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Hello lovelies!!!

Okay, first I'm so so so sorry if you thought that this was an update!! But please please please read this.

So to get down to business....I just need to make it clear THE STORY IS NOT OVER AND WILL NOT END ANY TIME SOON, do NOT think that this is me saying the story is over.

Alright so recently I've had some...very...serious and hard things happening. On top of that school started and I'm more stressed than I've ever been as in I'm crying almost every night because of something. I have felt horrible too because I know you have all wanted an update, but I have barely had enough time to get 8 hours of sleep.

I know most of you think that the serious stuff might just be school, but it's really much more serious than that and I really need to be there for people.

Okay so again NOT THE END I just have to take some extra time for the next chapter mainly to get adjusted to a lot of things that I can't really explain and that I would feel bad sharing for they are not my sorrows but my close close close friends who mean the world to me. 

I will try to get the update asap for you guys because I love to and I love the way y'all comment such sweet things and it makes me smile every day. So just know I'm trying, but it's very hard. 

I really just needed to get this out to you.

Updating as soon as I find time and a little less freak out.

xoxo, Divergentweasley

Jily: A hidden love - indefinite hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now