Chapter Fifteen

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Greetings fellow readers. I have another snow day so ANOTHER CHAPTER FOR Y’ALL! And if you get it to 900 reads and 100 votes I will update again today :)

Disclaimer: I own nothing *dramatic sob* IT’S ALL JKR’S!

Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to my valentine Airwrecka because she is “Literally being so rude right now just be my valentine”


Lily POV

How long will it take him to realize I want him to ask me out!

We have two days left and nothing.

Not. One. Word.

I thought he liked me! Guess I was wrong.

The girls say I’m being stupid but I’m really not, just being realistic.

In two days I will be home. Petunia will be there. Oh no!

Yes I love mum and dad and Petunia. Merlin, I love Petunia so much but she hates me!

It hurts to come home every year and have her make sly comments that hurt me more than I lead on.

Can’t count how many times I have cried because of her…

But I can’t let that ruin my last days of term. I can deal with her when I see her. And James invited me over.

“Lily why are you smiling?” Alice snapped me out of my trance with Marlene giggling.

“Because Ali she is probably thinking about Jamessss- EII!” She was holding out the ‘s’ until I threw a pillow at her. Satisfied I let out a small smirk.

“I was not. And will you not say his name so loudly we’re in the common room.”

“Aw she thinks people will find out she likes James!” Marlene gushed to Alice. I felt my face heat up.

“I do not!”

“Oh really because you are blushing quite ferociously.” Marlene stated. Alice was laughing rather loudly while Marlene was blowing air kisses to mock me.

“You two are so immature.” I said crossing my arms and rolling my eyes.

“Are you are so in love.” Alice dead panned.

“Alice!” I was shocked; Alice didn’t usually make comments like that.

“It’s the truth Lily we all know it.”

“You two are unbelievable!” with that I stalked out of the common room to go down to the great hall. I needed some food and to get away from my best friends.

James POV

The boys and I were walking down to the great hall for breakfast when we heard the common room door open and slam behind us. We looked back to see a very red faced Lily.

“Evans!” Sirius called to her. She looked up and her eyes grew wide. Her face turned an even deeper shade of red.

“Hullo,” She mumbled.

“Hey Lils.” I put my arm around her shoulders and she seemed stiff. “Relax, I’m not gonna strangle you.” That got a small laugh out of her.

“Oh Evans don’t be so sure he won’t other things!” Sirius exclaimed.

“Yeah he has a tendency to get…handsy.” Peter added with a smirk.

“OI! Would you lot shut it!”They were cackling with laughter while Remus just rolled his eyes.

“So Lily, you want to be head girl right?” Remus asked.

She perked up, “Oh yes! I would love being head girl! But,” her smile faltered. “I doubt I’ll get it.”

I snorted. “Come on Lily you are like the perfect head girl choice!”

“Yeah really Lily I doubt they would pick anyone but you.” Remus chimed.

She blushed, “Thank you but really I’m-“

“Stop being so modest Lils.” Marlene said as she and Alice approached us pecking a kiss on Sirius’ cheek. “Aw Lily you’re not still mad at us, right? We were only kidding!”

“But it is still true!” Alice poked Lily’s arm.

“It most certainly is not!”

“But you’re still blushing!” Marlene fired back.

“That means nothing!”

“I think it has to do with certain people around us.” Alice smirked.

Lily groaned. “You are so annoying!” She walked away from my arm and stomped away from us.

“Do you want to explain what that was about?” I asked them. They giggled. Shared a look and replied.

“Nope.” Then skipped away after Lily. Sirius barked a laugh.

“So, you lot ready for the prank?” I asked with a smirk. They all nodded vigorously. We swaggered into the great hall and sat next to the girls. A smirk on each of our faces. The girls were grabbing breakfast and eating while we just sat back. Lily swallowed and asked, “Why aren’t you lot eating? Usually you finish all of the food?” We just shrugged and then Marlene’s eyes got big.

“Oh no! What did you do to the food?” All three of them dropped their food and starred at it while we erupted in laughter.

“Nothing!” Sirius smirked. The girls heaved a sigh and continued eating until he mumbled, “yet.” I was laughing with Peter and Remus was grinning.

“You’re ridiculous.” Alice said. “I’m hungry and now I can’t eat.”

“Oh relax!” Sirius said earning a glare from all of the girls.

“It will be fine you can eat now we will tell you when to stop.” I advised them.

“Thank you James. And I expected better from you, Mr. Prefect.” Alice said pointing an accusing finger at him. He put his hands up in mock surrender. The girls continued to eat and I checked the time we had five minutes, “Alright ladies.” I said getting their attention. “No more food.” They all sighed.

“Damn I never got to finish my juice.” Marlene cursed. Sirius laughed and ruffled her hair.

“Alright boys, three, two, one.” Sirius whispered as we all watched the food grow legs and wings and stand up or fly away. Students were screaming while Lily shook her head, Marlene laughed and Alice looked baffled.

After about five minutes of prancing food McGonagall started looking around the hall for us knowing who did it.

“Uh oh,” I stated. “We better go.” The four of us stood up and as we ran out I turned around to Lily shouted, “See ya’ latter Lils!” And sent her a wink. She blushed and grinned. Oh that girl.

Easy to say it was worth a detention.


Hope you enjoyed.

I wasn't really sure where I was going with this chapter I just wanted to get one today because two snow days in a row woot!

But I also had horrible writers block all day so....SOWWY.

Also on the side is a reall cute Sirlene picture! I love Sirius and Marlene tbh. (I say tbh too much tbh)


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