Chapter Sixteen

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Hello let’s get straight to it.

Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing. This (The plot, story, and characters) are JKR’s


Lily POV

We have one more day before we go home, yay. Note my sarcasm.

I’m going to miss Hogwarts this summer, like always.

It was 2 am and I still couldn’t sleep so instead of keeping the girls up I went to the common room and read my favorite book, An Imperial Affliction, for the seventeenth time. (AN: AIA is NOT a real book if you have read TFIOS you know what it is, just saying so AIA belongs to John Green even though it isn’t real. ‘Kay that’s all, thanks)

It was nearing 3 when I was almost done and the portrait hole opened to show a tired looking James, hyper Sirius, and out of breathe Peter.

“James? Sirius? Peter? What are you lot doing?” I inquired standing up.

“Lily!” James looked taken aback. I narrowed my eyes.

“This is the second time I have caught you out of bed at this time. Will I be getting an answer this time?”

“Nope!” Sirius yelped. “I’ll be going up! Peter come along now!” He grabbed Peter’s hand and rushed off.

“Well they’re, um, sorry about them.”

“James you don’t have to apologize about your mates whom I’ve known since first year.”

“Right, sorry.”

“Merlin, its fine. But really why were you out? And where’s Remus?”

“He’s uh…he…sleeping?”

I raised my eyebrows. “Is that a question or a statement?”


I laughed, “Again, question or statement?”

“Merlin Lils can’t get anything passed you.” He joked though he looked rather nervous.

“But really. Is Remus okay he didn’t look to good yesterday. After potions he went to your dorm. Is everything alright?”

“Oh, um, his mom is sick.”

“Again! The poor women! She is sick practically every month. Well exactly every month actually…around the time of the full moon…and Remus always goes to visit her…he looks rather sickly himself before she is…I wonder if…oh my!” James was shifting as he could tell where she was going and he got worried. “Severus always said he thought…I never believed him and OH MY! Remus is a werewolf isn’t he!” I couldn't believe I just figured out one of my good friends was a werewolf. Wow that's a lot to take in.

“Lily shh!” He hushed me. “Please, just be quiet!”

“I’m right? Oh my…oh…why didn’t he tell me?”

“Lily I’m not going to say anything this is for you and Remus to discuss, just please don’t say anything to anyone until you talk to him.”

“James what is going on?” I asked frantically.

“Lily just come sit down. What are you doing up anyway?” He touched the small of my back and I shivered slightly. He led me to sit down on the couch with him.

“Couldn’t sleep so I came down to read.”

“That’s cool. What book?”

“It’s called An Imperial Affliction. It’s a muggle book and it’s my absolute favorite!”

“I might have to borrow it and read it sometime if it really is a bookworm’s favorite.” I giggled and responded with, “You could maybe borrow one of my extra copies.” I smirked and he was surprised when he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him.

“Ja-“ I started to question him until he started tickling me and I burst out laughing. “Ja-James pl-please stop!” I was infected with giggles as he continued to tickle while I thrashed around. Eventually it ended with me lying on top of him. He started to blush but before he could move I did the unthinkable I leaned down and kissed him. At first he was stiff with surprise and didn’t move but then it registered in his mind what was happening and he kissed back. There were sparks exploding as our mouths moved in sync. I put my hands in his soft, messy, black hair and he put his on my waist. We lay there kissing for what seemed like eternity but was probably only a few minutes until we heard a cough and saw Sirius we blushed and jumped apart.

“Sirius!” I yelled just as James yelled, “Padfoot!”

He smirked, “Oops.” He shrugged and ran back up to the boys dorm.

“I- um- I’m going to go. See you tomorrow, er, later today.” With that I ran up to my own dorm blushing a deep red and hoped straight into bed.

Then I realized it.

Oh wow, I have fallen completely and utterly for James Potter.

James POV

I ran up to my dormitory and slipped off my shoe as I entered then chucked it at Sirius’ head.

“Oi! What the bloody hell was that for!” He asked rubbing the spot the shoe hit.

“Why did you interrupt us! Second time that’s happened mate learn to keep quiet!” 

“Sorry not my fault I didn’t know you two were snogging.” He said putting his hands up in mock surrender.

“And you shouldn’t have known until I told you!”

“Mate calm down!” I rolled my eyes and sat down.

“I doesn’t matter.” I told him. “Lily figured it out. We’ve got to tell Moony.”

“Lily’s figured what out…oh no! She figured it out! Like figured Remus’ secret?” He asked for clarification in disbelieve.

“How?” Peter added.

“Dunno. She was going on how his mum’s always sick around the full moon and how he always goes to see him and then she figured it out. I told her not to say anything and if she wanted to know if she was right she had to talk to him herself then I uh…” I trailed off.

“Distracted her?” Peter offered with a smirk and I threw a pillow at him.

“Shove it and go to bed.” With that I fell back on my bed a smile still etched on my features.

Oh I’ve got it bad all right.


Sorry about this shortie but I’ve wanted to get this chapter out.

I might post something tomorrow idk.


My friends always tell me I’m not southern and to stop saying dang flab but you know what I THROW MY HANDS IN THE AIR ‘CAUSE I JUST DON’T CARE.

Also, one of my all time favorite jily pictures on the side :) enjoy.




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