Chapter Nine

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I’m gonna cut to the case today because it’s late.

Disclaimer: This isn’t mine it’s JKR’s

Dedication: This goes to laquifa, sha-nay-nay and sharkeisha sass mama bc life and you do what you gotta do to be sharkeisha sass mama even if that means using a fake weave.

Also to Tyrone because he is the sassmaster.

Drew you’re the bomb.

From, that duke of weselton. Ily.


Lily POV

It was Sunday and I was sitting in the great hall.

I got there early so I could eat before James got here and we could leave sooner.

I was really excited. I was confused when Remus came running in looking sickly.

“Lily!” he said out of breath. “Have you seen James yet?”

“No, why? Is something wrong?”

“Oh no! No, no, no! He is really mad.” Remus said worriedly.

“Remus, what are you talking about?”

“Oh, Lily last night, James we sort of said some things and he got mad- really mad- and stormed off and we haven’t seen him since.”

“Oh,” my voice was quiet and if I sounded a little hurt it was probably because I was.

“He was mad at us! I can’t believe he stood you up because of us! I’m sorry!”

“Remus, it’s okay. It’s not your fault. I’ll just go up to my dorm than.” I started to walk away when I felt a tear start to run down my cheek. Why was I crying? Sometimes this happens, I cry and I don’t know why. Maybe because something didn’t turn out like I expected, who knows, I for sure don’t.

As I was wiping my eyes I bumped into someone. I sniffled. “Oh, sorry.” Without looking up I hurried away.

“Lily?” The voice that haunted my thoughts and dreams said.

I turned around and James was standing there. “Oh thank goodness!” I ran and hugged him.

“Lily? Are you, is everything okay?”

“What happened James? Why aren’t you telling me things?”

“Lily, it’s really nothing.”

“James, Remus said you were gone all night!”

“Yeah…” He rubbed the back of his neck.

“James, what’s happened?”

“Lily, really! It’s nothing!”

“James tell me!” I whined.  

“Lily, please. I really don’t. You won’t like it.”

“James, I don’t care!”

“You will!”

“I won’t! Come on!”

“FINE!” He was frustrated. “It was the boys! They told me I was paying too much attention to you and that I was acting like I didn’t give a shit about them anymore. They said I was chasing after a girl I loved and who would never love me back and they were right! Merlin they were right! I am chasing after you and you could care less what the hell I do!”

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