Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-two

Eeeeekkkk! I am so sorry! I haven't written anything in like three months! I know I said I would update when school ended, but well this is like the first free moment I've had since the last day (June 20th). Please forgive me and can I just say that I love all of you for 18K???? LIKE HOW ON EARTH DID THAT HAPPEN?!??!!!?!?!

I honestly don't get why people read this. Literally I was reading some of my old chapters and I wanted to go like hide in a hole they were so bad.


Okay so disclaimer and then the awaited chapter:

I own nothing and JKR owns everything.


Lily POV

“Sirius, where are we going?” I asked him for the fifth time as he dragged me by my hand to an unknown destination.

“Lily, be quiet will you?” I sighed. I had been at James’ home for two full days now and James and I had not had any alone time. We were still nothing, but now Sirius, Marlene and Abigail all knew there was at least Something with a capital S. After the fight and relationship debacle Mr. and Mrs. Potter and McKinnon arrived home and we all ate dinner together. It was quite awkward for the teenagers, but the adults filled the silence with chatter of their work. The next day was full of Quidditch and exploding snap. And the second full day I was pulled away by Marlene to go shopping with her and Abigail. It was the third day and I had woken up at nine o’clock, a bit late for me. I dressed and went downstairs for breakfast which was when I was seized by Sirius leading to where I was now; lost in the maze that is the Potter’s mansion. “Okay.” Sirius said stopping.

“What?” I questioned crossing my arms.

He let out a sigh of exasperation, “Just wait, little-miss-impatient.”


“Yes, you.” He said copying my stance.

“Well, Mr. Black, you can’t even sit still for five minutes let alone be as patient as I have been with you this morning.”

“Goodness, you are not a morning person.”

“I am, too!” Now I sounded like a five-year old. I’ve been spending way too much time with these boys…

“Merlin, Lily would you just hold on!” I sighed again, this boy was so frustrating! “Okay, so I need your help.” He pulled me into a room and my eyes went wide. “Yeah Lils, this is the library.” He rolled his eyes at my awe struck face.

“Wh-what do you need help with?” I asked still in shock of the humongous room filled wall-to-wall with novels ranging from Shakespeare to Hans Christian Anderson.

“I want to impress Marlene.” He mumbled blushing bright red.

I giggled, “Really?”

He coughed, “Uh-um yeah? Like, I want to ya’ know…do what James does to you…”

I raised my eyes, “And that would be?”

“Ya’ know!” He let out a frustrated groan. “Wooing! Or something I don’t know! I just want her to like me!”

I laughed again, mainly because I knew Marlene already fancied him, but also because I never thought Sirius would ask for advice on a girl. “Okay Sirius then we better get started.”

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