Chapter 4

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You were in the kind of state where you looked at your friends every now and then, nodding when they said something, but you looked around you a lot more. You were very happy they did not ask you what they were talking about. Because you would not have a good guess. You wanted to see him again, now that you had some time you wanted to make sure he was actually that cute.. 

''You want another drink? ''Amy tapped your shoulder 

''You know what, I will get it''. your friends probably could figure out what your were doing. It was a good opportunity to see where he was sitting. ''What do you guys want? 3 Gin and Tonics?'' 

''yea sounds good (y/n)'' they both said in unison with a big smile on their faces.

You stood up grabbing your wallet and pulling your clothes to the right spot. walking towards the bar you looked around you. He wasn't here. Had he gone home already? The lady at the bar stood in front of you immediately ''What do you want sweetheart?'' 

''3 Gin and Tonics please''. 

The lady behind the bar started putting the drinks together while you paid. Taking the drinks from the bar you turned around, you weren't the handiest person, I should say clumsy. Your focus was on the drinks in your hand and trying not to trip. When you felt two hands on both your shoulders. 

''Watch out little lady, don't want you pouring these drinks over other people!'' 

'' Yep, still cute. fuck''. He had the biggest smile on his face. ''I'm sorry, I'm not that good at.. this'' 

''What? talking to me, or carrying those drinks?'' He was grinning, more like smirking,
''did he notice he makes me nervous?'' You started to stutter a little bit.'' Why w-wouldn't I be good at talking to you? I meant the drinks''. You couldn't help but blush.'' I need to get these drinks to my friends ''

and you walked away. 

''Here you go a gin and tonic for both of you!''

''WAS THAT HIM?'' Amy pointed at the spot the two of you were talking just a minute ago

''Yes it was!! cute isn't he?'' Hannah said 

you just sat there quietly while they talked about the man/boy named Razz and how cute he was. ''How do I do this every time? '' you said out of nowhere, Hannah and Amy both shockingly looked at you. ''Do what (y/n)?'' Amy asked.''I have been looking around this bar for the last hour to see where he was. I go to the bar, I see him, he talks!! and what do I do? I stutter and say I have to go. Like seriously? ''

''It's alright (y/n) maybe you just chickened out, we've all been there! Just look around for the next one''

''Seriously Hannah she is not that type of girl we should respect that''. Amy reacted. ''It's alright ok, I think we can honestly say we did some weird stuff around guys as well, maybe he found it cute?''

You looked at Amy with your eyebrows pulled up.''yea, good one Amy. But he was really c..''

''Uhm excuse me ladies''. There he stood, tall and handsome, what was he doing here? ''I found something that belongs to you at the bar''. He reached out his right hand and in it was your wallet. ''I figured with the drinks you had to juggle you didn't have place for you wallet, but next time I might not be there to find it''. he gave it to you with a quick wink. ''Don't want any other boys bringing this to you''. He stood there for a few seconds looking into your eyes, when he looked away he said: ''Well ladies enjoy your night''. And just like that, he walked towards the exit and walked out. 

''Seriously?'' we all went silent there for a good minute. ''I get it now (y/n)''

''Oh hell no!'' Amy climbed over you in the booth and ran towards the door. 

You and Hannah were left there staring at the door. ''WHAT IS SHE DOING?'' you shouted

''I think she's going after him..'' 

you were left there staring at your wallet and smiling at it. ''He was nice, he really was, you have been nothing but awkward and weird all night and he keeps cracking jokes and being nice. our first night in London and I meet a guy like that. how could anyone this week be better than him?'' At that moment Amy walked in with a big smile. you looked up at her hopefully.

''well?'' Hannah said after a while

''He is going to the same party we're going to on Wednesday, I told him you're normally not this weird, which now I wonder if it was a good thing to say.. but anyways.. he is going and he would like to get a drink with you there''.

''IT'S A DATE!'' Hannah screamed through the entire bar, Amy grabbed her hand and they both started laughing hysterically. you just looked at them and smiled. how did I deserve such good friends? ''I guess we have to go shopping tomorrow?'' you spoke after a while 

''DEAL!'' Hannah answered immediately.

The rest of the night was full of laughter some delicious drinks and crisps. It was a very good start of your vacation! 

Vacation crush. Razzbowski x Reader *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now