Chapter 3

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You guys got ready fairly quick, you were wearing tight black jeans with a cute top over it. The weather was actually lovely, it's a stereotypical thing to hear the British whine about the weather, but this week there was a heat wave. Even though you guys were burning up, it was better than walking in the rain smearing your guys's make up and ruining your hair. 

From the hotel you decided to go to the nearest Underground station and get your week cards. Hannah and Amy both got the normal week passes, but you paid the extra money to get an Oyster card, you figured it would be nice to have as a souvenir. 

''So you just wanna go towards the Big Ben and find something to eat near there?'' Amy said

''Yea, I guess so, the Big Ben should be something we see first right, get a few pictures and then we need food'' You were enthusiastic but hungry at the same time. 

The three of you traveled to the Big Ben and walked over the bridge, so you could get a good picture in front of it. You wanted to post it but remembered you didn't have any internet, you guys needed to sort this out, maybe buy a sim-card so you could at least check your social media. 

''Can we please get some food now?'' you whined as Amy and Hannah were walking through a souvenir shop. 

''Yes yes, oké we're sorry, you get to choose a place''. Hannah answered

You started looking around you and noticed a cute (f/f) place.

''There!'' you pointed to the restaurant that served your favorite food. 

We should have know. Amy and Hannah thought whilst they looked each other.

After dinner it was around 19:00, you decided to go back to the hotel or more exactly go to the bar next to the hotel. There were a lot of bars around your hotel, but that one actually looked like people were going there. 

The three of you found a lovely booth in the corner of the bar, and Hannah went straight to the bar to get 3 shots and 3 gin and tonics. 

''Wow really Hannah? What are you planning to do with us?'' Amy asked curiously

''Kidnap us? never get us back home? was this your plan all along?'' you joked

''Come on guys, we barely ever drink! we are on vacation now, the hotel is next door. If there is a time and place to get at least slightly tipsy in a foreign country it is now!'' Hannah looked serious, the entire thing looked like a speech. But it worked, you and Amy both got excited. You did like a drink every now and then, but you were not the typical get drunk every Friday girl. more like a we have a girls night and do some drinks. 

While Hannah was looking around the bar you and Amy got to talk to the people next to you, they were two girls from London and were very nice. They gave you some tips to where to go and where to absolutely NOT go. 

''I need to go to the bathroom''. as you stood up you noticed your sight was a bit blurry. You looked at the table and saw you only drank 3 gin and tonics and that shot at the beginning.'' I could not be getting drunk this quick, can I?''. You looked around for the bathroom and noticed it, you walked towards it but on the left was the exit. You decided to go outside and get some fresh air. There was a small breeze but the heat was still there. It was nice to see the cars drive and actually take a breather. 

''Aren't ya cold?'' A thick Scottish accent came from the left of you. You looked towards the place the voice came from and saw a very cute guy, a little scruffy beard, black hair, but with blond/yellow-ish high lights through it. He smiled friendly at you looking not to good himself. 

''No, not really''. You answered quickly as you acknowledged you had been quiet for too long, blushing a little bit. 

''You are not from here, right?'' The man mentioned

''Uhh, no I am not, actually. I am from (country)''. A silence fell, ''come on (y/n) ask something back, you don't want him to get bored with you''

'' Oh great question (y/n), you can't even make up a good sentence?'' you thought to yourself slapping your head in imagination. 


Oh god he hates me. 

''Are you drinking with friends?'' the man asked

''Yes, I am, I am with my two best friends, they are inside. I needed a bit of... fresh air..'' 

''I get that, me too. They fed me a bit too much shots at the beginnen. I feel like I'ma fall asleep in an hour''. The man laughed, making you see him smile, he was ADORABLE. ''get a hold of yourself''

''You know if you want--'' then Hannah interrupted you. ''THERE YOU ARE, you were going to the bathroom, I wasn't expecting you outside! oh, you have company, who is this stranger?''

You knew Hannah, and you knew when Hannah was flirting. You looked at the man and saw he was smiling back at her. ''great'' you thought to yourself, ''He already likes Hannah''

''Uhm, Hannah this is.. I don't actually know your name, I'm sorry..'' you said awkwardly 

''Rhys, but call me Razz everyone does''. they shook hands and smiled at each other. You decided to look away, just forget it, a man like that would not be interested in you. that is what you learned over the years. ''Well guys, have fun, I am gonna go inside. Thank you Razz for the company'' You gave him a slight smile with your mouth closed, a bit too obvious that you were a bit sad. 

''He can always join us?'' Hannah said.

''Thanks for the offer, but I need to join my friends. it is our first night after all. No girls aloud. But for you I made an exception''. He said giving you a cheeky wink. 

You did not really know how to react. So you decided to just walk inside, and to your booth. 

''Where have you guys been?'' Amy asked

''No where!'' you answered immediately 

''(y/n) met a boy!!'' Hannah blurted out

''first of all I did not meet a boy, well i did but not in the way Hannah is saying it, we jus talked just hi hi bla bla and second of all I think he liked Hannah a lot more!'' you said a bit disappointed again. 

''OMG you are deluded!! He really liked you, he was being nice to me but every time he looked 1 second at me he looked 20 at you!'' Hannah yelled at this point, but in a teasing way.

''You really think so?''  you asked your two friends. they both nodded

''Where is he?'' Suddenly you got interested again. You wanted to see him. Badly 


Vacation crush. Razzbowski x Reader *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now