Chapter 1

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After a year of saving money, you and your two best friends finally had enough money to go on a well deserved vacation. 


Hannah: Are you all packed?

Amy: Yep, ready to go. You'll both be here in two hours right?

(Y/n): yea yea, stop worrying, I'm picking up Hannah in an hour and afterwards we'll come to you. 

Amy: Just asking!

Hannah: Have you printed the tickets?

(y/n): YES, stop with those questions it will all be fine!!


You put away your phone and looked at your suitcase, checking if everything was there. You weren't one to worry, but with all those questions you started doubting yourself.

OK, passport CHECK, tickets CHECK, enough clothing for 7 days CHECK, A few going out outfits ''a girl needs a couple of options'' CHECK, make-up CHECK. 

after checking the rest of your stuff you decided that you had everything you needed

If I am missing something important I can always buy it at the airport or in a shop. You thought to yourself

You pulled out your phone and opened up Youtube, you watched a lot of youtube in general and saw that there were a lot of videos you had not watched. You looked at the clock seeing you had 45 minutes to spend. ''Might as well watch some''

When you looked back at the clock you were shocked to find out you should've already been on the road. You ran to your suitcase smacking it shut and rushed to a mirror to check if you still looked alright, wanting to put a brush through your hair you noticed you already packed it.

Well, at least I didn't forget it, this will have to do. 

You ran downstairs, suitcase in hand towards your car, driving to Hannah's house


Pulling up at Hannah's house you saw her already standing outside. Hannah was beautiful, every time you saw her that jumped into your mind. She still lived with her parents, who were very rich, they were those kind of people that didn't want to spoil her but still did without them noticing it. 

''Well finally you are here, what took you so long?'' Hannah asked while putting her suitcase in your car.

''There was a peacock in my house and I had to get it out''. You said with a straight face looking right at her. 

Hannah looked at you for a good 10seconds and burst into laughter while hugging you.

''This is gonna be so much fun! I can not wait ANY longer, lets go quickly, Amy must be pissed as well. Just tell her the peacock story and she will understand'' Hannah chuckled.


Standing in front of Amy's house you honked the horn twice, but before you could get to the second one Amy came SPRINTING out the front door. 

''WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN''. She started panicking immediately.'' We have 45 min to get to the airport!!''

''And then we have a solid two hours to check in, don't worry so much, we have more than enough time''. You said with a big grin on your face.

You were all silent for a moment and then yelled out: ''WE ARE GOING TO LONDON!!''

Hannah: ''Finally it's time I am so ready for this, the tourist attraction''

Amy: ''The shopping!''

(Y/N): ''everything!''

you all started talking quickly through each other, you couldn't even understand what the others were saying at the moment.

''I have to tell you something else by the way''. Hannah interrupted your screaming

''Well, what is it? spit it out''. you reacted immediately scared that she might have bad news.

''I got us some tickets for a new club opening! We will be going there on Wednesday''. Hannah said happily.

''Alright, geez you scared me, that sounds good! but we'll talk about it on the road, come on (y/n) take us to the airport!!'' Amy spoke

You drove to the airport all talking about what amazing things you were going to do on you arrival, today is Monday and you were coming back on next Monday, a full week of you and your best friends! 

A/N: this story is finally going to be edited, I have decided to not change the writing style, it would change the story too much and it would be tremendous amount of work.
I'm just being lazy here and correcting spelling/grammar.

Vacation crush. Razzbowski x Reader *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now