did not complaining, I dod those things because I loved him and I cared about him. I never felt burden doing this, Jungkook appreciates my actions and he always tried his best to wake up  early at the weekends and do the same things for me.
The first time he just destroyed the kitchen and he was trying to clean it when I woke up. I was just staring at him really confused, trying to understand what he did. He immediately started apologizing and promising me that he would clean it up. I just walked close to him and helped him without saying a word. I was just too tired to speak, I wasn't mad about it, as he thought. After we finished I asked him what he wanted to cook. He shyly answered 'Pancakes Hyung!' (He always calls me hyung when he's nervous). I asked him to give me a moment to wash myself and wake up and then we would make them together. He hugged me relieved I didn't scold him and the situation ended there. The next time he made something that tasted kind of like pancakes but looked like... anyway, they looked bad! Weekend after weekend he improved and the mess in the kitchen was always slightly less! On Saturday's we still had practice but it ended two hours earlier, so when we were back home we could lay in the couch and talk a little bit, or surf on the internet,(we don't have a television!) I could make something more finest than usual, to eat, and we could finally relax with the thought that the next day was Sunday and we had nothing on Sunday.

This is a brief narration of our lives here in Seoul. It wasn't more stressful that my life back to Daegu but I bet that it was for Jungkook. The poor thing didn't have the time to do his homework and they kept giving him detention. The teachers kind of hated him so every morning, when he was at school I tried to do a part of his homework, our handwriting is pretty much the same. He never asked me to do it, I decided to do it myself because I care about him.

I keep reminding that to myself for some reason. So... as I told you this year is almost in its end and before the Christmas vacation(Yesss finally vacation) they are going to announce the new boyband and the members consisting it. Jungkook is in it 100% and I lately I tried my best to improve my dancing and rapping skills. I don't actually have any hope of getting into this boyband and I know it. Jungkook deeply inside he knows it too, but he's trying to convince me that I'm wrong and that I have the same changes as him to get in the group. Not that he has an amazing voice and his dancing skills are unbelievable! Just remember that he's been taking dance lessons for only a year and the results are breathtaking!

I don't really mind. At least that's what I say to Jungkook. I don't want him to feel sorry for me, or quit because I'm not going. I don't want him to do that, quit his dream because of me! I actually told him that, three days ago now that the final announcement was coming!

Three days ago
"Jungkook!" I said to him while we were laying on our bed.
"What happened to the 'Kookie' Yoongi?" He asked me cutely
"I would say something about the hundreds of times you called me hyung those moths, if I wasn't too tired to fight over something useless, right now!" I replied and stroked his hair to show him that I was just kidding.
"What is it Yoongi!" He asked me while enjoying the strokes he received.
"Can you promise me something?"
"I don't know Yoongi what's the matter?" He said
"Just tell me that you'll accept whatever I say to you!" I replied
"Well Yoongi that's not how it works! You should always read the terms and conditions before you agree to something..."
"And nobody does that! Just promise me!" I interrupted him.
"What's with you?" He asked me surprised.
"Gaah! You'll make me explode if you keep going like that!" I warned him.
"Alright then! I promise... what should I promise?" He asked me but after I heard the word promise I started talking.
"I know that you'll be in the boyband that the company will create and you know it too. But it isn't sure that I'll be in it too. What I want you to do is to go on. Follow your dream ok? Don't care about me that much, I'll be fine. I'll go back to my university and continue living. It will be fine. Do you promise me?" I asked him.
"No!! I can't leave you! You're my everything, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you Yoongi. We will be in that group together . Or if not, we'll be together in a simple life. But we'll live together no matter what!" He replied. Then he came closer and kissed me. "Now shut up and sleep! I love you!

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