Chapter Ten

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Hola peoples who actually read and enjoy my stories. Love you all, you rule.

Fun Fact: This is probably the furthest I have EVER gotten with a story and enjoyed writing it and wanted to keep going with it. It is also the only story that had this many views and I thank all of you for that you are the best! <333


Dedication: this is dedicated to Syd/Elsa because I AM THE DUKE OF WEEESELTUN AND *inhales carrot* marufff.


Also, if some chapters take longer to post it is because I have told myself that I want like all my chapters to have at least 1,000 words from now yeah they will take a bit longer.

And, no matter how tempted I will stick to the facts and James and Lily will not get together until 7th year. But, that's not to say at the end of 6th year and in the summer there won't be any flirting and such. *winky face*

Lastly, I have to skip some time a little to get to the actual like plot and stuff because if I kept the time it would be like 50 billion chapters of James and Lily being really awkward around each other and I don't want to do that to y'all, so I am skipping time.


James POV

We have 2 weeks of school left. The school has been hectic with seventh years emotional and everyone else itching to get out.

I for one can't wait to get out because Sirius would be moving in with us and Lily would come to visit!

I made up with the boys a little after Hogsmeade but I could still call back my anger at any given moment when the time permits it.

I was sitting in the common room waiting for Lily and Remus to get back from their rounds.

Instead of Lily and Remus, Alice and Marlene clambered through the portrait hole.

"James Potter." Alice said, always one to get straight to the point.

"Alice Prewitt." I mocked her tone.

"Don't mock me James Potter. This is serious."

"Ali, it's not THAT serious." Marlene said pointedly at her friend.

"Mar, we have to get this out and he can't think we are kidding."

"I know James, he wouldn't do that, and he loves her."

"Um, hello, still here,"

"Can it Potter." Alice snapped.

'Alrighty, than' I thought. Alice was not one to get angry easily.

"Okay, James," Marlene started. "We know you like Lily-"

I sighed, "Is this another one of those 'She'll never love you back' talks because i've had about enough of those."

"No, James. Just shove it and listen."

"Okay," Alice continued. "Let's cut to the chase. When she says yes, and we know she will soon, if you hurt her we swear. It will take her so much just to say yes and give into her feelings but if you hurt her after that she will be broken, wrecked, and it's already happened so we know it can happen again."

"Are you two insane?" They looked at me confused. "I would never hurt her! Especially if she said yes to me! I couldn't! I wouldn't!"

Marlene gave Alice a knowing look and sang, "I told you."

Alice mustered her dignity turned to her friend said, "I had to be sure." And walked away.

Marlene collapsed on the seat next to me; she looked at me and said. "James I have known you since we were little, I can tell how you feel. I know you're pinning for Lily."


"No. I need to let you know this. I am your friend and I am Lily's best friend. You are like a brother to me and Lily is like a sister. I will have the biggest urge to tell you how Lily feels about you but, I can't do that to Lily. She wouldn't want me telling you. But, I can tell you not to give up but don't bug her. Don't ask her out for now, just be her friend. She isn't looking for a relationship right now but soon. Give her time James."

"I will. I promise. It just feels like she-" I never got to finish the thought that has been haunting me because at that moment Lily and Remus came in laughing.

Marlene turned to me and whispered, "Finish later. Talk to her." She stood up and said to Remus. "Remus, I have to go get Sirius out of detention, would you like to help Mr. Prefect?"

Remus got the hint and replied, "Of course Miss McKinnon." Together they left heading to "get Sirius".

"Hullo." I mumbled.

Lily sighed, "James, why are you always so," She waved her hands around looking for the words. "Shy!" She exclaimed finding the right word.


"Yes! Whenever I come in lately you go from up-beat and all to this shy side of you I've never seen."

"I do?"

"Yes! Merlin, you used to be an annoying prick that wouldn't shut up and stop bragging and now you're all modest and shy. I mean yes I like how you're not that big-headed anymore but you're so shy I miss the out-going James that would constantly surprise everyone. What happened to him?"

"He thought you hated him." I answered so quietly I thought she didn't hear me, but she did.

"Oh James, stop saying that! I never hated you! I might have been annoyed but I never hated you!"

"Lily, don't lie to me,"

"I'm not lying James!" She laughed. "Merlin, you're still infuriating!" I laughed. "There we go! He laughed!"

"Oh shove it Evans." I said though I was smiling.

"Surnames again?"

"Oh yeah."

"Hmm, I don't like that." She stood up.

"Hey! Where're you going?"

She stood up straighter, "You'll have to find out yourself." She started to run out the common room.

"Evans!" I chased after her into the corridor. "You're crazy!" I said as I followed her into a classroom.

"Hah! Says the one who actually followed me!"

"Oh always, Evans."

"I said I didn't like the surnames Mr. Potter." She stepped closer to me.

My eyes got big as I realized what was happening. "Uh, L-lily, what're you doing?" I stuttered and my throat was dry.

Lily POV

"Uh, L-lily, what're you doing?" He asked. Truth be told, I had no idea what I was doing. I then realized there was only a step of space between us. I stepped back.

"Oh, um sorry?" It came out a question.

Wow, I thought, way to make things more awkward!

"Oh no, it's okay?" He responded answering my question with what sounded like a question.

"I'll just..." I pointed to the door. "be going now..." I stumbled over to the door.

The entire way back to Gryffindor tower all I did was tell myself, stupid, stupid, stupid!


Dat be all children.

I say children, tbh, y'all and hashtag a lot tbh.

Hehe. *smirking emoji*

Hashtag I'm out y'all.


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