Chapter 12

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You walk into the Comic Book shop, not really knowing what you are doing here. You look around you and it is an absolute nerds dream. There are loads of Comic Books and games, figurines and a whole section with cute Japanese stuff, which you havent seen around London since you've been here. A petit girl who look extremely happy skips towards you. 

Hi there, welcome in our Comic Book store! I haven't seen you around, new here? The girl cheers happily.

Yes, I am. You know all your costumers? You ask interested.

I have been working here since I was allowed to, I was about 16.. I am 25 now which seems a bit sad, but I really love working here. The girl has a big smile on her face, she seems very nice, a girl you would want to keep around you. 

To be honest, I walked in here because of the sign you have put in front.. The help wanted sign. You come over as a bit nervous, are you seriously here asking for a job? 

OOOOH that's amazing! I would love to have another girl working here, the boy before you was so lazy, I felt wrong for taking a day off! but I am going to stop my battering, if you could please follow me to the register and can have a mini interview with you. My name is Lucy btw. 

You follow Lucy to the register, how are you going to make this work? wtf are you doing?

L: You can sit down here, what is your name? Or to make it easier just tell me loads of information about yourself in one go. GO

(Y/N): Well, my name is (Y/N), I am (age) years old, I am from (country). I am currently working but at a very shitty job that I am more than willing to quit. I am here on vacation, and I love London, so much that I have been thinking about staying, when I saw the help wanted sign I figured it was worth a shot. 

L: so you're not currently living in London?

(Y/N): No

L: alright, that could be a problem, apartments are expensive to rent here and we are not sure if we are looking for full time people, but if we give you a part time job you won't be able to afford it. It might not be a too big of a problem, the owner of this store is a very wealthy man and actually hooked me up with a small apartment when I started working here. You won't get a lot to the side tho, but enough the stay alive.

(Y/N): So I will be working for a roof over my head? is that what you're implying?

L: you got it! 

Lucy looks happy, she seems to really like you. you find yourself just wanting to say yes, this is your shot..

(Y/N): ok, that sounds ideal for someone who has to move. I won't have to start searching for an apartment and can just start? that's it?

L: that's it!

(Y/N): how about, I go back to my hotel, I talk to my friends whom I here with, and I come back tomorrow? 

L: that sounds great, tomorrow the owner will be here to check up on some thing. He usually shows up on midday, to give you a bigger shot, you can show up at 9am and work here an entire day. This way you will already have you introduction, he will be able to see that, and he might be more willing to lend you a hand on the apartment thing. 

(Y/N): I can do that. GREAT, thank you so much! 

L: you are welcome (Y/N), I will see you tomorrow then. 

Vacation crush. Razzbowski x Reader *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now