Chapter Eleven

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I realized I started every chapter by saying Hello or Hola or Hey and I don't even know if you people like that so I will stop.

Disclaimer: I own none of this it belongs to JKR

Dedication: This is dedicated to my sister Jenna for many reasons, 1) she introduced me to Doctor Who and we watched like all of my favorite doctor, the Eleventh doctor, Matt Smith, together. 2) She has always inspired me and encouraged me to keep writing, either it being fiction, fanfiction, or nonfiction.

Fun Fact: This story is 37 pages and 11,465 words so far!


Remus POV

After we saw James and Lily left we went back into the tower. I walked up to my dorm and sat there for half an hour until a wide eyed James stumbled in.

“Hey, I saw you and Lily went somewhere.” I smirked at him and he narrowed his eyes then glared at me.

“Shove it!”

“Did something happen?” Suddenly I was worried.

He sighed, “That’s the thing, nothing happened!”

“James, you have to take it slow.”

“I did! Merlin she was the one who made the first move but I HAD to ask her what she was doing!”

“What are you talking about James?”

That’s when he explained it all to me and I understood.

“James, that’s good.”

He glared at me again, “What do you mean?”

“Well that means that she likes you and she knows she does but she isn’t quite ready to do anything.Just give her time.”

“You and Mar discussing this?


“Mar said ‘bout the same thing to me yesterday.” He slumped against his best post, “I’m going to bed. G’night.”

“Goodnight James.” With that he fell down on his bed and I didn’t hear another word from him the whole night.

 Lily POV

I lay in bed; I had DADA soon so I had to go down to breakfast. But, I couldn’t seem to get myself out of bed.

I’ll have to see him, I argued.

Just don’t make things awkward. Alright, so I would just go and act like nothing happened. I can do that.


I can’t do that.

Nope, I’m backing out.

I will not walk through those doors.

I’m telling everyone I’m sick.

I turn around but that was a huge mistake.

Coming down the hall was James.

He had a shy smile on and waved. “Hi Lily,”

I took a deep breath and tried a smile. “Hello James.”

“How’re you?” I could tell he was going with the ‘act like nothing happened’ approach like me.

That says something. If this happened last year he would have some smart comment and he would try and kiss me again. James Potter is growing up. Wow never thought I would say that. Well, I also never thought I would try and kiss James Potter.

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