Chapter Six

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This chapter will be sucky because I had dance try-outs from 11:50 to 4:38 and I am so tired and angry it's not even funny. I like failed every try out and I can sleep for like 3 days because not only did I go to bed really late last night but I felt so sick. Felt like a fever last night and fainting and throwing up today. I also have stage fright which is new for me.

But you don't care so on with the chapter.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. JKR owns everything. She is queen.

Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to every person who stood with me today at auditions and encouraged me and held me when I cried and made me feel like I wasn't a crazy sleep-deprived lunatic. I love you all.


James POV

It’s been one week without Remus. He is furious, which I get but at the same time I really don’t. I get that he is mad that Sirius said that because Lily could’ve heard, but that’s where I’m confused. Lily and Remus have been mates for years and Remus and I both know Lily is very trustworthy and she would never tell so why does it matter if she knows? Does he think she’ll treat him differently? Did he not know that one, Lily doesn’t judge people by their status or what breed they are and two, the boys and I didn’t run off screaming, now did we?

It frustrating though because I didn’t do anything! I was the one who told Remus and yelled at Sirius.

“It’s because we all know that you would have totally been okay with Lily knowing because she is Lily and you love her!” Is what he said. Maybe I do love her but does that mean I want to tell her Remus’ secret? No!

It’s hard without Remus. It may seem like I am only close with Sirius but that’s not true. Remus and i have a strong bond and I miss the bloke.

He is really mad. Poor Lily has no idea why Remus, Sirius, Peter, and I are ignoring her and trust me I feel bloody bad for it but I’m proving something to Remus.

Sirius is sure getting what he deserves though. I am also ignoring him not just Remus and he has been sulking around going to bed early, waking up late. He’s a mess. Wish I felt bad, but I don’t. He got what he deserves.

Just then there was a knock on the dormitory door. I was confused, no one ever knocks and all the boys were in here. I walked over to the door and opened in to see Lily.

“Hi James.” She said, I didn’t respond. I had a guilty and sorry look on my face as I started to close the door but she pushed her hand out and almost desperately yelled, “ Wait James, please!” She pleaded. “I just want to talk, please!”

I looked down and started to close it again when Remus heaved an exasperated sigh and said to me, “Oh bloody hell James, I see what you’re doing and it’s bloody stupid! Just go talk to her for Merlin’s sake! Trying to be mad at you- who did nothing wrong- is awful hard when you’re ignoring the one person that you want and will talk to you!” I sent him a small smile and turned to Lily.

“Do you wanna talk in here or in the hall?”

“Here is fine.” She replied slipping in. “I need to talk to Remus too.”

He sighed again, “I’m actually not talking to anyone so…”

Lily stared at him and her eyes were big and red like she had been crying. “Remus, please.”

Another sigh, “Fine.”

“Alright, so I just, I needed to know, well you see I was wondering.” She was stumped on what to say. “Oh, bloody hell! Okay, why are you two ignoring me? I just don’t see what I did wrong and I asked the girls but all the reasons they came up with just didn’t make sense and I just want my mates back.” She sighed a sad sigh.

Both Remus and I looked at Sirius then back at each other. In unison we said, “Ask Sirius.”

Sirius looked up and howled, “Remus talks!” Remus sent him a glare and replied, “Only for Lily because she may know nothing and it is still all your fault, git.” With that Remus stormed out of the dormitory.

“He hates me.” Sirius groaned.

“He has reason.” I snapped back, “We all do, git.”

“Hey! Now when did you turn your back on me! Brothers don’t turn their backs on brothers no matter how stupid one of them could’ve been! You have no reason to be cross with me!”

“I most certainly do you idiot!” I was getting so angry at Sirius but he also had a point. “You drove Remus against up! You ruined the trust he had in us! You-“


“DON’T YOU DARE TURN THIS WHOLE THING ON ME!” My voice matched his volume.

Lily grabbed my arm, “James, come on, don’t-“

“LILY THIS ISN’T YOUR FIGHT!” I yelled directing my anger on her. She looked hurt.




“ENOUGH!” Lily yelled so loud I couldn’t believe it was her. “You two are mates! Mates don’t do this! I don’t care how badly either one of you screwed up! Sirius is right! Brothers don’t turn their backs on brothers and James, I’m sorry, but you did.” With that she stormed out slamming the door. Sirius and I were both out of breath from the screaming match and looked at each other.

“I’m sorry.” Sirius said in a barely audible whisper.

I didn’t mean to be so cross with him so I let a smirk appear on my face, “Did Sirius Black just say sorry?” he looked up returning the smirk and I pulled him into a hug. “I missed you Padfoot.”

“I missed you too Jamesie!” He used the name that annoys me so I pulled him into a head lock.

“Still a git!” I yelled in his ear.

“Of course!”  We laughed it out and landed on our beds.

“Now you just need to make up with Moony. Wormtail was never mad at you. Were you Wormy?” We both looked over to see Peter conked out on his bed.

“Hmm, I might join him in dream land.” With that Sirius was asleep too and it just left me. I let out a little laugh and lay down. Yup, very confusing day.


Asdfghjkl idk okay I needed a filler!

This is really bad I know!

But yes, Remus is still mad at Sirius.

Idk why I did it okay. Geesh gimme a break.

I enjoy talking like that sometimes.

Alrighty then.


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