Chapter Five

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I feel like this fic is really bad. Is anybody even reading this? I doubt it. I don't know, should I continue? I just feel like its being read by like 2 people in total and yeah. Comment what you think because I am really indecisive.



Disclaimer: I do not own anything here. It all belongs to JKR as you have heard in every other disclaimer.

Dedication: so this chapter is once again dedicated to Snazzfoot/Annabeth/Hermione

Okay the only way it will make sense is in context:

While eating ice cream she makes a face and says, "What if I just turned into a snake and bit your head off?"

I doubled over choking on my ice cream laughing so hard.

That is why it is dedicated to her.


Lily POV

I lay in bed. Its 1am I have been lying like this for 3 hours, thinking about none other than James Potter.

It's seems that lately he's been the only thing on my mind.

I sighed. I wasn't going to get any sleep so I might as well go to the common room and read.

I grabbed my book and snuck out of our dormitory. When I got to the common room I sat on the couch. After a little while of not reading and thinking about James something outside caught my eye. I looked out the window to see a peculiar sight.

There was a dog and some sort of deer running around. It looked like they were chasing something. That was when some giant animal came in and it looked like the dog and deer were chasing it not the other way around! I was so confused. I sat on the couch again. I was starting to drift off there hours later until the portrait hole swung open and a very tired looking James, Black, and Pettigrew entered.

"James?" I asked half asleep.

"Lily!" I could hear all the surprise in his voice as all three boys looked up at me.

"What're you doing?" Black asked.

"I should be asking you the same thing." I retorted eyeing them suspiciously.

"Oh- ha, uh you know just some, uh," James started.

"Late night snacks?" Pettigrew finished.

I snorted, "Late night snacks?" I repeated. "Sure. I'm not going to give you a detention. As long as you weren't doing something dangerous than I don't even want to know."

All three boys strained a laugh. What was going on? "Please tell me it at least wasn't something illegal." I begged. The same strained laugh came out. I sighed. "Oh Merlin." I stood up. "Than I really don't want to know." I shook my head. "Was it a prank?"

This time no laugh came and James answer, "No Lils it wasn't a prank."

I had a sigh of relief, "Alright, good than it couldn't have been that bad, right?"

There was a mumbled "mhmm" from the boys.

"I'm not going to get anywhere. Goodnight." I waved as I walked up the stairs to my dormitory and landed in bed. Maybe now I could get some sleep.

Boy was I wrong.

James POV

"Padfoot! What're we gonna do! She could know!"

"Calm your self Prongs. It's Evans. She won't freak out or tell."

"I know but Merlin Padfoot, we shouldn't be helping her figure it out! I swear if she had heard what you said! Moony would NEVER forgive you!"

"Prongs she didn't hear me! Wormy didn't even hear me!"

 "It's Wormy! He barley hears us when we mumble!"

"PRONGS! I swear if YOU don't calm down everyone will hear you!"

"I give up! You're impossible!" I grabbed the cloak and the map and headed out. I needed to blow off steam and I wouldn't be able to sleep anytime soon.

I put on the cloak and walked around a bit. I opened the map and whispered, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good." I looked at all the marks. Okay good, Remus was in the hospital wing, Lily was in bed. I should tell Remus but he'll be sleeping. I'll tell him tomorrow.

I looked at the time 5am. Students will be up soon. I treaded back to Gryffindor tower, pulled off the cloak and ran up to the dormitory. I got in the shower and just stood there. Today I have to fix everything. Way to go Sirius.

(A/N: in case it's not clear Sirius mumbled something about Remus being a werewolf when Lily left and James thinks Lily heard it)

Remus POV

I just woke up and I see James standing in front of me will a guilty look on his face and in an urgent voice said, "We need to talk."

I immediately thought that I did something at the pervious night’s full moon. “Oh no! James what did I do?”

“What? Oh Moony! Don’t worry you did nothing you were the same as always! I mean yeah maybe a scratch or two on Padfoot and I but that’s not why I’m here. It’s about Lily.”

“Girl problems?” I said with a smirk.

“Always Moony,” he returned my smirk. “But no, this is more important.” His smirk vanished. “Lily was up late last night in the common room. So she heard us come in and was asking us questions. Obviously we didn’t tell her anything she thinks we were out for a snack but that’s not the point either. Alright, now don’t go screaming at Padfoot but he said something, well whispered it, and we don’t know if Lily heard but-“

“James, what. Did. He. Say.” I said through clenched teeth.  

“He, uh, he said, that maybe we were outside trying to help our werewolf best friend…?”

My eyes grew wide and I hoped out of bed not listening to the shrieks from Madame Pomfrey of the shouts from James to wait up. I ran all the way to the Great Hall. When I entered I ran straight up to Sirius who was stuffing his face with James running behind me.


“Morning Moony. How you feeling?” he asked sheepishly.


“Remus! I told you not to freak out!” James said finally arriving at my side.

I turned on him. “’Freak out?’ Are you being bloody serious right now James! I honestly can’t believe you two! How could you! Great lot of mates you are!” With that I huffed and stormed out of the hall leaving an ashamed Sirius, guilty James, speechless Peter, and confused Lily.


I needed some marauder drama! Hashtag.

I have dance team try-outs in 2 hours!

I’m so nervous!


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