Chapter 23

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With your arms still on his shoulders you pulled your head back. 

(Y/N): Razz, what are you doing here?? 

Razz: are you saying you weren't expecting me? Did you not get my note.

(Y/N): of course I did, and I was hoping you were coming, but it was taking so long, I thought maybe something had come up again. 

Razz: funny story, lets sit down first ok?

You escorted Razz to the big couches in the back, holding has hand while you walked. You felt so many things; excitement, butterflies and nervousness. 

Razz: let me get us a drink, or have you had enough? I saw you on the dance floor. 

(Y/N): we are at a party, and I have you to watch over me.. I'll take another. 

Razz: yes Ma'am, be right back. 

You looked at Razz walking towards the bar, when you saw some people on the dance floor. Of course Hannah and Amy were waving in happiness. The bastards must have known. 

Razz returned with your drinks. 

Razz; So how have you been?

(Y/N): I am sorry, I'm still kinda shocked you are sitting next to me right now.

Razz: well, I did say I would see you again. I actually do like to keep my promises. Especially to pretty ladies.

(Y/N): stop the flattery mister. but where have you been the entire night? I was looking out for you for a while.

Razz; And then you found another guy to waist your time with?

He didn't look mad, more curious. You were doubting him liking you, how must he feel.

(Y/N): To be honest, I wasn't looking for anything with him. He was being nice, he isn't my type and I just wanted to dance. If I had known he was going to try to kiss me, I wouldn't even have gone there.

Razz; Well thank god you saw me when you did. 

You take a sip of your drinking wanting to change the subject. 

(Y/N): but you're here!! how long have you been in London?

Razz: I arrived two days ago actually.

(Y/N): TWO DAYS, why didnt you come and see me?

Razz: I was planning to, but I arrived at the hotel and this time I came prepared with my laptop and PS4 in case I will need to film. But there were a lot of problems within the hotel, with my booking and all kinds of crap. Then I was planning to meet you in the bar, but I didn't know how to get you there and I figured the graveyard wasn't the best spot to go back to. 

The both of you laughed. 

(Y/N): and then you came here?

Razz: I texted Amy, arranged one more ticket for me. but then I didnt have a nice suit for this event, so I had to go rent a tux. all kinds of drama.

(Y/N): Lets hope its worth it then. I am happy you are here, finally. 

Razz: me too. 

(Y/N); how long are you staying?

Razz: I am hoping for a week. we'll see. I did bring stuff to edit if necessary and it would be the biggest waste of money to leave in two days if we're hitting it off. Lord knows I missed seeing you the moment I left you in the park. 

god he really does know what to say. 

(Y/N): So I have a whole week until you HAVE to leave? I better behave then. 

Razz raised his glass

Razz: For now, lets have fun. Bring your friends to the airport tomorrow and then, lets try Hyde Park again? 

(Y/N): I'm not going to promise to be a sunshine tomorrow, but I will try. 

You put your glasses against each others and took a big sip. You talk a little on the benches and laughed a lot. There was a lot of chemistry, and felt like you wanted to touch him all night. After a while you got the courage to just grab his hand and go dancing. Amy and Hannah finally came over to say a proper hello and thank Razz. 

The four of you had an amazing night. around 4 you were all danced out, and couldn't see another drink. You went to get your coats, go outside and grab a cab. Razz got in with you guys, he sad he booked an hotel nearby your apartment so wanted to walk from there. 

You all reached your apartment. Amy and Hannah went inside and drunkenly screamed bye to Razz. You stood at the door.

Razz took a position in which you could see he was nervous, his confidence of the entire night had gone. He put his hands in his pockets and kind of leaned back and forward. 

Razz; So.

(Y/N): Soo. 

You gave a faint smile. Of course the ''taking someone home and standing in front of the door'' is always a nerve recking thing. but you had kissed him already, and you wanted to kiss him all night. You couldn't stop thinking about it, and was waiting for him to just take the step all night. 

Razz: Ok, I had a great night (Y/N), I will see you tomorrow. What time?

(Y/N): I think they sad they had their flight at 4, so we should leave here at 1. 

Razz: I'll be here at 12. 

(Y/N): Great. 

You were waiting for him to turn around and walk but he was still standing there. 

(Y/N): Razz?

Razz: hmm?

(Y/N): do you want to kiss me?

he looked at you in silence, his mouth slightly opened. Then you moved forward quickly, grabbing your hip and your head and pushing you against the wall. He kissed you. 

This is an amazing feeling. half drunkenly kissing against a wall, with someone you actually liked. It was hot. For a moment you just wanted to pull him inside the apartment and continue there, but you remembered Amy and Hannah were there, lets say you were happy and annoyed at the same time.

After an hour of making out, talking, cuddling both of you decided to call it a night. You really wanted to invite him in. but one: the first night? two: Amy and Hannah.. three: Always good to keep 'm waiting. 

you sad your goodbyes and went inside. You brushed your make- out hair, took off your make up and undressed. Your doorbell went off, you sneaked to the front door trying to not wake up Amy and Hannah. 

You looked through the peak hole and saw Razz standing there. 

You opened the door.

(Y/N): I mean I miss you too, but hi

Razz leaned in and kissed you once more.

Razz: I just needed one more. Good night baby cakes. 

You looked at him walk away, and wave when he turned the block. 

God, there were too many butterflies. 

Vacation crush. Razzbowski x Reader *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now