Chapter Eighteen - Part Two

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Sorry about that cliffy. LOL NO I’M NOT!

But before I continue on I just really have to say thank you all so so so much for the support! It means so much and I just can’t even! Ya’ll rock!

Once more this is in the this is in 3rd person omniscient

**Also, I just wanted to say in this chapter I did make up a character (In a way): The McKinnon family was mentioned but I do not know if there are any kids other than Marlene but for the story please just go along with her having a sister. Thanks and sorry if this bothers anyone.


Severus entered the compartment quite aware of the how much hatred for him was in there. Yet, he also knew there was still one person longing for his friendship back despite her appearance.

“Lily,” He had started leaning on the door.

“Get out, Snape.” James hissed trying to keep his cool for Lily’s sake.

“Ah, but Potter not everything is about you.”

“Get. Out.” James whistled through his clenched teeth.

“Potter this isn’t about you!” The former snapped angrily.

“James, its, its fine.” Lily whispered to him and anyone could see him visibly relax knowing she was next to his holding his hand not his.

“Lily, can we- can we talk?” She raised her eyebrows trying to keep up a strong façade. “Alone?”

“I am staying here.” She said firmly sitting up and James sensing her heartache wanted to hug her and make everything alright.

Severus breathed out, “Lily I am sorry and I just I,” He stumbled on words.

“Too late,” Lily breathed out, head up, holding back tears. “Now, as James said, please leave.”

Severus swallowed and nodded. “Well, Lily, I hope you have a good summer. Goodbye.” They all knew this would be one of the, or the, last times they spoke together.

“I’m going to, uh,” She blinked rapidly. “Go for a walk.” The girls sent sympathetic looks her way and everyone kept their head and gazes down except for James her rubbed her arm in a reassuring way and she left. She walked into the corridor and started to scurry around until she found a lone compartment. She sat down and prepared herself to weep but only a few tears were shed until the door slid open to emit James. “James I-“ she croaked, but James stopped her by picking up her legs setting them on himself and enveloping her in a warm hug. Now the tears ran hot and fast down her cheeks and he stroked her hair murmuring kind and calming things to her, occasionally shushing her.

“Lils?” She sniffled in reply. “Are you, going to be okay? I mean I just, I don’t want to leave you to go home if you aren’t ready to be by yourself and I don’t know if you want to tell your parents and I just want to make sure that you know, you’re okay.”

Lily let out a giggle and in place of a reply gave him a kiss but unlike their first kiss this one was hungry. Both of them wanted more but were too shy to say or do anything bold. No interruptions came and they sat there, her on top of him, hands in each other’s hair just wanting to be with the other person.

“Lily,” James whispered as he pulled back gasping for air. She had a slight smile and blushed.”I, will you, I mean, can we, um, do you want to go on a date sometime?”

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