Chapter Twenty

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Oh my, I’m horrible: I haven’t updated in so long.


I have been so absorbed in school because I am a nerd and grades are like everything to me so I always work really hard for good grades and it’s been crazy lately because we have big standardized tests for our state all last week and we had been preparing and my sister came home from college so I've been spending time with her and  SORRY I WILL GIVE YOU A CHAPTER NOW!

Disclaimer: All of this belongs to JKR because she is fabulous.


Lily POV

Oh my goodness. Where is he!

I know he didn’t say he would come get me at a specific time, but he said he would be here before dinner.

It is one o’clock and I know I sound like a prissy girl whom misses their boyfriend even though James and I aren’t technically dating. But, I miss him okay? I miss him a lot more than someone who refuses to date that said person should. I’m so stupid and scared to jump in a relationship.

I know I said it was because I wasn’t ready to show the public, but that’s not really it. After thinking about it I realized it’s because I’m scared of another failed relationship. I’m just so scared that James will become another Petunia or Severus. And I can’t handle losing James, I just can’t.

I sighed; I might as well do something well I wait for James. I collected my duffle bag and toiletries bag and put them by the fire place. I went to my room and made sure I was ready. I was wearing James’ sweatshirt with jeans. I went over to my record player and put on my record of the Grease songs. It played my absolute favorite song: Hopelessly Devoted to You. Grease had come out this year and I saw it with mum. It was so amazing. I begged her to buy the record and she finally caved. I listened to it every day.

I began to hum along and slowly sung out the words: “You know I'm just a fool who's willing, To sit around and wait for you, But, baby, can't you see, There's nothing else for me to do?, I'm hopelessly devoted to you…” I stopped singing abruptly when I heard a voice.

“So, you’d sit around and wait for me because you’re hopelessly devoted to me? Nice to know.” I screeched and turned around from what I was doing to see James standing in my doorway with his hands in his pockets.

“James!” I jumped off my bed and leaped into his arms. “What are you doing here?”

He laughed a low, deep laugh, “I’m here to pick you up, silly.”

“I missed you!” Instead of backing away from him I laced my fingers around his neck and stood on my toes to peck him with a kiss. “Now, let’s go!” I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the stairs.

“Lily!” My dad’s voice bombed through the halls and James froze, he looked…nervous. “I need to meet this boy before you are allowed to stay at his house.”

“Of course, dad.” I said with a plastered smile. “James this is my dad, dad this is James.” I introduced them as my father came into view. James dropped my hand.

“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Evans.” James held out his now free hand.

My dad nodded and shook it too, “Ditto, James. So you go to school with Lily?”

“Yes, we are in the same house and year.”

“And you like Hogwarts? You do well there?”

“Oh yes!” James grinned and very toothy smile. “Hogwarts is my home! I love it there.”

“Well, that’s good. Now Lily, have fun and be good. You’ll be back next Monday, correct?”

“Yep!” I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek and hurried down the stairs bringing James with me. “Let’s go Potter!”

“Okay Evans,” He handed me some floo powder. “Say, ‘Potter Manor’ I’ll come after you.” He grabbed my bags as I stepped into the fireplace. I said ‘Potter Manor” loud and clear and was transported to another fireplace. Coughing up soot I stepped out to see a huge living room with Sirius sitting on one of the sofa’s holding a cup of something.

“Lily!” He chirped. “How are you?”

“Fine.” I nodded at him. “Where’s Mar?”

“She and Abi aren’t coming until three tonight.”

“Great.” I said just as James got in. He had my two bags and walked towards the door.

"So James, have you met Mr. Evans?"

James glared at him, "Yeah I have."

"Was he as scary as you thought he'd be? Did'ya pee your pants?"

"Shove it you prick." He slapped Sirius' arm and turned back to me. “Here Lils, I’ll show you your room.” I followed him out and Sirius hollered back,

“Use protection!” I blushed a deep red and James left yelling at him to shut up.

“Okay, so I know the house is a little big and it may be a little confusing, but you get used to it. And Mar and I will help show you around. Sirius will probably just sit back and laugh at you if you get lost.”

“I like it. It's mysterious and fun like the house in the Chronicles of Narnia. ” He laughed and led me to a door.

“Here is your room,” He opened the door and I gasped, the room was beautiful. It was humongous and had a queen sized bed with fluffy pillows and a soft as silk bed spread. “I know, it’s a little much, but mum loves to dress up the house and she thinks if guests come and the room isn’t tidy and all they will like leave with a new found disrespect for us or something…” He trailed of and instead of saying anything I walked over to him, stood on my toes and placed a lingering kiss on his cheek.

“It’s wonderful, I love it.” I whispered as I stood back down.

“You’re wonderful.” He said back, he had grabbed my chin in his hand and his thumb was rubbing back and forth on my cheek. My eyes fluttered shut at his touch and I felt him duck down to kiss me for real when there was a cough at the door.

“And you claimed there was nothing going on between you to.” Marlene stood in the door way giving me a look that clearly said I had a lot of explaining to do.


Okay so yeah I know this chapter like sucks so bad, but I literally haven't updated in so long and I felt bad.

So I'll try and update really soon because this sucked and y'all deserve and better chapter.

I might even change this chapter, who knows.


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