Chapter Seventeen

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Disclaimer: The plot and characters are JKR’s.

Important AN at the bottom.


Lily POV

Today we go home. I still don’t want to go. Petunia is not something I look forward to. I miss her so much but whenever she sees me all she can do is make some rude comment. Each and every one of those comments hurt me. But instead of making me angrier with her they make me miss her more!

I was also very confused. If James and I kissed last night…where does that put us?

I know I shouldn’t but I almost hope we can be…more than friends.

No, that was stupid. James doesn’t want to be tied down to one girl. And especially not me.

He is probably going to act like nothing happened. Or ignore me.

Oh great. This just got way more complicated than it needed to be. I just, don’t want things to be any more awkward than they were before. I laughed out loud, like that could happen.

I guess you could say the odds weren’t in my favor.

Marlene was in the bathroom taking forever to get ready as usual and Alice was doing some last minute packing.

“Hey Ali?”

“Yeah Lils,” She said not taking her eyes of her packing.

“Do you think James likes me?” At this question her head whipped in my direction and eyes shot up to look at me and she burst out laughing. “What? I know I’m not pretty but is it really that improbable that he would like me?”

“I’m not,” She laughed again. “Laughing because of that, I’m laughing,” She held her stomach erupting in giggles. “Because you are so oblivious!” She finished landing on her bed to laugh harder.

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh Lily! He is head-over-heels for you! Can’t you see! Not only from the way she stares at you, or how his face lights up when you come near him but just the way he acts around you!”

My face was very red and very hot. “He can’t like me that much.” I mumbled.

Alice ceased her laughter immediately. “Oh my goodness! Lily Evans you fancy James Potter!”

If possible my face grew redder. “I do not!”

“You do too!”

“Do not!”

“Do too! And I guarantee that if he asked you out you would gladly say yes!”

“But he won’t! Even after I bloody kissed him he won’t ask me out!”

Alice gasped. “You what!” She jumped up and down and ran to the bathroom door knocking loudly. “MAR!” She screamed at the door.

“WHAT!” The brunette replied from behind the door.

“LILY KISSED JAMES!” The door snapped open to show Marlene with half of her makeup done squealing. “YOU DID NOT!” She exclaimed jumping with Alice.

“He doesn’t care so just leave it alone!” I said quite annoyed.

“HE DOES TO!” Marlene yelled at me while throwing a hair brush at me.

“Merlin Mar, quiet down will you? And why the bloody hell are you throwing a hairbrush at me?”

“Because Lillian you are being stupid!”

“Mar I already told you my name is not Lillian and I am not!”

Alice sighed. “You are Lily. Truly.”

“Alice!” I was genuinely surprised. Alice wasn’t usually so forward and to be frank, rude.

She shrugged, “Sorry but its true.”

“And really Lily,” Marlene continued. “You are being worse than Alice was when she first had feelings for Frank she was constantly telling us ‘No, I would never like Frank. He and I are just friends!’ then they snogged and now look at them.” She smiled proudly like she set them up. “All grown up and spending the summer together!”

Alice blushed. “He used to come anyway, you know for Fabian and Gideon.” We almost forgot she has two twin brothers a year older that are best friends with Frank. “Now enough about my love life, Lily we are dying for the news between you two! When will you kiss him again? Are you visiting him this summer? Do you want to become a thing? Do you like him? Do you love him?”

“Whoa! Alice slow down hun! I don’t know if I will kiss him again,” I blushed. “Yes, he invited me. I don’t know and don’t have answers to the rest so drop it and let’s get breakfast.” I already decided I won’t be telling anyone anything until I figure it out on my own

James POV

The girls walked into the Great Hall arguing over something.

Alice was whispering to Lily, “Come on! I just know you want to when you visit him this summer and maybe after that you two can-“ Lily elbowed her and muttered. “Shove it Alice!”

“Morning Lily!” I sang thinking about our kiss. She blushed and muttered a hello. Alice and Marlene cackled. “What? Is there something on my face?”

They laughed even harder, “Nothing!” They giggled in unison.  I shot Marlene a curious look and she smirked. “Not getting it out of me Jamsie…but maybe you can get it out of Lily…you know, if you ask the right question…” She trailed off and my eyebrows shot up eyes widening. Marlene nodded her head confirming Lily would say yes. I smiled brightly and winked at Lily; she blushed more and elbowed Marlene. I was missing something. At least this meant that Lily must have liked the kiss and told the girls. This made me slightly relived.

“So ladies,” Sirius slid onto the bench. Marlene raised her eyebrows in a way of saying ‘yes?’. “We’ll be sitting together on the train, yeah?”

Marlene snorted. “No Sirius I don’t want to be anywhere near my boyfriend and his friends that are like my brothers!” She sarcastically replied.

Sirius faked hurt. “Well if you truly feel that way,” He sniffled. “You can just go snog Jamsie-boy over here.” Sirius jammed his thumb in my direction.

I coughed, “Uh no thank you.” They all burst out laughing except for Lily who looked a little angry at Sirius. What’s her problem?

“Oh Sirius you git, of course I’ll sit with you.” Marlene threw a breakfast roll at him. He caught it and bit it.

“Mhmm, good girl.”

“Siri, I’m not a dog.” She said and I muttered. “But you’re dating one.” Sirius barked laughter. He was near tears when the girls asked what was so funny. “Oh nothing.” I said smiling myself. “Now hurry up! We have a train to catch!” I was itching to get home to Sally’s- our house elf- cooking. Not only that but Sirius would permanently be moved into the room across from mine and Lily would be coming for visits. Not to mention Mar and the other McKinnon’s would be stopping by as always. Mum and Mrs. McKinnon are very close.

When I finally got them all moving we made our way to leave. “Home here we come!” Sirius said to me and I put my arm around his shoulders, “Welcome to the Potter’s for good Mr. Black.”


Sorry I know this is short I just thought I needed to post so here she is.

Important: I might be doing like a 3rd person POV so if I do it just won't say like 'Lily POV' or 'James POV" and it will just like go into it.

Keep doing your awesome thing and vote! Also, your comments make my day thank you :).


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