Chapter Thirteen

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No dedication for y’all.

I have decided this AN shall be MUCH shorter now.

So as protocol: DISCLAIMER: ALL DIS BE JKR’s

Lastly; I can like only write while listening to our queen. That’s right; Beyoncé.

REMIDER: In this story I will be skipping some time so you don’t have to sit through, “Hi James.” “Hi Lily.” *Le Awkward Silence* I would say sorry but really, you’re welcome.

Just to tell you if I named the chapters this would be called: ‘A Silly Thing Called Love.’


James POV

We have a week left of school. Most sixth years are busy studying with the extra work they’ve been given and their N.E.W.T. level class studies. While Sirius, Peter and I have been relaxing and planning our end of the year prank.

Lily and I have been avoiding each other to avoid the awkward tension.

I don’t like it but I respect it because I don’t want to make a fool out of myself.

But wow she was going to visit me this summer.

I have to keep myself from squealing aloud.

Sirius and Marlene have been a very…touchy couple. Snogging most of them time. But hey, that’s Sirius.

Remus has been studying. But what else is new?

Oh! Peter got a girlfriend!

That was exciting. ‘Cept she wasn’t a Gryffindor but a Ravenclaw. Some bird he passed in the library. I think her name was Alyssa? Alicia? Ally? Hmm I don’t know but something with an Al.

At the moment I was sitting alone is the boy’s dorm. Lying on my back on my bed starring at the top on the canopy. One thing was running through my mind: Lily. I had it bad. I already knew I liked her but now I’m getting close to her and I think I might…love her!

Why is love so confusing? And why and I scared to admit I might be in love? Why is love such a hard thing?

Okay, I need to get up and do something because I am starting to sound like a sappy romance novel.

“Ughh!” Sirius treaded in groaning as I sat up.

“What’s got your knickers in a twist?”

“Marlene is so UGH!”

“I’m sure Mar isn’t ‘UGH’, so what did you do?”

He sighed, “Well you know I like her?”

“Sure, sure. I mean you don’t go out with any girls. I know you have standards.”

“James! I mean like I like her! More than those weird girls I used to snog!”

“Oh! Wow, okay well than continue.”

“Okay so we were just walking in the corridors and talking about how I was moving in this summer so we would see each other more and you know we aren’t like officially dating or anything yet.”

Instead of answering I nodded my head. “Well, she was saying something about me meeting her mum and dad because I would be living there and it’s protocol for a REALATIONSHIP! I said we weren’t dating at she looked sort of hurt but then she got angry- you know Mar, short temper and all- and I asked her what’s wrong and she goes on sarcastically how it’s totally alright for us to go around snogging and spend all this time together but no we aren’t dating and you know me: I. Don’t. Do. Dating. And Merlin Marlene has me so wrapped around her finger I’ve been thinking about making her my girlfriend! But Merlin she’s angry with me now and when I tried to tell her I didn’t do the whole dating thing she stormed off and I need the map because I need to go find her and-“

I interrupted, “Look mate I’m all for you two dating but I know Mar better than you and you need to let her cool down. When she is angry she needs her time. Just come sit and relax.”

“I’ve messed it all up haven’t I?” Sirius looked at me with his big black eyes glittering like he was going to cry. He looked so innocent and…in love.

There it goes again. It always comes back to love doesn’t it?

“Sirius I have know you since first year and let me tell you, you are usually the one to muss everything up-“

He grumbled, “Not helping.”

“Hey! You git let me finish! Okay so you usually are the one to muss it up but whenever you set your mind on fixing something, whether its girls, or friends, or work you always do. If you really like Mar you have to get her back, prove to her that you changed enough to date her. Show her you like her and she’s not like every other girl in this castle. Alright?”

“Yeah, thanks Prongs.” He went in for a hug and I reciprocated. He started to leave but stopped short at the door a smile playing at his lips, “You really think Mar and I are good together?”

“Never doubted it.” His smile turned into a grin and I had almost the same idiotic thing on my face from seeing my best mate so in love.

Once again I was left alone in the dorm. I heard a knock on the door and wondered who the hell would knock on our door. I opened it to see a teary-eyed Marlene.

“Mar?” I engulfed her in a hug. “You okay?”

“I know you know. I waited until Sirius left.”

“Mar he went looking for you.”

“Well he’s a git so-“

“You think I don’t know that? Mar, he really likes you. You’re not like the other girls.”

“Then why is he treating me like the other girls!” She exploded. “I was so stupid to think he changed!”

“It’s because he doesn’t know how else to act! But Merlin if it doesn’t show when he stares moony-eyed at you nonstop or talks about you nonstop I don’t know what does prove he cares. Other then the fact his just came in her raging himself on the verge of tears.”

She choked out a laugh, “Sirius cry?”

“Yup.”  We held a gaze then broke into laughter.

“So, he wants to by my boyfriend?”

“I’m sure he does. But being Sirius he can’t find a way to tell you.”

“Oh.” Her face went red and she looked down.

“So are you going to keep talking to me or go find that prick and ask him out?”

She grinned. “Thanks Jamesie! I’ll see ya little. You’re a little romatic aren’t you? I’ll have to tell Lily!” She ruffled my hair and ran out. I signed, what am I gonna do with that girl. Nevertheless I was grinning.

A few hours later I was lying in bed again. It was 1 am and we had class together. I couldn’t sleep.

There was a happy in love Sirius in the bed beside me.

A normal and sleeping Remus in the bed across from me.

And a happy, dating Peter in the bed on my other side.

Then there was me, confused as hell as to whether or not I was in freaking love with Lily Evans.

By 3 am I was positive that I was in fact in love with her. And that no matter what this summer I was going to take the initiate and kiss the girl that I love because trying to keep my distance from her in no way lessens my affection for her.



Who noticed that TFIOS quote there? But I did change it up a bit so…



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