Chapter Eight

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So my dear friend Violet (Everlarkfourtris) was writing a fanfiction called, New to Panem High.

Long story short she doesn’t have time to write it so I am taking on the task.

So if you ship Everlark and like THG you should check it out, again the account name is Everlarkfourtris and the story is New to Panem High.

So yeah, I’ll be writing it on that account and you should check it out. Chapters 1-7 are written by her and beginning of 8 which I’m working on is also by her. But all the chapters will be her ideas and my writing. But, yeah check it out.


Dedication: Dedicated to my frand Drew because he told me how to find Frozen online and gave me the name S.S. Cool L. Like sass master right there. #UMyBestie

Also: this is the chapter with the inspiration from Cokebottlek on for All Right, Evans?


Lily POV

As I walked to the great hall for breakfast the nights events came back to me.

Crying because of Severus.

James comforting me in the corridor.

Kissing James cheek…

Oh my, I kissed James Potter’s cheek.

I was giving in, wasn’t I?

No, I won’t. I just can’t.

Then why am I sitting next to him?

Oh James Potter makes me so confused!


“James.” I looked up at him. “Can you pass the jam?”

He passed the jam. “Lily,”

“Hmm, oh can you pass the butter?”

He passed the butter and I buttered my toast. “Lily,”

“Hmm, oh and-“

“Lily!” he said with a laugh.

“What?” I replied with the same little laugh.

“I need to ask you something.”


“Okay, so I know you hate it when I do the whole,” He waved his hands around looking for the words. “’proclaiming my love for you’ thing. So I won’t do that and I just wanted to know if you want to maybe go to Hogsmeade with me?”  Then he quickly added, “but we can just go as mates, you know? I mean I know Sirius and Marlene are going and Alice and Frank and Peter and that Hufflepuff girl so we would both be alone so why not go together, yeah?”

“What would Remus do?” Is all I said.

He looked stumped. “Remus, er, he can’t come tomorrow.”


“So, Lily?”


“Is that a no?”

I laughed. “I wasn’t very clear was I?”

His whole face dropped and he looked hurt. “Right, sorry. So I’ll just leave you to your food then…”

Jily: A hidden love - indefinite hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now