Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Hey peoples!! It's Divergentweasley! I know it's been a little while, but I'm back and better than ever! The past couple of years have been WILD, and I just really haven't had the time or energy for writing :( But i finally have found interest in writing Jily again and I'm super excited to share the next chapter of their story with you!! So without further ado, let's get started...

Disclaimer: All characters and setting belong to our queen JK Rowling.


James POV

I was there. Holding her. I could feel her warm skin against me. And not to mention the feeling of KISSING her. I could do that whenever I want to now...this is perfection.

I never thought I could reach this point of contentment. That's when I knew. Mum already loved her so I needed to bring her to the party. What is the party you may ask. My parents yearly soire...

"James!! Are you listening to me?" My mum snapped.

"Oh sorry! I was in my own thoughts" I told her, face reddening to a rosy shade. I heard Lily giggle and mutter oh James.

"Anyway... as I was saying, I need some help to prepare for the soire" Mum looked pointedly at me, "I need you and Lily to run some errands for me today", but before she could finish:

"What's the soire?" Lily asked.

"James Potter! You haven't asked Lily yet!"

"Mum! I was going to do it, but I wanted to make it special thank you for ruining that!" Lily had begun to smile and blush, looking down at her lap.

Lily POV

If anyone asked me what I was thinking about in that moment that made me blush so much, I would simply say it was hearing James talk about his plan - or whatever it is! In retrospect... I was really thinking about how he looked shirtless, the kiss he planted on my forehead, and more. Oh this boy...

*                                                *

It is around mid day now and James and I are walking through a store attempting to collect everything that his Mum needed. As we began to approach the baking isle I had an epiphany.

"James! We should create a trifle for the soire! As a gift to your Mum for having me over" I told him excitedly.

"Lils, that sounds perfect" we began to eagerly gather the ingredients so that we could hurry home and get baking.

*                                                   *

The two of us have been baking for a little while now, trying to make everything perfect. After finishing all the essentials we decided to move on to our trifle, however neither of us have EVER made one - so let's see how this goes!

Only a few minutes into the preparation, the two of us are increasingly getting covered in flour and other ingredients. I heard laughing and knew I must look ridiculous which would be the punch line cracking James up. "What! Do I have something on my face?" I tried to hide my face behind my hands.

"No!" James sobered up and pulled my hands away, "you're beautiful, don't hide your face!" He began to lean in and you already know my heart began to POUND in anticipation of him kissing me...please James! And after what felt like an eternity, he planted his lips on mine. Before we knew it, he had me pinned against the counter and locked in a heated makeout session, a very flour-y one at that. Ingredients were not about to stop James though. I was elated and savoring each moment he pulled me closer and held me to him. He was my boy now. I think I could love him one day, he makes me feel unlike any other. He brings out a different Lily, a Lily that is confident and excited, a Lily that puts herself out there. 

Thinking about this side of me, I knew I wanted to be her even more. I broke off our connected lips and began to kiss his neck. If he can bring out such a brilliant Lily, I want to thank him as much as I can.

*                                                 * 

Nearly an hour had passed with occasional make outs and come more preparation done, but eventually we had finished everything. 

"We should probably freshen up, eh?" James said.

"Sure" I smiled at him. We parted ways and I began to head towards my room.

"Lily!" I turned and saw Marlene barreling towards me. "You will NEVER believe what just happened..." 

I looked at her, having a pretty good idea of where this would go. "What happened?"

"Sirius asked me to be his girlfriend! We are going to the soire together!"


Sorry it's so short!!!!!! Just wanted to get something out there for you guys<333333333 don't mind the mistakes n all!!

Thats all folks,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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